DH theory

  1. American Dental Hygienists Assosiation
  2. Canadian dental hygienists association
  3. the skills understanding and professional values of an indivdual ready for beginning dental hygiene pratice
  4. postlicensure short-term eductional experiences for refresher, pudting and renewal, continueing education units may be required for relicensure
    continuing education
  5. term used todescribe the relationships between patient, dentist, and dental hygienist when coordinating the efforts to attain and maintain the oral health of the patient
  6. the science and practice of the prevention of oral diseases; the integrated preventive and treatment services administered for the patient by a dental hygienist
    dental hygiene care
  7. the services within the framework of the total treatment plan to be carried out by the dental hygienist
    dental hygiene care plan
  8. identificaton of an existing or potential oral health problem that a denal hygienist is qualified and licensed to treat
    dental hygiene diagnosis
  9. an organized systematic group of activities that provides the framework for delivering quality dental hygiene care
    dental hygiene process of care
  10. dental health specialist whose primary concern is the maintenance of oral healt and the prevention of oral disease
    dental hygienist
  11. the evaluation, diagnosis, preventio, and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical, or related procedures) of diseases, disorders, and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area, and/or the adjacent and associated structures an their impact on the human body, provided by a dentist, within the scope of his/her deucation, training, and experience, in accordance with the ethics of the profession and applicable law (American dental association)
  12. state of physical, mental, and social well-being, not only the absence of a disease
  13. the process of enabling people to increase control and improve their health through self care, mutual aid, and the creation of healthy environments
    health promotion
  14. the science of health and its preservation; a condition or practice, such as cleanliness, that is conducive to the preservation of health
  15. intnational federation of dental hygienists
  16. procedures for preservation of health of the oral cavity; personal maintenance of cleanliness and other measures recommended by dental professionals
    oral hygiene
  17. an action taken by a dental hygiensist to maintain or restore a patient's optimal oral health
  18. acceptance for licensure by a regulatory body (state, province) on the evidence from a license obtained in another state where equivalent standards and requirements are required; also called reciprocity, a mutual or cooperative exchange
    license by credential
  19. employs the techniques and agents to abort the onset of disease, to reverse the progress of the initial stages of disease, or to arrest the disease process before treatment becomes necessary
    primary healthcare
  20. occupation or calling that requires specialized knowledge, methods, and skills, as well as preparation, from an institution of higher learning, in the scholarly, scientific, and historic principles underlying such methods and skills; a profession continuously enlarges its body of knowledge, functions autonomously in formulation of policy, and maintains high standards of achievement and conduct; members of a profession are committed to continuing study, place service above personal gain, and are committed to providing practical services vtal to human and social welfare
  21. a forecast of the probable course andoutcome of the treatment of a condition or disease
  22. term applied to a legal relationship between dentist and dental team members in practice. each practice act defines the type of supervision required
  23. the science of the prevention and treatment of oral disease through the provision of educational, assessment, prventive, clinical, and other therapeutic services in a collaborative working relationship with a consulting dentist, but without general supervision
    collaborative practive of dental hygiene
  24. the dentist has diagnosed and authorized the condition to be treated, remains on the premises while the procedure is performed, and approves the work performed before dismissal of the patient
    direct supervision
  25. the dentist has authorized the procedure for a patient of record but need not be present when the authorized procecure is carried out by a licensed dental hygienist. the procedure is carried out in accordance wth the dentist's diagnosis ad treatment plan
    general supervsion
  26. while the dentist is personally training a patient, the dental hygienist is authorized to aid in the treatment by condurrently performing a supportive procedure
    personal supervision
  27. refers to a learned set of beliefs, values, attitudes, convictions, an behaviors that are common to a group (especially an ethnic group) of people and usually passed down from generation to generation
  28. a set of congruent attitudes, skills, behaviors, and policies that enable effective cross cultural communication for delivery of oral health sciences
    cultural competence
  29. refers to a dynamic relationship between provider and patient that results in culturally relevant and culturally specific oral healthcare recommendations; delivery of oral healthcare services in a way that is respectful of and responsive to the cultural norms and linguistic needs of individual patients
    culturally effective oral health care
  30. refers to making an effort to understand the language, culture, and behaviors of diverse individuals and groups
    cultural sensitivity
  31. refers to providing culturally appropriate oral and written health information for persons with limited proficiency in english (or other dominant local language)
    linguistic competence
  32. significant differences in oral health status and/or access to oral health services between one population and another; populations affected by disparities include racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and persons with disabilities
    oral health disparities
  33. written health information that uses simplified terminology, pictures, or any other method that can enhance understanding for patients with limited laguage proficiency
    plain language publication
  34. refers to seeing individuals from a population group as having no individuality, as though all have the same (often perceived as negative) characteristics
  35. the act of self-determination by persons with the ability to make a choice or decision. exists for both the dental hygienists and the patients
  36. doing good for a benefit or enhanced welfare.
  37. involvesthe rights of patients to privacy; a duty of dental hygienists is to protect privileged communication
  38. basic values of a provession; guide to choices or actions by implying a preference for what is deemed to be acceptable in the profession
    core values
  39. a problem that involves two morally correct choices or courses of action. There may not be a single answer and, depending on the choice, the outcomes can differ
    ethical dilemma
  40. a common probem wherein a solution is readily grounded in the governing practice act, recongized laws, or acceptable standards of care. Decisions involving ethical issues are generally more clearly defined than are dilemmas
    ethical issue
  41. a sense of moral obligation; a system of moral principles that governs the conduct of a professional group, planned by the for the common good of people; priniples of morality
  42. fair treatment according to an equitable distribution of benefits and brdens; impartiality; a core value.
  43. a principle or habit with respect to right or wrong behavior
  44. avoidance of hamr to others; a core value
  45. expectations by the patient that correlate with the duties of a provessional person when providing care
  46. maintaining a bond of trust in the relationships between the dental hygienist and patients, other professional persons, and the public
    societal trust
  47. a duty to tell the truth when information is disclosed to patients about treatment
  48. character trait; one must intend to act virtuously as a professional. examples include honesty, compassion, care, and wisdom
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DH theory
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