GEOG 1003

  1. Cultural Landsape
    Human activities that let a mark on the Earth's physical landscape in the form of culture, food, lifestyles, living, hunting, etc....
  2. Hinterland
    the main outer zone of influence of a city. A zone of interaction around a city.
  3. Latitude
    measure of distance north and south.
  4. Longitude
    measure distance east and west
  5. International Date Line
    sits on the 180 degree line of longitude and is an imaginary line that separates 2 calendar days that are consecutive.
  6. Formal Region
    a region that is classified by its degree of sameness in one or more ways. Physical &/or cultural.
  7. Climate
    at least 30 years of weather data
  8. Weather
    conditions of the atmosphere at a present point in time.
  9. Tectonic Plates
    plates in the crust of the earth that move very slowly and carry the continents.
  10. B-Climates
    arid and dry climates and occur in the middle & lower latitudes
  11. Double Maximum
    2 rainy and 2 dry seasons interspersed by .
  12. Hydro-logic Cycle
    a system that carries evaporated ocean water to the atmosphere, then over land and results in either rain or snow. Involves water in all its forms.
  13. A _________ is a geometric representation of the earth's surface on a flat or plane surface.
    map projection
  14. On the ________, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the sun's rays are vertical over the Tropic of Cancer at noon.
    Summer Solstice
  15. The number of time zones around the globe is_______.
  16. Using the graphic bar scale of the physical map of North America, the straight distance between Seattle and Denver is approximately__________ miles.
  17. On this same map, the representative-fraction scale that one unit of map distance represents exactly_______ units of real distance on the earth's surface.
  18. The atmospheric pressure over northern Australia is ______ (low or high) in January
  19. During January, the winds blow______ (toward or away from) the north coast of Australia.
  20. Precipitation along the north coast of Australia is ______ (greater, less, or the same) in January as compared to July.
  21. In Chile, Morocco, South Africa, and California, the major grape-growing regions are in areas of the climate type called _________, which is designated by the 2 letters______.
    Mediterranean, CS
  22. The most widespread type of agriculture practiced in areas with AF climates is called_______
    shifting cultivation
  23. According to the world population density map, most of Alaska and Australia are inhabited by ______ persons per square mile.
  24. The continent with the largest areas characterized by high birth and death rates is ________.
  25. Literacy in the Philippines is______ (lower, higher, or the same) in comparison to Pakistan.
  26. The people of India receive, on the average _______ grams of protein daily.
  27. In Vietnam, there are _______ people for every one physician.
  28. The annual per-capita commercial energy consumption (coal equivalent) for Africa is _____ percent of the world total.
  29. According to the "Principal Cities of the World" table, the metropolitan area of greater Tokyo contains _______ million people.
  30. The percent of the adult population diagnosed HIV positive in South Africa is ______.
    over 10%
  31. According to the gross domestic product (GDP) chart and map in your atlas, _______percent of the world's population is categorized as having a per capita GNP of less than $1000.00.
  32. In Nigeria, the infant mortality rate for children under one year of age is _____deaths per 1,000 live births.
  33. According to the "World Political Information Table" in the atlas, the population per square mile in Egypt is ______ while in Saudi Arabia it is______.
    195, 30
  34. Most of North Africa and Arabia lies within the climate region called______ which is designated by the 3 letters______.
    desert, Bwh
  35. The coastal zones of Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco experience a type of climate called _______.
  36. The birth rate in Iran is ______ (higher, lower, or the same) in comparison to that of Turkey.
  37. The GDP per capita of Libya is ________ (higher, lower or the same) in comparison to that of Morocco.
  38. The literacy rate in Ethiopia is _______ percent.
    under 50%
  39. The predominant language along the Algerian-Moroccan border is _______.
  40. Egypt's per-capita calorie supply is (higher or lower) that most of Africa_________.
  41. The realm's greatest producer of petroleum is the country of _________.
    Saudi Arabia
  42. The only independent countries of North Africa in 1950 were ______ and _______.
    Egypt, Ethiopia
  43. Africa connects to Asia by way of Egypt's _______ peninsula.
  44. The famed Sphinx and Giza pyramids lie just ______(northeast, northwest, southeast, or southwest) of Cairo.
  45. On the physical-political maps of Northern Africa and the middle east in your atlas, the long red-dotted lines represent_______ which crisscross the realm's arid countries.
    caravan routes
  46. The word erg appears in many places on maps of North Africa; it is an Arabic word meaning ________.
    dune or sandy desert
  47. The ruins of Babylon lie in the country now called ______, along a tributary of the _______River.
    Iraq, Euphrates
  48. The word wadi appears in several places on maps of Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula--always in association with a broken blue line. Wadi is an Arabic word meaning______.
    Intermittent Stream
  49. A pastoral people who speak a language of the Berber sub-group live in southern Algeria. The name of this culture group and their language is ______.
  50. The world's principal exporter of dates is _______
    United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  51. Of the North African-Southwest Asian realm, the country that produces the most tobacco and wheat is ______.
  52. (True or False) According to the "Major Agricultural Regions" map, the most widespread economic activity in North Africa is nomadic herding_______.
  53. The natural vegetation of western Equatorial Africa is _____, but the "Africa Environments" map shows that many portions of this land, like the area surrounding Yaounde, have bee converted to ______.
    forest, cropland
  54. On the same map, we see that the land around Kano is now used as ________ looking at the "vegetation" map, however, we see that the natural vegetation of that area was ________.
    crop and grazing land, tall grass savanna
  55. Of earthquakes, tropical storms, deserts, and volcanoes,_____________do not effect Ethiopia.
    tropical storms + tusnamis
  56. Khoisan, a language group once spoken over much of Africa, is now restricted primarily to the Bushmen and Hottentots of the ______ and _______ Deserts of Southern Africa.
    Kalahan, Namib
  57. The climate of Cape Town is most similar to that of ________
  58. The distinctive rainfall on the island of Madagascar is due to the phenomenon known as _______ precipitation.
  59. According to the "landforms" map, most of Africa has a _______ type of landform.
    hills and low tablelands
  60. The only 3 countries of Subsaharan Africa that were independent (not ruled by a foreign power) as of 1950 were ______, _________, and_________.
    Liberia, Ethiopia, and South Africa
  61. Africa's highest mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro, reaches _______ feet above sea level.
  62. The calories supply in North Africa is generally _____ (above/below) that of Subsaharan Africa.
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GEOG 1003