
  1. TQM
    Total Quality Management
  2. An estimate of duties may include.
    • · Accounting.
    • · Customer Service – TQM = Total Quality Management.
    • · Management.
  3. What is estimating?
    • 1. Develop a plan for production.
    • 2. Assign cost associated
  4. Developing a Plan for production (Analyzed & Broken down)
    • · Us Artwork provided?
    • · How is it supplied? Email, flash drive, CD, upload, download?
    • · Preflight what is needed
    • - Proofing
    • - Checking errors
    • · Bleed· Stock· Ink color
    • · What kind of proof – color matching
    • · Turn Around time
  5. How long does it take from when it comes in to time it takes to go out?
    · Finishing – speed time. Embossing, perfecting

    · Out Source – cannot have in shop, lost control of delivery time

    · Other – delivery instructions

    · After all done then assign cost.
  6. 2 types of production segments
    In house

    · Know what you are capable of doing in house.


    · Embossing

    · Bindery – folding

    · Graphic design

    · Silk-screening
  7. What are?
    • · Timelines
    • · Cost
    • · Other
    • · Then assigning cost BHR (Budget Hourly Rate)
    • · Material need
  8. Estimated Cost
  9. {Production time X BHR} + Material + Outsourcing = Estimated Job Cost(EJC) + Add a markup (Markup) = Quote (x + y)
  10. Material Costs.
  11. a) Outsourcing, buyouts, calculate material costs,paper, supplies.
  12. Operating Personnel & Policies.
    • Production time and sequences:
    • a) Number of effect cost and production.
    • · Vacation.
    • · Holiday.
    • · Overtime – multiple shifts.
    • · Coffee break.
    • · Union Contract Parameters.
  13. Printing Production Equipment.
    • · Should understand output of equipment.
    • · Print and product and equipment.
    • · Output speeds.
    • · Production methods.
Card Set
Print Estimating terminology