Biology Test Cells

  1. What are the organelles and what are the functions of them?
  2. How do the organelles work togethor?
    The work together by breaking into groups that do specific things. All together they support the organism, and on a lower level the cell.
  3. Cell Theory
  4. What are the three main functions of a cell?
    Make proteins


  5. what is the process for creating proteins from DNA? What organelles are involved?
    1 Proteins are assembled on ribosomes

    2 Proteins may be inserted into the RER for chemical modification.

    3 The proteins are then carried from the RER to the Golgi Apparatus in vesicles.

    4 The Golgi Apparatus further modifies the proteins more, and then packages them into membrane bound vesicles.

    5 From there the proteins are carried to their final destinations.
  6. What are three differences between DNA and RNA?
    1 Double helix versus single helix

    2 The prescence of Ribose in RNA instead of Deoxyribose which is in DNA

    3 DNA never leaves the Nucleus
  7. Explain Concentration Gradients.
    Concentration Gradients help maintain homeostasis within a cell. For instance there is a high concentration of Particle A on one side of a gradient. It wants to get through to the other side of the gradient because it has a lower concentration. To do this, it has to go through a special "machine" and powers it as it does. This give the machine energy to do what it needs to do.
  8. Explain ATP-S
    First off: ATP- Adenine Triple phosphate

    ADP- Adenine Double Phosphate

    ATP is energy. We need it to live. The third phosphate on the end makes all the difference in it. Without it it becomes ADP. To get back to ATP it needs an ATP-S (Adenine Triple Phosphate Synthase). The ATP-S gives it the extra Phosphate it needs to become useful. However to preform this vital function the ATP-S needs energy. The ATP-S is a gradient. Protons go through this gradient to get to the other side, and in turn are powering the ATP-S. This is how the ATP-S works.
  9. What are the parts of a cell membrane
    The parts of a cell membrane are displayed below.

    The circles represent the polar heads. These like the water. The lines represent the non polar tails. They do not like water. In order for water to pass, they have to go through the aquaphorins which is represented by the red block. Without the red block water would not be able to get inside a cell.
  10. What do enzymes do?
    Enzymes are very specific key and hole chemicals that lower the activation energy.
Card Set
Biology Test Cells
Prep cards for mu "quest" in Bio