what are the six roles of dental hygienist?
- clinician
- educator
- researcher
- administrator/manager
- advocate
- public health
what are the three services of a dental hygienist?
- preventive
- educational
- therapeutic
What is ADPIE?
- assessment
- dental hygiene diagnosis
- dental hygiene care planning
- implementation
- evaluation
what is the first component of dental hygiene process and what is it?
- assessment
- proveides a foundation for patient care by collecting both subjective and objective data
what is the objectives of assessment?
- systematic collection of comprehensive date relative to the health status of the individual patient
- documentation of data in patients record
what is subjective data in the assessment?
- obtained by observation and interaction with patient
- includes complaint, perception of health, care and value of oral health
what is objective data in the assessment?
- physical and oral assessment
- clinical and radiographic finds, probing depths, carious lesions, defective restorations
what is he second step in the process of care? and what is it?
- diagnosis
- identifies the health behaviors of individuals as well as the actual or potential oral health problems, to help in the process of planning
what is the objectives of the diagnosis?
- identify the health behaviors of individual as well as the health problems.
- provide basis for care plan to be designed, implemented and evaluated
- justify the treatment proposed to patient
- responsibility for patient care.
what is the processing of the diagnosis?
- include classification interpretation and validation of information collected during assessment phase
- compare findings with standards or norms
- recognize deviations or abnormalities
- direct interaction with patient
- consultation with other professionals
what is the third step in the process of care? and what is it?
- planning
- interventions to be performed by the patient, dental hygienist or others to meet needs of patient attaining oral health
what are the objectives of planning?
- develop strategies to meet the individual needs of patient
- incorporate priorities, goals, interventions and expected outcomes
what is the fourth step in the process of care? and what is it?
- implementation
- activation of the care plan, dental hygiene services performed and personal daily oral care instructions given
what are the objectives of implementation
- put care plan into active
- perform identified activities
what is the final step in the process of care plan? define
- evaluation
- determine patients needs to be retreated, referred or placed on maintenance
who is the father of dental hygiene
Alfred C Fones
what are the 7 core values in dental hygiene?
- individual autonomy and respect of humans
- confidentiality
- societal trust
- beneficence
- nonmaleficence
- justice and fairness
- veracity
what is the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical issue?
- ethical dilemma- choice between 2 right choices
- ethical issues- legal vs illegal