Quiz 1c

    • Basilica Ulpia
    • Rome
    • 98 - 117 AD
  1. Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine
  2. Basilica of Maxentius
    • Plan, Forum Romanum
    • Rome
    • 1st century BC - 4th century AD
    • Arch of Titus
    • Rome
    • 90 AD
    • Arch of Constantine
    • Rome
    • 315 AD
    • Imperial Forums
    • Rome
    • 46 BC - 117 AD
    • Detail of arcade spandrels and capitals
    • Hagia Sophia
    • Istaubul, Turkey
    • 532 - 527 AD
    • Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus
    • Old St Peter's
    • Rome
    • began 333
    • Plan
    • Old St Peter's
    • Rome
    • began 333
    • Interior
    • St Apollonaire
    • Classe, Ravenna
    • 534 - 549 AD
  3. Byzantine domes on pendentives
  4. Pendentive dome
    • Hagia Sophia
    • Istanbul, Turkey
    • 532 - 537 AD
    • Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus
    • Plan
    • Hagia Sophia
    • Istanbul, Turkey
    • 532 - 537 AD
    • Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus
    • Nave
    • Hagia Sophia
    • Istanbul, Turkey
    • 532 - 537 AD
    • Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus
    • Axonometric
    • Hagia Sophia
    • Istanbul, Turkey
    • Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of Miletus
    • San Vitale
    • Ravenna
    • begun 526 AD
    • under Justinian
    • Plan
    • San Vitale
    • Ravenna
    • began 526 AD
    • Interior from ambulatory
    • San Vitale
    • Ravenna
    • begun 526 AD
    • Church of St Riquier
    • Centula, France
    • 790 - 799 AD
    • Plan
    • Fulda Abbey Church
    • 791 - 821 AD
    • Gatehouse/Torhaalle of the Abbey
    • Lorsch, Germany
    • 767 - 774 AD
    • Model
    • Monastery of St Gall
    • 820
    • Plan
    • St Gall
    • 820 AD
    • Romanesque cloister
    • Ste - Trophime
    • Arles, France
    • 12th C
    • Plan and section
    • St Michael's
    • Hildershiem, Germany
    • 1001 - 1033
  5. I
    • Interior
    • St Etienne
    • Nevers, France
    • 1063 - 1097 AD
    • St Etienne
    • Nevers, France
    • 1063 - 1097
    • Nave and choir
    • St Sernin
    • Toulouse, France
    • 1080 - 1120 AD
    • Plan
    • St Sernin
    • Toulouse, France
    • 1080 - 1120 AD
Card Set
Quiz 1c