ELFI Ch 9.txt

  1. 9.1: O to A for life, then to B and his heirs, then to C and his heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder in fee simple absolute
    • C: nothing
  2. 9.2: O to A for life, then to B's heirs, then to C's heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B's heirs: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • C's heirs: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  3. 9.3: O to A and her heirs as long as the land is used for educational purposes.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in fee simple determinable
    • O: possibility of reverter in fee simple absolute
  4. 9.4: O to A for 10 years, then to B, but if B has not yet graduated from law school, then to C.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate for a term of years
    • B: vested remainder (subject to divestment) in fee simple subject to executory limitation.
    • C: a shifting executory interest in fee simple absolute
  5. 9.5: O to A and her heirs as long as the land is used for educational purposes, but if the land is not used for educational purposes, then to B and his heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in fee simple determinable
    • B: shifting executory interest in fee simple absolute
  6. 9.6: T (Testator) to A for 5 years, then to B, but if, after taking possession, B ever fails to place a red rose on T's grave on T's birthday, then to C.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate for a term of years
    • B: vested remainder in fee simple subject to an executory limitation
    • C: a shifting executory interest in fee simple absolute
  7. 9.7: O to A and her heirs, but if she stops using the land for educational purposes, then to O.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in fee simple subject to a condition subsequent
    • O: right of entry in fee simple absolute
  8. 9.8: O to A if she graduates from law school. (A has not yet graduated from law school.)
    What is the state of the title?
    • O: possessory estate in fee simple subject to an executory limitation
    • A: springing executory interest in fee simple absolute
  9. 9.9: O to A for life, then to B if B survives A, but if B does not survive A, to C's children. (C has no child.)
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • C's children: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  10. 9.10: Same as 9-9, but assume that C has a child, X.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • X: contingent remainder in fee simple subject to open
  11. 9.11: O to A for life, then to B, but if B ever allows A to be moved into a nursing home, then to C.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder subject to divestment in fee simple subject to executory limitation
    • C: shifting executory interest in fee simple absolute
  12. 9.12: First conveyance: O to A for life, then to B and her heirs.
    Second conveyance: A to C.
    Now classify the estates and interests.
    What is the state of the title?
    • C: possessory estate in life pur autre vie
    • B: vested remainder in fee simple absolute
  13. 9.13: O to A for life, then to the person who is then Dean of O's law school.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • The Dean: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  14. 9.14: O to A for life, then to B if B is then married to C. (B is married to C.)
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  15. 9.15: O to A for life, then to B, but if B does not serve as the executor of A's estate, then to C.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder in fee simple subject to an executory limitation
    • C: shifting executory interest in fee simple absolute
  16. 9.16: O to A for life, then to B if B adopts A's surviving children.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • O: reversion in fee simple subject to an executory limitation
    • B: springing executory interest in fee simple absolute
  17. 9.17: O to A, but if A mines the property, then to B and her heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • A: possessory estate in fee simple subject to an executory limitation
    • B: shifting executory interest in fee simple absolute
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ELFI Ch 9.txt
Estates in Land and Future Interests, Chapter 9