ELFI Ch 12.txt

  1. 12.1: O to A for life, then to A's heirs and their heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to A's heirs and their heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in fee simple absolute
  2. 12.2: O to A for life, then to B for life, then to A's heirs and their heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to B for life, then to A's heirs and their heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder in life estate
    • A: vested remainder in fee simple absolute
  3. 12.3: O to A for life, then to O's heirs and their heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to O's heirs and their heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  4. 12.4: O to A for life, then to B for life, then to O's heirs and their heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to B for life, then to O's heirs and their heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder in life estate
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  5. 12.5: O to A for life, then to A's children. (A has two children, B and C.)
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to A's children. (A has two children, B and C.)
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B & C: vested remainder in fee simple (subject to open)
  6. 12.6: O to A for life, but if A divorces, then to O's heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, but if A divorces, then to O's heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate subject to a condition subsequent
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute (O also has a right of entry, which is incorporated within the reversion.)
  7. 12.7: O to A for life, then to B. Then B conveys to A's heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to B. Then B conveys to A's heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate A's heirs: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • B: reversion in fee simple absolute (because B was the grantor to A's heirs)
  8. 12.8: O to A for life, then to B for life, then to B's heirs and their heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to B for life, then to B's heirs and their heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder in fee simple absolute
  9. 12.9: O to A for life, and 2 years later to O's heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, and 2 years later to O's heirs.
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • O: reversion in fee simple absolute
  10. 12.10: O to A for life, then to B. Then B conveys to O's heirs.
    What is the state of the title?
    • O to A for life, then to B. Then B conveys to O's heirs.
    • After first conveyance:
    • A: possessory estate in life estate
    • B: vested remainder in fee simple absolute
    • After second conveyance:
    • A: possessory estate in life estate O's heirs: contingent remainder in fee simple absolute
    • B: reversion in fee simple absolute (because B is the grantor to O's heirs)
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ELFI Ch 12.txt
Estates in Land and Future Interests, Chapter 12