head and neck

  1. mylohyoid muscle
    • floor of the mouth
    • elevates the tongue
  2. stylohyoid muscle
    elevates the hyoid
  3. hyoid bone
    doesn't touch any bones
  4. sternohyoid muscle
    depresses the hyoid
  5. superior belly of omohyoid muscle
    depresses the hyoid
  6. thyrohyoid muscle
    • DOESN'T move the hyoid bone
    • elevates the thyroid
  7. inferior belly of omohyoid
    depresses the hyoid
  8. anterior belly of digrastric muscle
    • attached to the hyoid
    • elevates hyoid
  9. thyrohyoid membrane
    connects the thyroid and hyoid
  10. posterior belly of digastric
    elevates the hyoid
  11. stylopharyngeus muscle
    elevates pharynx
  12. superior pharyngeal constrictor
    • elevates pharynx and larynx
    • helps swallow
  13. what does the superior pharyngeal constrictor connect?
    • buccinator muscle
    • superior pharyngeal constrictor
  14. describe the masseter muscle
    long, straight, vertical
  15. temporalis is the muscle of ____________
  16. temporalis ____________mandible (closes jaw)
    and ____________mandible
    • elevates
    • retracts
    • V3
  17. masseter ____________mandible
    • elevates (closes jaw)
    • V3
  18. medial pterygoid______________mandible
    • elevates (closes jaw)
    • V3
  19. lateral pterygoid ____________mandible,
    _____________ mandible,
    and ______________mandible
    • depresses
    • deviates
    • protrudes
    • V3
  20. nerve that passes through the incisive canal
    nasopalatine nerve
  21. nerve that passes through the foramen ovale
    3rd branch of the trigeminal nerve
  22. nerve that passes through the foramen spinosum
    middle meningeal artery
  23. nerve that passes through the carotid canal
    internal carotid artery
  24. nerves that pass through the jugular foramen
    • internal jugular vein
    • IX, X, XI
  25. nerves that pass through the hypoglossal canal
    cranial nerve XII
  26. nerves that pass through the stylomastoid foramen
    facial VII
  27. nerves that pass through the foramen magnum
    • spinal cord
    • XI (accessory)
  28. nerves that pass through the foramen rotundum
    2nd branch of the trigeminal nerve
  29. what passes through the foramen lacerum?
  30. nerves that pass though the internal acoustic meatus
  31. what two places does the facial nerve pass though?
    • stylomastoid foramen
    • internal acoustic meatus
Card Set
head and neck
head and neck anatomy