my flashcards for eop

  1. Culture
    Term that refers to the material and non-material products that people in a society create or acquire from other societies and pass on to future generations.
  2. Diversity
    The variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined setting.
  3. Ethnicity
    A quality assigned to a specific group of people historically connected by a common national origin or language.
  4. Inclusive Curriculum
    Courses and programs with a multicultural focus.
  5. Multiculturalism
    The active process of acknowledging and respecting the various social groups, cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, attitudes, and opinions within an environment.
  6. Race
    Term that refers to a group of people who are distinct from others in terms of certain inherited characteristics such as skin color, hair color, body build, and facial features.
  7. Stereotype
    Preconceived notions about people of other races, cultures, and life styles.
  8. long-term Goals
    Goal that may take years to reach, such as becoming a successful accountant or getting into law school.
  9. Short-term Goals
    Goal achievable in a shorter time frame, such as reviewing your notes daily or staying in on a Friday night to get more work done for the coming week.
  10. Strategies
    Plans and timelines for achieving your goals.
  11. Abstract Conceptualization
    An ability defined in the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles that allows an individual to integrate observations into logically sound theories.
  12. Accommodator
    One of four groups of learners described by the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles. Accommodators prefer hands-on learning and are good at making things happen, they rely on intuition, and are sometimes pushy and impatient. Accommodators often major in business, especially in marketing or sales.
  13. Active Experimentation
    An ability defined in the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles that allows individuals to make decisions, solve problems, and test what they have learned in new situations.
  14. Assimilator
    One of four groups of learners described by the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles, assimilators think about abstract concepts, are comfortable with theoretical ideas, and often major in math, physics, or chemistry.
  15. Concrete Experience
    An ability defined in the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles that allows individuals to involve themselves fully in new experiences.
  16. Dyslexia
    A developmental reading disorder in which there is an inability to distinguish or separate the sounds in spoken words.
  17. Extraverts
    People who are outgoing, gregarious, and talkative; often good communicators who are quick to act and lead.
  18. Feeling Types
    People who are typically warm, empathic, sympathetic, and interested in the happiness of others as well as themselves; they tend to value harmony and kindness.
  19. Introverts
    People who are reflective and cautious; often careful listeners with a tendency toward shyness.
  20. Intuitive Types
    People who are often original, creative, and non-traditional; they tend to have difficulty with routine details.
  21. Judging Types
    People who approach the world in a planned, orderly, organized way; they tend to be natural organizers who get things done and on time.
  22. Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles
    A learning inventory based on a four-stage cycle of learning that was developed in the 1980s by David Kolb.
  23. Learning Disorder
    A disorder that affects people's ability to either interpret what they see and hear or to link information from different parts of the brain.
  24. Learning Style
    Way of approaching your studies often as dictated by your psychological type.
  25. Multiple Intelligences
    A learning theory developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, based on the premise that there are eight different intelligences to describe how humans learn.
  26. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    The most widely used personality test designed for normal individuals, administered to several million people worldwide each year.
  27. Perceiving Types
    People who adopt a flexible, wait-and-see approach to the world; they tend to delay decisions and procrastinate.
  28. Personality
    General term referring to your characteristic ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
  29. Psychological Type
    Refers specifically to the personality theory of psychoanalyst Carl Jung.
  30. Reflective Observation
    An ability defined in the Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles that allows individuals to reflect on their experiences from many perspectives.
  31. Sensing Types
    People who are typically practical, factual, realistic, and down-to-earth; they are often patient and effective with routine and details.
  32. Thinking Types
    People who tend to be logical, rational, analytical, and critical; they tend to value fairness.
  33. VARK
    A learning theory, VARK is an acronym for "Visual," "Aural," "Read/Write," and "Kinesthetic."
  34. Cornell Format
    A note-taking method in which you create a �recall� column on each page of your notebook by drawing a vertical line about 2 to 3 inches from the left border.
  35. Short-Term Memory
    Memory that can hold approximately seven "chunks" of information for a brief period of time. Also known as "working memory."
  36. Supplemental Instruction
    Classes that provide students further opportunity to discuss the information presented in lectures.
  37. Abstract Thinking
    First stage of thinking that uses details to discover some bigger idea.
  38. Argument
    Reasons and information brought together in logical support of some idea.
  39. Brainstorming
    Allowing ideas to flow freely, suspending judgment until a later time.
  40. Collaborate
    Working with others.
  41. Creative Thinking
    Second stage of thinking that seeks connections, finds new possibilities, and rejects nothing.
  42. Critical Thinking
    Process of choosing alternatives, weighing them, and considering what they suggest; involves learning to ask pertinent questions and testing your assumptions against hard evidence.
  43. Engagement
    Active involvement.
  44. Liberal Education
    Education with the goal of freeing students from biases, superstitions, prejudices, and lack of knowledge.
  45. Library Research Teams
    Collaborative learning team whose members assist each other in locating and sharing sources of information; helps reduce "library anxiety."
  46. Note-taking Teams
    Collaborative learning team consisting of classmates who share and compare notes immediately after class.
  47. One-minute Paper
    Tool for improving learning in which a student writes a one-minute summary of the main issue of each class session and lists their unanswered questions for the next class.
  48. Precise Communication
    Fourth stage of thinking that involves being prepared to present your ideas convincingly to others.
  49. Reading teams
    Collaborative learning team consisting of classmates who compare highlight and margin notes for reading assignments.
  50. Systematic Thinking
    Third stage of thinking that involves looking at the outcome of the second stage in a more demanding, critical way.
  51. Team Test Results Review
    Collaborative learning team consisting of classmates who review their individual tests together to help one another identify the sources of their mistakes and to identify any answers that received high scores, providing each team member with a clearer idea of what the instructor expects.
  52. Team/Instructor Conferences
    Meeting in which a collaborative learning team visits the instructor during office hours to seek additional assistance in study or completing work.
  53. Annotating
    Reading strategy in which the reader writes key ideas in the margins of the text.
  54. Chunking
    A note-taking method that divides notes into sections of information to be visualized.
  55. Glossary
    Section of a text used to define unfamiliar terms.
  56. Idioms
    Phrases that are peculiar and cannot be understood from the individual meanings of the words.
  57. Mapping
    Image created during preview stage that provides a visual guide to how different chapter ideas fit together.
  58. Marking
    An active reading strategy that helps students to concentrate on the material as they read.
  59. Previewing
    First step in textbook reading; allows student to get the "big picture" of the material about to be read.
  60. Primary Source
    Original research or document.
  61. Reviewing
    Final step in textbook reading; involves using notes, study questions, annotations, flash cards, visual maps, and outlines to improve retention of information.
  62. Short-Term Memory
    Memory that can hold approximately seven "chunks" of information for a brief period of time. Also known as "working memory."
  63. Terminology
    Specialized vocabulary, often new in a college text.
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my flashcards for eop
my flashcards for eop