Vehicular Homicide
- Death Resulting (within three years) from any Vehicular Accident
- Class A Felony
- 46.61.520
Failure to Stop
- Fails to STOP when Requested OR Signaled to do so by identifiable LE
- Criminal Traffic - Misdemeanor
- 46.61.022
Fail to Cooperate OR Gives False Information[on Traffic Stop]
- Person is in control of vehicle
- AND GIVES a FALSE Name & Address
- OR Person REFUSES to give Name & address of the Vehicles' owner
- OR REFUSES to PRODUCE Vehicle Registration, Insurance card, or Driver’s license
- Criminal Traffic - Misdemeanor
- 46.61.020
Fail to Stop upon request of LE [Traffic]
- Person Fails to STOP when Requested OR Signaled by LE
- Criminal Traffic - Misdemeaner
- 46.61.022
- SIMILAR: Driving – Eluding (5 elements)
- (1) Officer equipped w/lights & siren
- (2) Officer in uniform
- (3) Officer signaled to stop (via hand, voice, siren or lights)
- (4) Refuses to immediately stop
- (5) Drives w/ disregard for others while eluding
- Class C Felony
- 46.61.024