• a. 1st metacarpal
    • b. proximal phalanx of 1st digit
    • c. proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint of 2nd digit
    • d. middle phalanx of 3rd digit
    • e. distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of 4th digit
    • f. distal phalanx of 5th digit
    • g. metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joint of 5th digit
    • h. 5th metacarpal
    • a. trapezium
    • b. trapezoid
    • c. capitate
    • d. hamate
    • a. scaphoid
    • b. lunate
    • c. triquetrum
    • d. pisiform
    • a. olecranon process
    • b. trochlear notch
    • c. coronoid process
    • d. body
    • e. head
    • f. styloid process
    • a. head
    • b. radial tuberosity
    • c. body
    • d. styloid process
  1. Name the articulations
    • a. humeroulnar joint
    • b. proximal radioulnar joint
    • c. humeroradial joint
    • d. distal radioulnar joint
    • e. radiocarpal joint
    • a. coronoid fossa
    • b. medial epicondyle
    • c. trochlea
    • d. capitulum
    • e. lateral epicondyle
    • f. olecranon fossa
    • g. body of humerus
    • a. humerus
    • b. radius
    • c. ulna
    • d. olecranon process
    • e. medial epicondyle
    • f. trochlea
    • g. lateral epicondyle
    • h. capitulum
    • a. head
    • b. greater tubercle
    • c. lesser tubercle
    • d. body of the humerus
    • e. medial epicondyle
    • f. trochlea
    • g. coronoid fossa
    • h. lateral epicondyle
    • i. capitulum
  2. Name position, projection and part:
    AP Elbow
  3. Name position, projection, and part:
    Lateral elbow
  4. Name position, projection and part:
    • AP Oblique Elbow
    • AP Oblique Elbow medial rotation
  5. name position, proj, and part
    • AP Oblique Elbow
    • AP Oblique Elbow Lateral rotation
  6. Name position, part, projection
    PA Digits
  7. name position,proj, part
    Lateral digits
  8. name position, proj, part
    PA Oblique Digit
  9. name pos., proj, part
    AP thumb
  10. name pos, proj, part
    PA Thumb
  11. name pos.,proj., part
    lateral thumb
  12. name pos.,proj, part
    • Lateral projection forearm
    • lateromedial
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