Chapter 13

  1. Petition of Right
    Document prepared by Parliament and signed by King Charles I of England in 1628; challenged the idea of the divine right of kings and declared that even the monarch was subject to the laws of the land
  2. Oliver Cromwell
    Leader of the New Model Army in the English Civil War, where he led the Roundheads to victory against the Cavaliers. He became Lord Protector of Great Britain
  3. Lord Protector
    The title Cromwell took for himself after failing several times to establish a constitutional monarchy.
  4. Glorious Revolution
    A reference to the political events of 1688-1689, when James II was removed from his throne and was replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband, Prince William of Orange. This was extermely popular and sanctioned by almost all of Parliament
  5. Louis XIV
    French king how established a powerful centralized monarchy. Established the prototype of absolutism.
  6. L'etat, ce'st moi
    The alleged declaration of Louis XIV regarding divine right. "I am the state."
  7. Jansenists
    Led by Cornelius Jansen, this Roman Catholic group formed in opposition to the political influence of the Jesuits.
  8. Mercantilism
    An economic system which exploits colonies and territories by encouraging exportation of goods to the mother country.
  9. Declaration of Indulgence 1672
    Charles II's attempt at extending protection to "Protestant nonconformists" i.e. Catholics.
  10. Fronde
    A series of widespread rebellions in response to the policies of Cardinal Mazarin. Resistance to France's transition to an absolute monarchy.
  11. Act of Settlement
    provided that the English crown would go to the German Hanovers if none of Queen Anne's children survived
  12. King James Bible
    One positive outcome from the meeting between James I and the Puritans at Hampton Court, this english translation of the bible was commissionedby King James
  13. Charles I
    King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1625-1649). His power struggles with Parliament resulted in the English Civil War (1642-1648) in which Charles was defeated. He was tried for treason and beheaded in 1649
  14. Grand Remonstrance
    A list of grievances of the throne given to Charles I by the Long Parliament.
  15. New Model Army
    The disciplined fighting force of Protestants led by Oliver Cromwell in the English civil war.
  16. Charles II
    The king of the restoration of the monarchy. HE was a closet Catholic who was secretly trying to reestablish Catholicism in England.
  17. James II
    This was the Catholic king of England after Charles II that granted everyone religious freedom and even appointed Roman Catholics to positions in the army and government
  18. Bill of Rights
    The beginning of constitutional monarchy in England. Itgave parliament the power to convene and dismiss themselves, and subjected the King to the law.
  19. Cardinal Mazarin
    Adviser to Louis XIV. Encouraged absolutism.
  20. Versailles
    The location of the palace court. Became the residence of Louis XIV.
  21. Jean-Baptiste Colbert
    Controller general of finances and a brilliant adviser to Louis XIV. Created a economic base for Louis XIV to finance his wars.
  22. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
    As part of his final stage of his persecution of French Huguenots, Louis XIV did this. As a result, Protestant churches and schools were closed,
  23. Declaration of Indulgence 1687
    James II's attempt at total religious freedom in England. Not passed because he was deposed after the Glorious Revolution soon afterwards.
  24. Test Act
    Parliament passed this in response to Charles II's declaration of indulgences; required all military members to swear an oath against transubstantiation
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Chapter 13