
  1. The variable x increased by 6
    x + 6
  2. The variable x decreased by 6
    x - 6
  3. 6 times the variable
  4. 5 more than 3 times the variable x
    3x + 5
  5. 7 more than the square root of the variable x
  6. items are in the square root box x + 7
  7. 2 less than the product of four and a number
    4x - 2
  8. The sum of 7 divided by a number and that number divided by 7
    7/x + x/7
  9. The product of 6 and a number increased by 4 is 35
    6(x + 4) = 35
  10. One less than the products of 12 and a number
    12x - 1
  11. Words meaning Addition
    • plus
    • sum
    • more than
    • increased by
  12. Words Meaning Subtraction
    • minus
    • difference
    • less than
    • decreased by
  13. Words Meaning Multiplication
    • times
    • product
    • twice
    • multiplied by
  14. Words Meaning Division
    • divided
    • quotient
    • ratio
    • divided by
  15. =
    • equals
    • gives
    • is
    • will be
    • yields
    • is the same as
    • was
  16. Equation
    x + 3 = 5
  17. Solution
    value of the variable that makes the equation true
  18. Evaluate X-Y/3 when x is 10 more times than 2 times y and y = 8
    • x = 2y +10
    • x = 2(8) + 10
    • x = 16 + 10
    • x = 26
    • 26-8/3 =
    • 18/3 =
    • 6
  19. If 10 is decreased to 3, the decrease is what % of the original number
    • Formula A=P * B
    • A=decrease
    • P =%
    • B = Original Amount

    • 10 - 3 =7
    • A=P * B
    • 7=P *10
    • 7/10 = P*10/10
    • multiply = answer 70
    • turn into percent.
    • Answer 70%
  20. -n = 60
  21. Inequalities

    15 + 5 ≥ 7(2x +) +9
    15 + 5 ≥ 14x + 7 + 9

    15x – 14x ≥ 7 + 9 – 5

    X ≥ 16 – 5

    X ≥ 11 [11, ∞)
  22. The angels measuure is 20 degrees more than triple its supplement
    • x = 20 + 3(180-x)
    • x= 20 + 540 - 3x
    • x+3x = 20+540
    • 4x=560
    • answer = 140
  23. Inequality symbols
    • ( ) parenthesis are NOT included in interval notation
    • [ ] square brackets are inculded
    • ( ) parenthesis are always included with - infinity or positive infinity
  24. Complementary Angle
    • 90 degrees
    • 70 degree and 20 degree are complementary

    • to find the measurement of the complement subtract the given angle from 90 degrees.
    • (i.e. a angle is 25 degrees)
    • 90 - 25 = 65 degrees
  25. Supplementary Angle
    180 degrees
  26. One angle of a triangle is three times as large as another. the measure of the third angle is 65 degrees more than that of the smallest angle. find the measure of each angle.
    x + 65

    • x + 3x + (x + 65)=180
    • 5x + 65 = 180
    • 5x = 180 - 65
    • 5x = 115
    • x = 23 (smallest angle)

    • The measure of the angle that is three times as large as the smallest angle is 3x
    • 3x = 3 * 23 = 69 degrees

    • The measure of the angle that is 65 degrees more than the smallest angle is x + 65
    • x + 65 = 23 + 65
    • x + 65 = 88

    The three angles aer: 23 + 69 + 88 = 180 degrees
  27. The measurement of the angles supplmenet is 80 degrees more than three times that of it's complement

    complement 90 - x
    supplement 180 - x
    • 180- x = 80 + 3 * 90 - x
    • 180- x = 80 + 3(90 - x)
    • 180 - x = 80 + 270 - 3x
    • 180 - x = 350 - 3x
    • 180 - x + 3x = 350
    • 180 + 2x = 350
    • 2x = 350 - 180
    • 180 + 2x = 170 (divide)
    • x = 85
  28. Find the measure of the complement of a 37 degree angle
    Two angles are complementary if and only the sum of their measure is 90 degrees

    90 - 37 = 53 degrees
  29. Measure the supplement of a 117 degree angle
    two angels are supplementary if and only their sum measures 180 degrees

    180 - 117 = 63 degrees
  30. Linear inequality symbols
    • ≤ - less than or equal to
    • < - less than
    • ≥ - greater than or equal to
    • > - greater than
    • ∞ - infinity
  31. In a triangle, the measure of the first angle is three times the measure of the second angle. The measure of the third angle is 20 degrees less than the second angle. What is the measurement of each angle?
    • x + y + z = 180
    • 3y + y + y-20 = 180
    • 5y - 20 = 180
    • 5y = 180 - 20
    • 5y = 200
    • y = 40

    x = 3 * 40 = 120 z = 40 - 20 = 20
  32. Inconsistent equation
    • x = x + 4
    • use "no solution" or o
  33. Identity
    An equation that is true for all real numbers

    x + 3 = x + 2 + 1
  34. formulas using letters only for C
    • C + M + S (isolate the C)
    • C + M - M = S - M
    • C = S - M
  35. Exponents
    when there is a negative , even will always result in a positive result where-as a odd number will always result in a negative
  36. Rectangle - Perimeter and Area
    • P = 2(L+W)
    • A=LW
  37. Square - Perimeter and Area
    • P = 4S
    • A = S^2
  38. TRIANGLE Perimeter and Area
    • P = A + B + C
    • A = 1/2BH
  39. PARALLELOGRAM Perimeter and Area
    • P = X(B + S)
    • A =BH
  40. Trapezoid Perimeter and Area
    • P = B1 + B2 + A + C (the one and two are small and on the bottom of the letter)
    • A= 1/2H(B1 =1B2)

    B= BASE 1 AND BASE 2
  41. Circle circumference and Area
    • C = PIE (3.14)D OR C = 2(3.14)R
    • A= 3.14(R^2)
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