Health Midterm

  1. Define Health
    a reflection of the ability to use the intrinsic and extrinsic resources related to each dimension of our holistic makeup to participate fully in the role-related activities that contribute to growth & development, with the goal of feeling a sense of well-being as we evaluate our process through life
  2. Define Holistic Health
    a view of health in terms of it's physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and occupational make up
  3. What are the six dimension of health?
    • physical
    • emotional
    • social
    • spiritual
    • occupational
    • environmental
  4. Physical Dimension
    • the various number of physiological and structural characteristics we can call on to aid us in accomplishing the wide array of activities that characterize a typical day and so on.
    • body weight
    • visual ability
    • strength
    • coordination
    • level of endurance
    • level of susceptibility to disease
    • powers of recuperation.
  5. Emotional Dimension
    • Encompasses our ability to cope with stress
    • see the world in a realistic manner
    • remain flexible
    • compromise to solve conflict
  6. Social Dimension
    • involves family interactions
    • school experience
    • peer group interaction
    • family, friends, school coworkers and teachers
  7. Spiritual Dimension
    religious beliefs and practices
  8. Occupational Dimension
    learning how to work with others and using those skills in out of work environments
  9. Environmental Dimension
    the land, air, water, and overall surroundings
  10. Define Homeostasis
    the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.
  11. Define Emotional Health (Psychological Health)
    a broadly based concept pertaining to cognitive functioning in conjunction with the way people express their emotions; cope with stress, adversity, and success; and adapt to changes in themselves and their environment
  12. Aspects of emotional (psychological) health
    • normal range of emotions
    • self esteem
    • emotional intelligence
  13. Depression Types
    mild to severe
  14. General Adaptive Syndrome
    GAS : sequenced physiological response to the presence of a stressor, involving the 1. ALARM, 2. RESISTANCE and 3. EXHAUSTION stages of the stress response
  15. Define Job Burnout
    the condition of having no energy left to care, resulting from chronic, unrelieved job-related stress and characterized by physical and emotional exhaustion and sometimes by physical illness
  16. Conditions that are linked to STRESS
    • heart problems
    • digestive problems
    • headaches/migraines
    • sleep disorder
    • anxiety
    • jaw problems
    • allergies
    • cancer
    • back pain
    • asthma
    • kidney disease
    • sexual dysfunction
    • infertility
    • alcoholism & drug abuse
  17. Describe a TYPE A personality
    impulsive and hostile as well as assertive
  18. Define types of STRESS
    • Eustress
    • Distress
  19. Eustress
    stress that enhances the quality of life
  20. Distress
    stress that diminishes the quality of life
  21. Define aerobic
    the body's means of energy production when the respiratory and circulatory systems are able to process and transport a sufficient amount of oxygen to muscle cells
  22. Define anaerobic
    the body's means of energy production when the necessary amount of energy is not available
  23. What is Body Composition?
    • the different components the body is made up of
    • muscle
    • bone
    • fat
    • water
    • minerals
  24. What is Cardiorespiratory fitness?
    the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to process and transport oxygen required by muscle cells so that they can contract over a period of time
  25. What are the benefits of fitness?
    • complete and enjoy your daily activities
    • strengthen and increase the efficiency of your heart muscles
    • increase the proportion of high density lip0proteins (good cholesterol) in your blood
    • increase the capillary network in your body
    • improve collateral circulation. the ability of nearby blood vessels to enlarge and carry blood around a blocked blood vessel
    • control your weight
    • stimulate bone growth
    • cope with stressors
    • ward off infections
    • improve the efficiency of your other body systems
    • bolster your self esteem
    • achieve self-directed fitness goals
    • reduce negative dependence behavior
    • recover quickly from common illnesses
    • meet people with similar interests
    • obtain reduced insurance premiums
  26. What is a sugar (simple)?
    only has one saccharide unit. is a simple carbohydrate digested more quickly because it has fewer saccharide units
  27. What is a Starch (complex)?
    has more than two saccharide units. it takes longer to digest because they have more fiber, vitamins and minerals
  28. What is the role of protein?
    promotes growth and maintenance of body tissue. also, if caloric intake falls, protein is broken down and converted into glucose. protein is also a component of enzyme and hormone structure
  29. What is the role of carbohydrate?
    provides the body with heat and energy
  30. what is the role of fat?
    provides the feeling of satiety and keep us from feeling hungry. fat takes longer to leave the stomach so our stomach feels full for a longer period of time. tastes good, too
  31. what is the role of minerals?
    functions as structural elements in teeth, muscles, hemoglobin, and hormones. minerals also regulate body processes, including muscle contraction, heart function, blood clotting, protein synthesis, and red blood cell formation
  32. What is the role of water?
    provides the medium for nutrient and waste transport, controls body temperature, and functions in nearly all of our biochemical reactions
  33. what is the role of fiber?
    helps with digestion and lowers cholesterol
  34. Each gram of carbohydrate, protein and fat provides the body with how many calories? what percent should come from each food group daily?
    • carbohydrate : 1g = 4kcal ; 50% - 60%
    • protein : 1g = 4kcal ; 15% - 20%
    • fat : 1g = 9kcal ; 20% - 30%
  35. What is fat-soluable vitamin? Examples
    • vitamins that are stored in fat cells and must not be consumed in large amounts
    • Vitamins A, D, K
  36. What is water-soluable vitamin? Examples
    • vitamins that dissolve quickly in water and can be taken in large amounts
    • Vitamins B-complex and C
  37. Describe an incomplete protein. Give examples
    • does not have all their amino acids
    • plants and vegetables
  38. Describe a complete protein. Give examples
    • has all their amino acids
    • meat, milk and eggs
  39. Why are additives added to our food supply?
    to improve taste and appearance as well as acting as a thickening agent or can prevent food from spoiling
  40. Describe three types of fats, including cholesterol. What are the food sources for these nutrients?
    • saturated : animals and vegetable oil
    • monounsaturated : oils and nuts
    • polyunsaturated : fish, flaxseed, walnuts, olive oil
    • cholesterol : found in animals
  41. Define obesity
    a condition in which a person's body weight is 20% or more above than the desirable weight as determined by standard height/weight charts
  42. What are the risk factors of obesity?
    • increased surgical risk
    • hypertension
    • various forms of heart disease
    • stroke
    • type 2 diabetes
    • several forms of cancer
    • deterioration of joints
    • arthritis
    • complications during pregnancy
    • gallbladder diseases
    • overall increased risk of mortality
  43. What is Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR?
    the amount of energy, expressed in calories, that the body requires to maintain basic functions
  44. the best way to loose weight and maintain your weight is....?
    committing to a lifestyle change of eating in healthy ways and engaging in regular exercise
  45. Define Calorie.
    • units of heat (energy); specifically, 1 calories is the amount of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree C.
    • Calorie = KCal
Card Set
Health Midterm
Health Midterm