CDEV 3-4

  1. germinal stage
    the period of development conception and the implantation of the embryo
  2. blastocyst
    a stage within the germinal period of prenatal development in which the zygote has the form of a sphere of cells surrounding a cavity of fluid
  3. embryonic disk
    the platelike inner part of the blastocyst that differentiates into the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm of the embroyo
  4. trophoblast
    the outer part of the blastocyst from which the amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord develop
  5. umbilical cord
    a tube that connects the fetus to the placenta
  6. placenta
    an organ connected to the uterine wall and to the fetus by the umbilical cord. the placenta serves as a filter between mother and fetus for the exchange of nutrients and wastes.
  7. embryonic stage
    the stage of prenatal development that lasts from implantation through the eight week of pregnancy it is characterized by the development of the major organ systems.
  8. cephalocaudal
    from head to tail
  9. proximodistal
    from the inner part of the body outward
  10. ectoderm
    the outermost cell layer of the newly formed embryo from which the skin and nervous system develop
  11. neural tube
    a structure that forms in the ectoderm during the embryonic stage, from which the skin and nervous system develop.
  12. endoderm
    the inner layer of the embryo from which the lungs and digestive system develop
  13. mesoderm
    the centeral layer of the embryo from which the bones and muscles develop
  14. androgens
    male sex hormones
  15. amniotic sac
    the sac containing the fetus
  16. amniotic fluid
    fluid within the amniotic sac that suspends and protects the fetus
  17. fetal stage
    the stage of development that lasts from the beginning of the ninth week of pregnancy through birth. it is characterized by gains in size and weight and by maturation of the organ system.
  18. stillbirth
    the delivery of dead fetus
  19. teratogens
    environmental agents that can damage the embryo or the fetus
  20. critical period
    in this usage, a period during which an embryo or fetus is particularly vulnerable to a certain teratogen.
  21. syphilis
    a sexually transmitted infection that, in advanced stages, can attack major organ systems.
  22. congenital
    present at birth, resulting from the prenatal environment
  23. rubella
    a viral infection that can cause retardation and heart disease in the embryo. also called german measles
  24. toxemia
    a life threatening disease that can afflci pregnant women. it is characterized by high blood pressure.
  25. premature
    born before the full term of gestation. also referred to as preterm.
  26. Rh incompatibility
    a condition in which antibodies produced by the mother are transmitted to the child, possibly causing brain damage or death
  27. thalidomide
    a sedative used in the 1960s that has been linked to birth defects, especially deformed or absent limbs
  28. progestin
    a hormone used to maintain pregnancy that can sauce masculinization of the fetus
  29. DES
    diethylstilbestrol, an estrogen that has been linked to cancer in the reproductive organs of childeren of women who used the homone when pregnant.
  30. Fetal alcohol syndrome
    a cluster of symptoms shown by children of women who drank heavily during pregnancy including characteristic facia features and mental retardation.
  31. fetal monitoring
    use of an electronic sensing device to track the fetus's vital signs during childbirth
  32. forceps
    an intrument that fits around the baby's head to pull the baby through the birht canal
  33. vacuum extraction tube
    an instrument that uses suction to pull the baby through the birth canal
  34. transition
    initial movement of the baby's head into the birth canal
  35. episiotomy
    an incision between the birth canal and anus that widens the vaginal opening to prevent random tearing during childbirth
  36. midwife
    a trained person who helps women in childbirth
  37. cesarean section
    deliver of the neonate through an incision in the mother's abdomen
  38. anoxia
    lack of oxygen
  39. hypoxia
    less oxygen than needed
  40. breech presentation
    a position in which the baby enters the birth canal buttocks first.
  41. preterm
    boran at or before completion of 37 weeks of gestation
  42. small for dates
    descriptive of full term neonates who are usually small for their age
  43. lanugo
    fine, downy hair on the body of the neonate especially preterm babies.
  44. vernix
    an oily white substance that coats the skin of the neonate especially preterm babies.
  45. respiratory distress syndrome
    breathing problems, including weak and irregular breathing to which preterm babies are prone.
  46. incubator
    a heated, protective container in which premature infants are kept.
  47. postpartum period
    the period following childbirth
  48. postpartum depression
    severe, prolonged depression after delivery that is characterized by feelings of sadness, apathy, and worthlessness
  49. bonding
    the formation of feelings of attachment between caregiver and child
  50. apgar scale
    a measure of a newborn's health that assesses the appearance pulse grimace activity level and respiratory effort
  51. visual accomodation
    the automatic adjustments made by the lenses of the eyes to focus on objects
  52. convergence
    the inward movemnt of the eyes to focus on a nearby object
  53. amplitude
    the height of sound waves. the greater the amplitude of sound waves the louder the saound is
  54. pitch
    the highness or lowness of a sound, as determined by the frequency of sound waves
  55. pacifier
    an artifical nipple teething ring or similar device that when sucked soothes babies
  56. sudden infant death syndrome
    the death while sleeping of apparently healthy babies who stop breathing for unknown reasons
  57. medulla
    a part of the brainstem that regulates vital and automatic functions such as breathing and the sleep-wae cycle
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CDEV 3-4
CDEV 3-4