Med Terms Chapter 2 Terminology.txt

  1. Midsagittal plane
    divides the body into equal right and left halves
  2. Median Plane
    divides the body into equal right and left halves
  3. divides the body into equal right and left halves
    Midsagittal Plane, Median Plane
  4. Sagittal Plane
    divides the body into uneqal right and left halves
  5. divides the body into unequal right and left halves
    sagittal plane
  6. dorsal plane
    divides the body into back and belly parts
  7. transverse plane
    divides the body into cranial and caudal parts
  8. divides the body ino cranial and caudal parts
    transverse plane
  9. -logy
    suffix meaning the study of
  10. suffix meaning the study of
  11. anatomy
    the study of body structure
  12. the study of body structure
  13. physiology
    the study of body function
  14. the study of body function
  15. pathology
    the study of the nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions
  16. the study of the nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions
  17. pathophysiology
    the study of changes in function caused by disease
  18. the study of changes in function caused by disease
  19. etiology
    the study of diseases
  20. the study of diseases
  21. arcade
    used to describe how teeth are arranged in the mouth
  22. term used to describe how teeth are arranged in the mouth
  23. maxilla
    upper jaw or upper arcade
  24. upper jaw or upper arcade
  25. mandible
    lower jaw or lower arcade
  26. lower jaw or lower arcade
  27. cavity
    hole or hollow space in the body that contains and protects internal organs
  28. hole or hollow space in the body that contains and protects internal organs
  29. spinal cavity
    hollow space that contains the spinal cord
  30. hollow space that contains the spinal cord
    spinal cavity
  31. thoracic cavity
    hollow space that contains the heart and lungs within the ribs between the neck and diaphragm
  32. hollow space that contains the heart and lungs within the ribs between the neck and diaphragm
    thorcic cavity
  33. abdominal cavity
    the hollow space that contains the major organs of digestion located between the diaphragm and pelvic cavity
  34. pelvic cavity
    hollow space that contains the reproductive organs, surrounded by the pelvic (hip) bones
  35. hollow space that contains the reproductive organs, surrounded by the pelvic (hip) bones
    pelvic cavity
  36. abdomen
    portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis containing the abdominal cavity
  37. portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis, containing the abdominal cavity
  38. thorax
    the chest region located between the neck and diaphragm
  39. the chest region located between the neck and diaphragm
  40. inguinal area
    the groin, the lower region of the abdomen adjacent to the thigh
  41. the groin, the lower region of the abdomen adjacent to the thigh
    inguinal area
  42. umbilicus
    belly button
  43. navel
    belly button
  44. belly button
    umbilicus, navel
  45. the hollow space that contains the major organs of digesion located between the diaphragm and pelvic cavity
    abdominal cavity, sometimes referred to as the peritoneal cavity
  46. viscera
    internal organs
  47. internal organs
  48. cyt/o
    combining form for cell
  49. combining form for cell
  50. cytology
    the study of cells
  51. the study of cells
  52. hist/o
    combining form for tissue
  53. histology
    the study of tissues
  54. the combining form for tissues
  55. the study of tissues
  56. gentic
    pertains to genes
  57. pertains to genes
  58. genetic disorder
    any disease or condition caused by defective genes
  59. any disease or condition caused by defective genes
    genetic disorder
  60. congenital
    something present at birth
  61. something present at birth
  62. anomaly
    deviation from what is normal
  63. deviation from what is normal
  64. -plasia
    suffix that describes formation, development, and growth of tissue and cell numbers
  65. suffix that describes formation, development, and growth of tissue and cell numbers
  66. -trophy
    suffix that describes formation, development, and increased size of tissue and cells
  67. suffix that describes formation, development, and increased size of tissue and cells
  68. -oma
    suffix that means tumor
  69. suffix that means tumor
  70. benign
    means noncancerous
  71. means noncancerous
  72. malignant
    means cancerous
  73. means cancerous
  74. anaplasia
    change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
  75. change in the structure and their orientation to each other
  76. aplasia
    lack of development of an organ or tissue or cell
  77. lack of development of an organ or tissue or cell
  78. dysplasia
    abnormal growth or development of an organ or tissue or cell
  79. abnorma growth or development of an organ or tissue or cell
  80. hyperplasia
    abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangment in an organ or tissue or cell
  81. abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangment in an organ or tissue or cell
  82. hypoplasia
    incomplete or less than normal development of an organ or tissue or cell
  83. incomplete or less than normal development of an organ or tissue or cell
  84. neoplasia
    abnormal growth of tissue in which multiplication of cells is uncontrolled, more rapid than normal, and progressive
  85. abnormal growth of tissue in which multipication of cells is uncontrolled, more rapid than normal, and progressive
  86. neo-
    prefix that means new
  87. prefix that means new
  88. atrophy
    decrease in size or complete wasting of an organ or tissue or cell
  89. decrease in size or complete wasting of an organ or tissue or cell
  90. dystrophy
    defective growth in the size of an organ or tissue or cell
  91. defective growth in the size of an organ or tissue or cell
  92. hypertrophy
    increase in size of an organ or tissue or cell
  93. increase in the size of an organ or tissue or cell
  94. -crine
    suffix that means to secrete
  95. suffix that means to secrete
  96. aden/o
    combining form that means gland
  97. combining form that means gland
  98. exocrine glands
    glands that secrete meteial into ducts
  99. glands the secrete material into ducts
    exocrine glands
  100. endocrine glands
    glands that secrete chemicals into the bloodstream
  101. glands that secrete chemicals into the bloodstream
    endocrine glands
  102. oste/o
    combining form for bones
  103. oss/e
    combining form for bones
  104. oss/i
    combining form for bones
  105. combining form for bones
    oste/o, oss/e, oss/i
  106. arthr/o
    combining form for joints
  107. combining form for joints
  108. chondr/o
    combining form for cartilage
  109. combining form for cartilage
  110. my/o
    combining form for muscles
  111. combining form for muscles
  112. fasc/i
    combining form for fascia
  113. combining for for fascia
    fasc/i, fasci/o
  114. fasci/o
    combining form for fascia
  115. ten/o
    combining form for tendons
  116. tend/o
    combining form for tendons
  117. tendin/o
    combining form for tendons
  118. combining form for tendons
    ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o
  119. cardi/o
    combining form for heart
  120. combining form for heart
  121. arteri/o
    combining form for arteries
  122. combining form for arteries
  123. ven/o
    combining form for veins
  124. phleb/o
    combining form for veins
  125. combining form for veins
    ven/o, phleb/o
  126. hem/o
    combining form for blood
  127. hemat/o
    combining form for blood
  128. combining form for blood
    hem/o, hemat/o
  129. lymph/o
    combining form for lymph
  130. combining form for lymph
  131. tonsil/o
    combining form for tonsils
  132. combining form for tonsils
  133. splen/o
    combining form for spleen
  134. combining form for spleen
  135. thym/o
    combining form for thymus
  136. combining form for thymus
  137. nas/o
    combining form for nose
  138. rhin/o
    combining form for nose
  139. combining form for nose
    nas/o, rhin/o
  140. pharyng/o
    combining form for pharynx
  141. combining form for pharynx
  142. trache/o
    combining form for trachea
  143. combining form for trachea
  144. laryng/o
    combining form for larynx
  145. combining form for larynx
  146. pneum/o
    combining form for lungs
  147. pneumon/o
    combining form for lungs
  148. combining form for lungs
    pneum/o, pneumon/o
  149. or/o
    combining form for mouth
  150. stomat/o
    combining form for mouth
  151. combining form for mouth
    or/o, stomat/o
  152. esophag/o
    combining form for esophagus
  153. combining form for esophagus
  154. gastr/o
    combining form for stomach
  155. combining form for stomach
  156. enter/o
    combining form for small intestines
  157. combining form for small intestines
  158. col/o
    combining form for large intestines
  159. colon/o
    combining form for large intestines
  160. combining form for large intestines
    col/o, colon/o
  161. hepat/o
    combining form for liver
  162. combining form for liver
  163. pancreat/o
    combining form for pancreas
  164. combining form for pancreas
  165. ren/o
    combining form for kidneys
  166. nephr/o
    combining form for kidneys
  167. combining form for kidneys
    ren/o, nephr/o
  168. ureter/o
    combining form for ureters
  169. combining form for ureters
  170. cyst/o
    combining form for bladder
  171. combining fom for bladder
  172. urethr/o
    combining form for urethra
  173. combining form for urethra
  174. neur/o
    combining form for nerves
  175. combining form for nerves
    neur/o, neur/i
  176. neur/i
    combining form for nerves
  177. encephal/o
    combining form for brain
  178. combining form for brain
  179. myel/o
    combining form for spinal cord
  180. combining form for spinal cord
  181. ophthalm/o
    combining form for eyes
  182. ocul/o
    combining form for eyes
  183. opt/o
    combining form for eyes or sight
  184. opt/i
    combining form for eyes or sight
  185. combining form for eyes or sight
    opthalm/o, ocul/o, opt/o, opt/i, optic/o
  186. optic/o
    combining form for sight
  187. ot/o
    combining form for ears
  188. aur/i
    combining form for ears
  189. aur/o
    combining for for ears
  190. audit/o
    combining form for ears or hearing
  191. aud/i
    combining form for ears or hearing
  192. combining form for ears or hearing
    ot/o, aur/i, aur/o, audit/o, aud/i
  193. dermat/o
    combining form for skin
  194. derm/o
    combining form for skin
  195. cutane/o
    combining form for skin
  196. combining form for skin
    dermat/o, derm/o, cutane/o
  197. adren/o
    combining form for adrenals or adrenal glands
  198. combining form for adrenals or adrenal glands
  199. gonad/o
    combining form for gonads
  200. combining form for gonads
  201. pineal/o
    combining form for pineal glands
  202. combining form for pineal glands
  203. pituit/o
    combining form for pituitary gland
  204. combining form for pituitary gland
  205. thyroid/o
    combining form for thyroid gland
  206. thyr/o
    combining form for thyroid gland
  207. combining form for thyroid gland
    thyroid/o, thyr/o
  208. orch/o
    combining form for testes
  209. orchi/o
    combining form for testes
  210. orchid/o
    combining form for testes
  211. testicul/o
    combining form for testes
  212. combining form for testes
    orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, testicul/o
  213. ovari/o
    combining form for ovaries
  214. combining form for ovaries
    ovari/o, oophor/o
  215. oophor/o
    combining form for ovaries
  216. hyster/o
    combining form for uterus
  217. metr/o
    combining form for uterus
  218. metr/i
    combining form for uterus
  219. metri/o
    combining form for uterus
  220. uter/o
    combining form for uterus
  221. combining form for uterus
    hyster/o, metr/o, metr/i, metri/o, uter/o
  222. uni-
    prefix meaning one
  223. mono-
    prefix meaning one
  224. prefix meaning one
    uni-, mono-
  225. duo-
    prefix meaning two
  226. bi-
    prefix meaning two
  227. dyo-
    prefix meaning two
  228. prefix meaning two
    duo-, bi-, dyo-
  229. tri-
    prefix meaning three
  230. prefix meaning three
  231. quadri-, quadro-
    prefixes meaning four
  232. tetr-, tetra-
    prefixes meaning four
  233. prefix meaning four
    quadri-, quadro-, tetr-, tetra-
  234. quinqu-, quint-
    prefixes meaning five
  235. pent-, penta-
    prefixes meaning five
  236. prefix meaning five
    quinqu-, quint-, pent-, penta-
  237. sex-
    prefix meaning six
  238. hex-, hexa-
    prefixes meaning six
  239. prefix meaning six
    sex-, hex-,hexa-
  240. sept-, septi-
    prefixes meaning seven
  241. hept-, hepta-
    prefixes meaning seven
  242. prefix meaning seven
    sept-, septi-, hept-, hepta-
  243. oct-, octo-, octa-
    prefixes meaning eight
  244. prefix meaning eight
    oct-, octo-, octa-
  245. novem-
    prefix meaning nine
  246. nonus-
    prefix meaning nine
  247. ennea-
    prefix meaning nine
  248. prefix meaning nine
    novem-, nonus-, ennea-
  249. deca-, dek-, deka-
    prefixes meaning ten
  250. decem-
    prefix meaning ten
  251. prefix meaning ten
    deca-, decem-, dek-, deka-
  252. retro-
    prefix that means behind or backwards
  253. prefix that means behind or backwards
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Med Terms Chapter 2 Terminology.txt
Veterinary Medical Terminology Chapter 2 Review