
  1. what sociology brings to the study of gender (3)
    • 1. life course perspective
    • 2. macrolevel institutional analysis
    • 3. microlevel interactionist approach
  2. power in relation to gender
    • group vs. individual
    • power leads to gender differences
  3. critique of sex-role theory (5)
    • 1. minimizes importance of gender
    • 2. singular definitions of masculinity & femininity
    • 3. not just plural but RELATIONAL
    • 4. gender is situational
    • 5. does not consider "dynamics of change"
  4. how gender definitions vary (4)
    • 1. between societies
    • 2. over time in one society
    • 3. between subcultures
    • 4. over the lifespan
  5. Talcott Parsons' contribution to gender identity development
    shift from biological to societal
  6. Talcott Parsons' theory (2)
    • genders fulfill society's needs
    • production and reproduction
  7. developmental differences
  8. the M-F test's contribution to understanding gender identity development (2)
    • introduced the continuum of gender
    • nonconformity indicates sexual orientation
  9. meaning of Freud's theory (2)
    • 1. raise kids to have gender
    • 2. women are inferior
  10. Freud's basic ideas of gender & sexual orientation identities (3)
    • 1. gender = psychological
    • 2. gender identity determines sexual orientation
    • 3. following stereotypes indicates successful development
  11. warfare, bonding & inequality (4)
    • 1. reward warriors with women
    • 2. reward all men
    • 3. infanticide (control #)
    • 4. exclude women
  12. definition of muxe
    men who act like women, artistic & intelligent
  13. definition of berdache
    adopt gender identity of the opposite sex
  14. definition of nadle
    ambiguous sex (hermaphrodite & voluntary)
  15. how many genders are there?
    • some cultures 3+
  16. theories of gender definitions and male dominance (2)
    • 1. private property & materialism of male dominance
    • 2. warfare, bonding & inequity
  17. support for nature component of gender identity (3)
    • 1. evolutionary theory
    • 2. brain research
    • 3. edocrinological research (sex hormones)
  18. variations in gender differences between societies
    variability in definitions of masculinity and femininity challenges biological determinism
  19. theories on gender division of labor (3)
    • 1. functionalism
    • 2. private property & male dominance
    • 3. warfare & bonding
  20. sociobiology
    behaviors are a result of natural selection
  21. historical expanations of reasons for gender differences (4)
    • 1. menstruation
    • 2. men: larger brains
    • 3. education shrinks uterus
    • 4. women are fragile
  22. consequences of the invisibility of gender (2)
    • 1. fail to see impacts of history of priviledge
    • 2. norms appear to be gender-neutral
  23. how gender varies over time (2)
    one person's life and in history
  24. how gender varies within a society
    spectrums, subcultures, diversity within each sex is greater than differences between the sexes
  25. tasks of the study of gender (2 questions)
    • 1. why do almost all societies differentiate based on sex? (tasks)
    • 2. why male dominance?
  26. sociology of gender
    meanings that societies attach to being male & female
  27. definition of sex
    biological apparatus: chemistry, anatomy, brain
  28. definition of gender
    meanings attached to sexes within a culture
  29. differential socialization
Card Set
sociology of gender terms & concepts (1st section)