Musculoskeletal Derivatives

  1. ___-> ___-> ___-> Scleretomes + Myotomes + Dermatomes
    • Mesoderm ->
    • Paraxial Mesoderm ->
    • Somites
  2. Scleretomes -> (2)
    • Vetebrae
    • Ribs
  3. Myotomes ->
  4. Dermatomes -> (2)
    • Corium
    • Subcutis of skin
  5. -> Appendicular Skeleton
    Somatic Mesoderm
  6. What contributes to facial bones
    • Pharyngeal Arch Mesoderm
    • Neural Crest Cells
  7. General Steps of Intramembranous Ossification (3)
    • Mesenchymal cells
    • Osteoblasts + Matrix
    • Mineralization
  8. General Steps of Endochondral Ossification (6)
    • Mesenchymal ->
    • Chrondroblasts + matrix ->
    • Hyaline Cartilage ->
    • Calcifiction->
    • BVs ->
    • Osteoblasts
  9. Sites from which bone develops (4):
    • Scleretome
    • Somatic Mesoderm
    • Pharyngeal Arch Mesoderm
    • Neural Crest Cells
  10. Bone Development Abnormality:
  11. Chondrodystrophy-
    Premature cassation of bone growth due to abnormal interstitial growth of cartilage
  12. Medial part of Somites ->
  13. General Process of Vertebrae Formation
    • Scleretome cells surround neural tube and notochord
    • Scleretomes split and reunite
  14. -> Ribs
    Segemental Sclerotome
  15. -> Sternum
    Somatic Mesoderm
  16. Ossificated occurs at day:
    Rads Performed at day:
    • ossificaton: 28
    • Rads: 46
  17. -> Anulus Fibrosus
    Mesenchyme of Sclerotome
  18. -> Nucleus Propulsus
  19. Inner & Outter parts of Intervertebral disk
    • Inner: Nucleus Pulpoes (jelly)
    • Outter: Annulus Fibrosus (fibrous)
  20. -> Skeletal Mesoderm
    Paraxial Mesoderm
  21. -> Cardiac and Smooth Muscle
    Splanchnic Mesoderm
  22. Somites -> skeletal muscle located within (3):
    • Axial skeleton
    • Body wall
    • Limbs
  23. Somitomeres -> Muscles located within:
  24. Epimeres are innervated by:
    Dorsal Rami of Sinal Nerves
  25. Epimere ->
    Epaxial Muscles
  26. Hypomeres are innervated by:
    Ventral Rami of Spinal Nerves
  27. Hypomeres ->
    • Lateral and Ventral FLEXORS of thoracic and abdominal musculature
    • (Hypaxial mm)
  28. Limb Field-
    Area of somatopleure committed to forming a limb
  29. Limb Bud-
    Localized Proliferation of mesoderm, covered by mesoderm
  30. Limbs grow from...
    outside body wall somatopleure
  31. -> Bone, Cart and CT of the limbs
    Somatic Mesoderm
  32. How does the Dermis and Skeletal Muscle of Limbs form?
    Dermatome and Scleretome migrations into the limb
  33. Limbs develops in a ___ to ___ order
  34. (1)-> AER -> (3)

    • Epidermis
    • Nails
    • Hair
  35. Meromelia-
    absence of 1+ limb parts
  36. Micromelia
    reduced size
  37. Bimelia
    plartial/complete duplication
  38. Bones that form the base of the skull
  39. Bones that form the vault of the skull
  40. Bones that form the face
  41. ->chondrocranium
    occipital somites
  42. chondrocranium -> (3)
    • Sphenoid
    • Ethmoid
    • Temporal
    • (petrous part)
  43. -> Desmocranium
    Neural Crest Cells
  44. Desmocranium (4)->
    • Parietal
    • Frontal
    • Interparietal
    • Temporal
  45. -> Viscerocranium
    Mesenchyme of pharyngeal Arches
  46. Viscerocranium (10)->
    • Lacrimal
    • Nasal
    • Incisive
    • Maxilla
    • Vomer
    • Palatine
    • Pterygoid
    • Zygomatic
    • Mandible
    • Temporal
  47. Whic part of the skull develops from endochondral ossification?
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Musculoskeletal Derivatives