OB Chapter 1

  1. What are the three levels within an organization?
    • 1. individuals
    • 2. groups
    • 3. entire organization systems
  2. Individual differences have this characteristic
    -almost impossible to alter, yet make a large impact on behaviour
  3. 4 Main challenges at the individual level:
    • 1. job satisfaction
    • 2. motivation
    • 3. empowerment
    • 4. ethics
  4. The two challenges at the group level:
    • 1. working with others
    • 2. workforce diversity
  5. Challenges at the organizational level:
    • 1. The use of temporary [contingent] employees
    • 2. Improving quality and productivity
    • 3. Developing effective employees
    • 4. Putting people first
  6. What is productivity?
    a performance measure including effectiveness and efficiency
  7. What is effectiveness?
    achievement of goals
  8. What is efficiency?
    a ratio of effectiveness work output / to work input required
  9. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
    • -related to developing effective employees
    • -behaviour that is not part of an employee's job requirements, but promotes effective functioning of an organization

    example) making statements, helping other team members, volunteering, avoiding conflict, showing care, respects rules
  10. Jeffry Pfeffer's theory established:
    The practices of a successful organization
  11. Jeffry Pfeffer's practices of a successful organization state:
    • providing employment security
    • hiring the right skills & abilities
    • creating self-managed teams
    • paying well, trying to pay in terms of performance
    • extensive training for skills, knowledge, and initiative
    • reduce status differences, everyone must feel valued
    • sharing info about organization performance
  12. The behavioural science that alters the individual level of an organization
  13. The behavioural science that alters the group level
    • Social psychology
    • anthropology
    • and some sociology
  14. The behavioural science that alters organization systems
    • sociology
    • anthropology
  15. Systematic study
    looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence
  16. Evidence-based management [EBM]
    basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence
  17. Ob takes a contingency approach
    • considers behaviour within the context which it occurs
    • depends on the situation
    • there are two sides of each debate
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OB Chapter 1
OB Chapter 1