Chapter 4 Nursing Process and Critical Thinking

  1. Nursing Process is
    a way of thinking and acting based on scientific method
  2. Nursing Process is
    a tool for identifying patients problems and an organized method for meeting patients need
  3. Five components of the nursing process are
    assessment(data collection), nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation.
  4. What does Patient input result in?
    Patient input during the planning stage results in more success with the plan of care.
  5. Assessment(Data collection) is
    collecting, organizing, documenting, and validating data about a patients health status.
  6. Nursing diagnosis is
    the process by which the assessment data are sorted and analyzed so that specific actual and potential health problems are identified.
  7. Planning is
    a series of steps by which the nurse and the patient set priorities and goals to eliminate or diminish the identified problems.
  8. Implementation is
    carrying out the nursing interventions in a systemic way. Nurses carry out the interventions or delegates some of them to an appropriate person.
  9. Evaluation is
    assessing the patient's response to the nursing intervention. The responses are compared with the expected outcome to see to what extent the outcomes have been achieved.
  10. Critical means
    requiring careful judgment.
  11. Thinking means
    to reason.
  12. Critical thinking is
    directed, purposeful, mental activity by which ideas are evaluated, plans are constructed, and desired outcomes are decided.
  13. The problem-solving process is
    • 1. define the problem
    • 2. consider all possible alternatives as solutions to the problem
    • 3. consider the possible outcomes for each alternative
    • 4. predict the likelihood of each outcome occuring
    • 5. choose the alternative with the best chance of success that has the fewest undesirable outcomes.
  14. Decision making is
    choosing the best actions to meet a desired goal and is part of the critical thinking process.
  15. Priority setting (prioritizing)
    involves placing nursing diagnosis or nursing interventions in order of importance.
  16. When looking at prioritizing such tasks,
    you must consider what will happen if the task is not done on time.
  17. The goal is
    to avoid having your decision cause injury to anyone.
  18. With critical thinking skills,
    you can weigh many factors and skillfully solve problems, making good decisions a majority of the time.
  19. Critical thinking involves a variety of skills
    effective reading, effective writing, attentive listening, and effective communicating are the foundation skills.
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Chapter 4 Nursing Process and Critical Thinking
Nursing Concepts