Pharmacology Exam 2

  1. Types of DI/ADR
    • augmented pharmacologic effect
    • Bizarre effects
    • chronic effects
    • delayed effects
    • end of treatment effects
    • failure of therapy
  2. Chronic effect example
    • reversible
    • hairloss due to drug
  3. Delayed effect example
    • damage to DNA caused by chemo which later causes cancer
    • birth defects
  4. levels of severity of ADR
    • Death
    • Life-threatening
    • disability
    • congenital anomaly
  5. Prevalence of ADR
    • 2 million ADR/year
    • 100,000 deaths / year
    • 6th leading cause of death
    • 350,000 per year in nursing homes
  6. Costs associated with ADR
    • 136 billion /year
    • cost of bringing drugs to market and then having them removed due to ADR
    • increasing hospital stay, cost and mortality for ADR pts.
  7. Common Drug classes of ADR
    • Cardiac
    • Liver
  8. Drugs eliminated from development due to ADR
  9. Stages at which drug interactions occur
    • pharmacodynamics
    • pharmaceuticals
    • pharmacokinetics
  10. Pharmacodynamic
    • Antagonists/agonist competition
    • Additive/synergistic effects
    • Fluid/e- imbalance
    • Indirect interactions
  11. Pharmaceutical
    • incompatibility between two drugs
    • precipitation (physical)
    • change in the nature of the drug (chemical)
  12. Pharmacokinetic
    • Altered absorption
    • Altered distribution
    • Altered metabolism
    • Altered elimination
  13. Altered absorption (non transporter based)
    • changes in GI pH
    • chelation
    • changes in GI flora
    • change in GI motility
    • malabsorption caused by other drug
  14. Altered absorption (transporter based)
    • modulation of transporter activity (inh. or ind. by other drug)
    • polymorphisms of transporters (genetic)
    • nonlinear kinetics result
  15. P-glycoprotein inhibition
    increased plasma levels of digoxin
  16. p-glycoprotein induction
    decreases plasma digoxin
  17. Altered metabolism
    • toxic drug metabolites
    • inhibition or induction of CYP 450
    • CYP polymorphism
  18. Reason for toxic metabolite formations with drugs metabolized by CYP
    80% of drugs are metabolized by CYP
  19. induction of CYP
    • increased metabolism
    • changes efficacy
    • increases toxicity
  20. inhibition of cyp
    • decreases metabolism
    • changes efficacy
    • increases toxicity
  21. CYP304
    50%of drugs metabolized
  22. Inducers of CYP
    • ethanol
    • st. john's wart
  23. Polymorphism with no CYP2D6
    • slow metabolism
    • high drug levels
    • high risk for ADR
    • no response from some prodrugs
  24. Polymorphism with increased CYP2D6
    • too rapid metabolism
    • no drug response at normal dose
  25. Altered Excretion
    • 1-2% of DI
    • change in active excretion
    • change in biliary excretion
    • change in renal blood flow
    • change in urine pH
  26. Which of the following are examples of DI/ADR due to non-transport mediated altered absorption?

    D. change in GI pH, Chelation and GI Flora
  27. What is the most prevalent stage of DI?

    A. Pharmacokinetics (metabolism)
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Pharmacology Exam 2
Drug Interactions, Adverse Drug Reactions