
  1. Lipids are a diverse group of Organic Molicules that include
    • Fats
    • Oils
    • Waxes
    • Steroids
    • Phospholipids
  2. Do Lipids very in Structure and Function
  3. What physical property do all lipids have in common
    They are Hydrophobic (water fearing)
  4. What makes Lipids Hydropobic
    Because they all have Large Sections which are Hydrocarbons (just Hydrogen and Carbon)making them Non-Polor
  5. What building blocks or monomers compose a fat or oil
    Glycerol and 3 Fatty Acids
  6. What reaction is used to bond together glycerol to 3 fatty acids
    Dehydration Synthesis 3 times
  7. What reaction is used to break apart a fat into glycerol and 3 fatty acids
    3 Hydrolysis Reactions
  8. What are the four major useful characteristics of fats and oils
    • Energy
    • Aid in Absorption and Storage of Fat Soluble Vitamins (A,D,E, and K)
    • Heat Insulation
    • Protection and Cushion organs
  9. What are the Three Characteristics of Animal Fat
    • Saturated
    • Solid at room temp
    • Come from Animals
  10. What are the Three Characteristics of Plant Oils
    • Unsaturated
    • Liquis at room temp
    • Come from Plants
  11. Whay are Saturated fats more solid than Unsaturated fats
    • The Hydrogen chains of Saturated Fatty Acids are Straight
    • There are No Double Bonds
    • Saturated Fatty Acids are packed together and tend to be solid
  12. Whay are Unsaturated fats more Liquid than Saturated fats
    • Double bonds with Carbons makes the formation bent
    • The Bonds tend to slide past one another therefore they can not form a tight bond
  13. What process is used to convert liquid vegetable oils to solid fats?
  14. What is Hydrogenation
    • The process of taking a Liquid Oil to a Solid Fat
    • This is the conversion of Double Bonds to Single Bonds
    • Never goes to full completion (all double bonds are not converted to single bonds)
    • Double bonds not converted to single bonds are converted to Tran Fatty Acids and is bad for your health (hydrogens on eather side of the double bond)
  15. Which arangement is abnormal Cis or Trans
    • Trans
    • There are Hydrogen atoms on either side of the double bonded carbon
    • Trans arrangement tend to be more Solid than a normal unsaturated fatty acid
    • May increase the chances of Heart Disease
  16. List three major categories of lipids other than fats and oils
    • Waxes
    • Phospholipids
    • Steroids
  17. For waxes, where are they found, and what are their major characteristics?
    • Waxes are Hydrophobic Lipids that are Solid at room temperatur and relatively hard.
    • Functions of waxes in nature include Ear Wax that traps microorganisms, and wax is on plants to protect the plant against water loss.
  18. For phospholipids, what part of a cell do they compose
    They come from the Cell Membrane
  19. For steroids, recognize that although they are varied in function (know examples), they have the same basic structure. What is the structure they have in common?
    All Steroids are composed of Four Hydrocarbon Rings, but differ in terms of Functional Group, for example Cholesterol is a Lipid that is a component of Cell Membrane, Testosterone is Male Sex Hormone, Aldosterone is a Hormone that regulates Water Balance, and Estrogen is Female Sex Hormone
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Microbiology Lecture