Art Exam

  1. Illumaination means _______.
    light up or enlighten
  2. Face proportions:
    eyes ________
    nose _______
    mouth _______
    how big are eyes?
    how big is nose?
    how wide is mouth?
    • eyes 1/2 of the face
    • nose a little above 1/2 between eyes & chin
    • mouth 1/3 from nose to chin
    • 5 eyes wide
    • 1 eye wide
    • mid-eye to mid-eye
  3. Blind contour - 4 rules
    • Don't look down
    • Don't pick up your pencil
    • Don't shade in
    • GO SLOW!!!
  4. The elements of art are:
    • Line
    • Shape
    • form
    • value
    • space
    • texture
    • color
  5. What is contour drawing?
    it is a line drawing
  6. Why do we do contour drawing?
    to slow down our our eyes and brain down so our hand can draw what we see.
  7. What are the 6 methods for creating the illusion of space?
    • overlapping
    • diminishing size
    • placement on page
    • shading
    • atmospheric perspective
    • linear perspective
  8. Who wrote the rules of linear perspective?
    Brunelleschi (must be spelled correctly)
  9. In one point perspective, All lines should be ______, ________, or _______.
    vertical, horizontal, come from the point
  10. Where is the vanishing point?
    The vanishing point is on the horizon which is always at our eye level
Card Set
Art Exam
Art cards 09