Ex Rx.txt

  1. Initial interview
    • Questionaires
    • Risk statification/classification
    • Further referals (medical etc)
  2. Exercise testing for fitness variable
    • Body composition
    • Aerobic
    • Muscular stength
    • Muscular enderance
    • Flexability
  3. Elements of an exercise program (6)
    • 1. Initial interview
    • 2. Ex testing for fitness variability
    • 3. Initial exercise prescription
    • 4. Modifications to --> progression
    • 5. Periodic testing
    • 6. Maintenance and modifications as needed
  4. Patrons are evaluated carefully during initial phase. This assumes...(4)
    • 1. Safty of testing and program participation
    • 2. Optimum choice of exercise
    • 3. Optimum prescription of exercise
    • 4. The need for further tests will be identified
  5. ACSM Risk Stratification Positive (in respect to Coronary Heart Disease) Risk Factors (7)
    • 1. Family History-
    • 2. Cigarette Smoking
    • 3. Hylertension-
    • 4. Dyslipidemia-
    • 5. Impaired fasting glucose
    • 6. Obeisity
    • 7. Sedentary lifestyle
  6. Review health/medical history for known diseases, signs/symptom, and CAD risk factors... Then
    • Known CV, pulmonary, medical disease?
    • If Yes= High Risk
    • If No then major signs of (above)?
    • If Yes = High Risk
    • If No then # of risk factors?
    • 2 or more= Moderate Risk
    • Less than 2= Low Risk
  7. Risk Stratification Chart
  8. Function measures on interest...(5)
    • V02 max
    • BP
    • Cardiac output
    • Stroke volume
    • HR
  9. ACSM Guideline for Physical Examination Components (5)
    • 1- Ausculation of the lungs w/ specific attention to: rails, weezes, and rhonci. Also uniformity of breath sounds
    • 2- Palpation for carotid, femeral, and pedal pulses, also cardiac impulses and thrills
    • 3- Ausculation of the heart (murmers, gallops, clicks, and rubs
    • 4- Carotid, abdominal or femoral bruits
    • 5- xanthoma and xanthelasma
  10. Contradictions to ex testing. Absolute and relative
    • Absolute= risks overshadow benifits, should not be tested or programmed
    • Relative= benifits outweigh the risks
  11. Benefits of regular exercise...
    • -Improvment in CV and respiratory functions
    • -reduction in coronary artery disease risk factors
    • -decreases morbidity and mortality
  12. Degree of medical evaluation before testing and programing varies with classification into categories. Which are(4)
    • 1-apparent health status
    • 2-presence of major coronary risk factors
    • 3-presence of disease
    • 4-age
  13. Reasons for ex testing (4)
    • 1-to aid in diagnosis of CHD
    • 2-to asses safty of ex prior to program
    • 3-to asses cardiopulmonary functional capacity of apparently healthy people
    • 4-to follow progress of known CHD or pulmonary disease
  14. Characteristics of a stress test (4)
    • 1-prosseses a graded series of ex intensities
    • 2-prosseses an accurate ECG
    • 3-prosseses an identifiable end pt
    • 4-provides a measurment of work capacity
  15. End Points non(3)/problem related(8+)...
    • Non= leg fatigue, achivement of target HR, exastion.
    • Problem= chest pain(agina), shortness of breath, drastic fall in systolic BP, arithmias, light-headedness, confusion, failure of HR to rise w/ incr ex intensity, subject requests to stop, failure of testing equip
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Ex Rx.txt
ex rx