APART Flash Cards

  1. Engine Oil Pressure Limits
    • 5 psi minimum @ ground idle
    • 35 psi minimum between 80% & 95%
    • 50 psi minimum Equal to or greater than 95%
    • 35-90 psi Normal Operation
    • 110 psi maximum for Contingency
    • 150 psi maximum for Cold Weather Starts
  2. Engine Oil Temperature Limit
    149 C Maximum
  3. Transmission Oil Temperature Limit
    140 C
  4. Transmission Oil Pressure Limits
    • 7 psi Minimum @ Ground Idle
    • 20 psi Minimum @ 100% NR
    • 20 to 90 psi Normal Operation
  5. Rotor (NR) Limits
    • 91% Minimum Transient power-on (red range)
    • 91-97% Transient (yellow range)
    • 97-101% Normal (green range)
    • 101-106% Transient (yellow range)
    • 106% Maximum Transient power-on (red)
    • 108% Maximum during Autorotation (red)
    • 111% Maximum Transient (red)
  6. Flight Control Hydraulic Pressure
    • Low Limit 2500 psi
    • Normal 2500-3200 psi
    • High Limit 3200 psi
  7. Utility System Hydraulic Pressure
    • Low Limit 2500 psi
    • Normal 2500-3500 psi
    • High Limit 3500 psi
  8. Hydraulic System Temperature
    • red/white 120C maximum
    • yellow/white 95-120C Caution
  9. Power Turbine Outlet Temperature (PTIT)
    • 816C Maximum Continous (Green)
    • up to 854C Intermediate (Yellow, 30 min range)
    • up to 899C Maximum (Yellow, 10 min range)
    • up to 932C Contingency Power (Yellow, 2.5 min)
    • up to 943C Maximum Transient (Red, 12 sec)
  10. TQ Limits
    • 100% Dual engine
    • 123% single engine
  11. NG Limits
    • 50% Ground idle
    • 50-111% Normal (Green)
    • >111% Maximum (Red)
  12. NP Limits
    111.5% Maximum Transient
  13. Fuel Limitations
    • NOTE:
    • JP8+100 is not considered "Emergency Fuel". A DA Form 2408-13-1 entry will be made as described in Appendix C.
  14. Maximum GWT
    50,000 lbs
  15. Cargo Hook Limitations
    Structural Limit of Forward and AFT hook: 17,000 lbs

    Structural Limit of Center Cargo hook: 26,000 lbs

    • The maximum single load that can be suspended as a tandem load from the forward and aft hooks is 25,000 lbs
    • When a combination of external and internal loads are carried during the same flight and the external load exceeds 12,000 lbs, position the internal load forward of the utility hatch. This procedure preclude encountering an excessively aft CG.
  16. Winch/Rescue Hoist limitations
    • The winch shall not exceed:
    • (1) 3,000 lbs, straight pull
    • (2) 6,000 lbs, one pulley
    • (3) 9,000 lbs, two pulleys
    • (4) 12,000 lbs, three pulleys

    The rescue hoist is limited to a maximum load of 600 lbs
    • A. Lowering the thrust
    • B. Reducing the severity of the maneuver
    • C. Reducing Airspeed
  18. Maximum Airspeed in SIDEWARD flight
    45 KCAS
  19. Maximum Airspeed in REARWARD flight
    45 KCAS
  20. Maximum CROSSWIND or TAILWIND for hover
    45 KCAS
  21. Maximum airspeed with the LOWER SECTION of the cabin entrance door open AND locked
    60 KCAS
  22. The rescue hatch door SHALL NOT be OPENED or CLOSED
    above 90 KCAS
  23. The windshield wipers shall be off at airpseeds
    above 130 KCAS
  24. UPPER section of the cabin entrance assure airspeed is _____ before Closing door in flight
    less than 100 KCAS
  25. External Cargo Airspeed Limits
    If a sling or hook should fail while carrying a tandem load, limit airspeed to a maximum of 60 KCAS
  26. Airspeed Limitations for DAFCS
    • Single DAFCS 100 KCAS
    • DAFCS OFF 160 KCAS or Vne whichever is slower
  27. Longitudinal Cyclic Trim (LCT) Actuator airspeed limitations
    • Chart in Ch. 5 (Fig. 5-9)
    • Do not manually the LCT beyond the GND position on the cyclic trim indicators at calibrated airspeeds below 60 knots
  28. Operation with Skiis
    • Maximum allowable airspeed is limited to 130 KCAS or Vne, whichever is slower
    • Maximum allowable GWT for ground operation is 50,000 lbs
    • The maximum allowable rate of descent at touchdown in snow is 480 ft/min. at GWTs up to 33k lbs, decreasing linearly to 240 ft/min at 46k lbs. For GWTs 46k lbs to 50k lbs, the rate of descent is 240 ft/min
  29. Gross weight limitations for water operations
    • Normal operations: 36k lbs
    • Emergency operations: 46K lbs
  30. Water Taxiing Limitations
    Taxiing will not be conducted in water conditions above Sea State 1 or in wind above 6 KCAS. Fast taxiing will be conducted in a straight line only and to a maximum speed of 10 KCAS when the lower nose enclosure is left in the water.
  31. Rotor Shutdown and Starting limitations (water ops)
    Rotor starting and shutdown will not be conducted when water conditions exceed Sea State 1 or wind exceeds 6 KCAS. Maximum GWT for starting and shutdown is 28,550 lbs.
  32. Operation on water time limit
    Operation on water is restricted to 30 mins total flotation time without draining the helicopter
  33. Air-to-ground Towing
  34. APU operation
    Operation in flight is prohibited except during emergencies.
  35. Pitot tube and AFCS Sideslip port Anti-icing Limitation
    The PITOT HEAT switch shall not be on for more than 5 mins. on the ground
  36. Windshield heat
    Windshield heat shall not be used above 24C
  37. Single point pressure refuel
    The maximum rate for pressure refueling is 300 gal/min at 55 psi
  38. Maximum capacity of ERFS II tanks
    • 820 US gallons
    • useable fuel is 800 US gallons
  39. Maximum pressure inside the ERFS II Tanks
    should not exceed 5 psi
  40. maximum allowable suction defueling
    -11 psi
  41. Personnel Weight computation
    • Combat equipped Soldiers: 240
    • Combat equipped paratroopers: 260
    • Litter patient: 200 lbs per
    • Medical attendants: 200 lbs per
  42. Seating arrangment
    33 fully equipped ground troops is provided by ten 3-man seats and three 1-man seats.
  43. Nylon web safety belt capacity
    2k lbs capacity
  44. Litters and arrangement
    24 litters, stacked 4 high, 3 tiers on each side of cargo compartment
  45. Between what stations should you place all wheeled vehicles
    On the treadways between STA 200.00 and 400.00
  46. Uniformly Distributed Loads defined and Limits
    Uniformly distributed loads are those loads wherein the total weight of the item is equally spread over the item's entire contact area.

    Compartments C, D and E are limited to 300 psf. The cargo ramp (Compartment F) is limited to 300 psf with a maximum total load of 3k lbs. when the ramp is level with the cargo floor.
  47. Concentrated loads and their limits
    Concentrated loads are those loads wherein the total weight of the item is supported by a contact area that is small compared to the size and weight of the load.

    Concentrated loads can be loaded on the treadways and on the walkways. The treadways AFT of STA 160.00 and the ramp extensions are stressed for a total wheel load of 2500 lbs. The treadways forward of STA 160.00 and the walkway can be loaded to a total wheel load of 1,000 lbs. 75 psi for pneumatic tires and 50 psi for block and roller type wheels.
  48. How many 5k lbs and 10k lbs tie down rings are there?
    5k: 83 in fuselage floor and 4 on the ramp for a total of 87

    10k: 8
  49. Cargo Loading ramp limitations
    Ramp MUST be level with the cargo floor if used for cargo. Weight should not exceed 3k lbs or 300 psf.
  50. Restraint Criteria
    • Forward and down 4.0 g's
    • Aft and Up 2.0 g's
    • Lateral 1.5 g's
  51. Cargo Floor description
    • Made up of extruded panels. Raised Extruded ridges provide surfaces on which cargo is moved.
    • The flooring between STA 200.00 and 400.00 adn from buttline 44L and 44R, rests on rubber
    • isolators which reduce overall internal load vibrations.
  52. Land as soon as Possible defined
    • Defined as executing a landing at the nearest suitable landing (e.g. open field) WITHOUT DELAY.
    • The primary consideration is survival of the occupants.
  53. Land as soon as practicable defined
    is defined as executing a landing to the nearest suitable airfield/heliport.
  54. Autorotation defined
    is defined as adjusting the flight controls as necessary to establish an autorotational descent and landing.
    • A. Thrust Control: Adjust as required to maintain NR.
    • B. Pedals: Adjust as required.
    • C. Cyclic: Adjust as required.
  56. Emergency Engine shutdown defined
    is defined as engine shutdown without delay. Engine shutdown in flight is usually not an immediate action item unless a fire exists. Before executing an engine shutdown, identify the affected engine by checking indications of torque, NR, NG, PTIT, engine oil pressure, ENG 1(2) FAIL warning.
    • a. ENG COND lever-STOP
    • b. FIRE PULL HANDLE-Pull as required
    • c. ENG START switch-MTR if high PTIT is indicated
  58. Abort Start defined
    • is defined as engine shutdown to prevent PTIT from exceeding limits or whenever abnormal operation is indicated.
    • If high PTIT is indicated, the engine must be motored to decrease PTIT below 260C.
  59. ABORT START ep
    • a. ENG COND lever-STOP
    • b. ENG START switch-MTR if high PTIT is indicated
    • If a second engine start is to be attempted, wait at least 15 seconds after the NG indicates zero before attempting start.
    • This will allow sufficient time for fuel to drain from the combustion chamber.
    • 2. External Cargo-Jettison
    • 3. FLT DIR CPLR-Uncouple
    • a. Power turbine shaft failure, NP is greater than NR by more than 3%
    • b. NG underspeed. NG speed is below 48%
    • c. Engine flameout
    • d. Over temperature start abort (primary mode only)
    • e. FADEC primary and reversionary failure
    • 1. Thrust control lever-Adjust as necessary to maintain NR
    • 2. External Cargo-Jettison (if required)
    • 3. FLT DIR CPLR-Uncouple
    • Continued flight is not possible;
    • 4. Land as soon as possible
    • 5. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN (when conditions permit)
    • Continued flight is possible;
    • 1. Land as soon as practicable
    • 2. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN (when conditions permit)
  64. ENG1 or ENG2 FADEC Caution
    • 1. FADEC INC/DEC beep switch (affected engine)-As required
    • 2. Reduce rate of thrust control changes
  65. ENG1 and ENG2 FADEC cautions
    • 1. FADEC INC/DEC beep switches-Beep to 100%, match TQs
    • 2. Reduce rate of thrust control lever changes
    • 3. Land as soon as practicable
  66. REV1 and/or REV2 FAIL caution (Without) Associated ENG1 FADEC and/or ENG2 FADEC Caution
    CAUTION: Do not manually select reversionary on the affected engine as ucommanded power changes may occur
  67. REV1 or REV2 FAIL caution (With) Associated ENG1 FADEC or ENG2 FADEC Caution
    • If engine power IS required for flight:
    • 1. Land as soon as possible
    • After landing:
    • 2. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-(Affected Engine)
    • If engine power IS NOT required for flight:
    • 1. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-(Affected Engine)
    • 2. FIRE PULL HANDLE (affected engine)
    • 3. Refer to single-engine failure emergency procedures
  68. REV1 and REV2 FAIL caution (With) associated ENG1 FADEC and ENG2 FADEC Caution
    • 1.Land as soon as possible
    • 2.EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-As required
  69. Engine Xmsn Clutch failure to engage
    EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-(Affected engine)

    When NG reaches zero (0):

    EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-(Engaged engine)
  70. Engine oil-Low quantity, High temperature or Low pressure
    If engine power IS required for flight:

    Land as soon as possible

    If engine power IS NOT required:

    • 1. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-(Affected Engine)
    • 2. Refer to single engine failure procedures
  71. ENG1 or ENG2 CHIPS caution
    If engine power IS required for flight:

    Land as soon as possible

    If engine power IS NOT required for flight:

    • if engine/engine transmission oil presure IS below minimum limits or if engine/engine transmission oil temperature IS above the maximum limit:
    • 1.EMER ENG SHUTDOWN-(Affected engine)
    • 2.Refer to single engine failure procedures

    • if engine/engine transmission oil presure IS NOT below minimum limits or if engine/engine transmission oil temperature IS NOT above the maximum limit:
    • 3. ENG COND lever-Retard to reduce torque (10% minimum) on the affected engine
    • 4. Land as soon as practicable
  72. ENG1 or ENG2 XMSN ep
    • F2. Affected engine transmission-Check
    • 3. Land as soon as possible
  73. XMSN DEBRIS, LH COMB DEBRIS or RH COMB DEBRIS Caution on and FWD, L DEBRIS, R DEBRIS or AFT XMSN DEBRIS SCREEN indicator on Maintenance panel
    • F1. GND RESET-TEST switch-RESET
    • If indicator does not reset:
    • 2. Land as soon as possible
  74. XMSN DEBRIS caution and ENG1 XMSN DEBRIS
    • F1. GND RESET-TEST switch-RESET
    • If indicator DOES NOT reset and engine power IS required for flight:
    • 2. Land as soon as possible
    • If indicator DOES NOT reset and engine power IS NOT required for flight:
    • 3. EMER ENG (affected engine)
    • 4. Refer to single engine failure procedures
    Land as soon as possible
    • 1. Altitude-Descend to minimum safe altitude
    • 2. Airspeed-100 Knots or Vne whichever is slower
    • 3. Land as soon as practicable
    • Engine power IS required:
    • Land as soon as possible
    • Engine power IS NOT required:
    • 2. Refer to single engine failure procedures
  78. XMSN PRESS LO and XMSN AUX PRESS LO (Same transmission) or XMSN CHIPS Caution
    Land as soon as possible
  79. XMSN AUX PRESS LO Caution
    • Main transmission oil pressure and temperature ARE ABNORMAL
    • Land as soon as possible
    • Main transmission oil pressure and temperature are NORMAL
    • Land a soon as practicable
    Land as soon as possible
    • 1. Land as soon as possible
    • 2. Electrical Load-Reduce as much as possible
    • Engine power IS required for flight:
    • Land as soon as possible
    • Engine power IS NOT required:
    • 4. Refer to single engine failure procedures
  83. Single most important consideration for fire in flight
    Land as soon as possible, Mandatory that the cockpit windows, air control handles and cockpit air knobs be closed
  84. Engine Hot start defined:
    A hot start or residual fire will be detected by a rapid and abnomral rise in PTIT from the engine tail cone.
    1. Abort Start
  86. Residual Fire During Shutdown
    • 1. ABORT START
    • 2. FIRE PULL HANDLE (affected engine)-PULL
  87. Engine or Fuselage Fire-Flight
    • 1. Land as soon as possible
    • F2. Confirm Fire
    • 3. EMER ENG SHUTDOWN (affected engine)
    • 4. Refer to single engine failure procedures
    • After landing:
  88. Auxillary Power Unit (APU) Fire-Flight
    • 1. APU switch-OFF
    • 2. ABORT START
  89. Engine Compartment, Fuselage or Electrical fire-Ground
    • 2. APU Switch-OFF (If operating)
    • 3. BATT Switch-OFF
  90. Electrical Fire-Flight
    • 1. Land as soon as possible
    • 2. GEN1 and 2 switches-OFF
    • After landing:
    • 4. BATT Switch-OFF
  91. Smoke and Fume elimination
    • 1. Airspeed-Above 60 knots
    • 2. Pilot sliding window-Open
    • 3. Helicopter attitude-Yaw left, one half to one ball width on the inclinometer
    • 4. Upper half main cabin door-open
    • 5. RAMP EMER Switch-As required
    • 6. Cargo loading ramp-As required
    • 7. Copilot Sliding window-Closed
    • 8. NVG Curtain-Open (if applicable)
  92. Fuel Venting
    • 1. AUX FUEL PUMP Switches (affected side) or ERFS II Pump switches if installed-OFF
    • 2. Main Tank (affected side)-Monitor
    • When 1k lbs of fuel remain:
    • 3. AUX FUEL PUMP switches (affected side) or ERFS II Pump switches if installed-ON (monitor fuel page)
    • When tank quantity reaches 1,600 lbs:
    • 4. AUX FUEL PUMP Switches (affected side) or ERFS II Pump switches if installed-OFF
    • 5. Steps 2 through 4-Repeat until auxillary tanks are empty
  93. ENG1 or ENG2 FUEL PRESS LO Caution
    • 1. XFEED switch-OPEN (above 6,000 ft PA)
    • 2. FUEL PUMP(S) circuit breakers-Check in
    • Pump(s) are operational-Proceed to step 3
    • Pump(s) are not operational-Proceed to step 4
    • 3. XFEED Switch-CLOSED
    • 4. FUEL PUMP Switches-OFF (inoperative pump(s))
  94. L or R FUEL LVL and ENG1 or ENG2 FUEL PRESS LO (opposite sides) Cautions (L FUEL LVL and ENG2 FUEL PRESS LO or R FUEL LVL and ENG1 PRESS LO)
    • 1. XFEED Switch-CLOSED
    • 2. Land as soon as possible
  95. No. 1 or No. 2 GEN 2 FAIL CAUTION Identifiers
    No.1 RECT and No. 2 RECT FAIL, ENG1 and ENG2 FUEL PRESS LO, and AFCS1 and AFCS2 FAIL (all on the failed GEN side)
  96. No. 1 or No. 2 GEN 2 FAIL CAUTION
    • if bus tie DOES NOT exist
    • 1. GEN switch-OFF/RESET, then ON
    • If power is not restored:
    • 2. Land as soon as possible
    • If a bus tie DOES exist:
    • 3. GEN switch-OFF/RESET, then ON
    • if the caution remains on:
    • 4. GEN switch-OFF
    • 5. Electrical Load Meters-Check, if > than 100%, reduce electrical load as required
    • -LH/RH AC Cabin Utility Receptacles (if in use)
    • -ENG1 and ENG2 EAPS FANs (if in use)
    • 6. Monitor load meters as required (especially if additional equipment is added to the electrical load)
    • 7. Land as soon as practicable
    • If both generators fail:
    • Land as soon as possible
    • If unable to land:
    • 1. Airspeed-below 100 knots
    • 2. Altitude-Below 6,000 FT PA
    • 3. AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch-OFF
    • 4. PDPs-Check circuit breakers and AC cross-tie gang bars down
    • 5. GEN1 and GEN2 Switch-OFF/RESET, then ON
    • If electrical power IS restored (from either generator)
    • Land as soon as possible
    • If electrical power IS NOT restored:
    • 6. APU-Start
    • 7. APU GEN-ON
    • 8. Reduce electrical load-As required
    • 9. Land as soon as possible
  98. No 1 or No 2 RECT OFF Caution
    • DC bus tie HAS NOT occurred:
    • PDPs-check
    • If power IS NOT restored:
    • Land as soon as possible
    • DC bus tie HAS occurred (only the No. 1 RECT or No. 2 RECT FAIL caution will be on):
    • 1. PDPs-check
    • 2. Electrical load meters-Check, if > than 100%, reduce electrical load as required

    • -LH/RH DC Utility Receptacles (if in use)
    • -PLT and CPLT Searchlights (if in use)
    • -Air warrior system (if in use)

    • 3. Monitor Load meters as required, (especially if additional equipment is added to the electrical load)
    • 4. Land as soon as practicable
  99. NO1 and NO2 RECT OFF Cautions
    • Land as soon as possible
    • if unable to land:
    • 1. Airspeed-Below 100 knots
    • 2. Altitude-Below 6k FT PA
    • 3. AFCS-OFF
    • 4. PDPs-Check circuit breakers in
    • 5. DC CROSSTIE circuit breakers on both No. 1 and No. 2 PDPs-Pull out
    • 6. DC equipment not required-OFF or pull out circuit breakers
    • 7. Land as soon as possible
  100. NO1 or NO2 HYD FLT CONTR Caution
    • Fluid loss IS evident:
    • Land as soon as possible
    • Fluid loss IS NOT evident:
    • 1. PWR XFER switch (affected system)-ON
    • 3. Land as soon as possible
    • High fluid temperature IS evident:
    • 4. Land as soon as possible
  101. NO1 and NO2 HYD FLT CONTR Caution
    • 1. PWR XFER 1 and 2 switches-ON
    • 2. Land as soon as possible Avoid large control inputs
  102. UTIL HYD PRESS LO Caution
    • Fluid loss IS evident:
    • 1. Land soon as possible
    • 2. Isolation switch (affected subsystem)-OFF
    • If pressure IS restored
    • 1. Land as soon as practicable
    • F2. Maintenance panel-monitor
    • If fluid loss IS NOT evident:
    • 1. APU-START
    • 2. Land as soon as practicable
    • F3. Maintenance panel-monitor
    • If temperatures or pressures are abnormal or abnormal vibrations occur:
    • Land as soon as possible
    • High fluid temperature IS evident:
    • Land as soon as possible
  103. Ditching power on
    • 1. Land away from personnel in the water
  104. Landing in trees
    • Power Off:
    • Power on:
    • 1. Approach to a hover-5 to 10 feet
  105. FWD LCTA FAIL and/or AFT LCTA FAIL Caution(s)
    • If in AUTO MODE:
    • 1. Airspeed-Adjust
    • 2. CYCLIC TRIM circuit breakers-IN
    • If LCT operation IS NOT indicated:
    • 3. CYCLIC TRIM switch-MANUAL
    • 4. FWD and AFT CYCLIC TRIM switches-Adjust for airspeed
    • If LCT operation IS NOT indicated:
    • FWD and AFT CYCLIC TRIM switches- RET for 30 seconds, before landing
    • If in manual mode:
    • 1. Airspeed-Adjust
    • 2. CYCLIC TRIM circuit breakers-IN
    • If LCT operation IS NOT indicated:
    • CYCLIC TRIM switch-AUTO
    • If LCT operation IS NOT indicated:
    • 1. CYCLIC TRIM switch-MANUAL
    • 2. FWD and AFT CYCLIC TRIM switches-RET both LCTs for 30 seconds, before landing
  106. Single AFCS Failure-BOTH SELECTED
    • 1. AIRSPEED-REDUCE to 100 knots or Vne, whichever is slower
    • 2. Altitude-Adjust as required
    • 3. AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch-Isolate defective system. Turn NO. 1, if not isolated, turn NO. 2 ON
    • If system IS NOT isolated:
  107. Dual AFCS Failure
    • AFCS SYSTEM SEL switch-OFF
    • If IMC:
    • Land as soon as practicable
Card Set
APART Flash Cards
APART Flash cards