What are the three supporting tissues for the teeth?
Alveolar bone
Periodontal Ligament
Dentogingival Junction
What is an alveolar process? What does it consist of?
The alveolar process is the part of the maxilla and mandible that supports the roots of the teeth.
It consists of alveolar bone proper and supporting bone.
Clinically, alveolar bone is defined as this on a radiological basis:
Lamina Dura
True or False: The presence of alveolar bone is strictly dependent on the presence of dental roots.
True. When teeth don't develop and erupt, alveolar bone doesn't form. Similarly, when teeth are extracted the alveolar bone resorbs.
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What is the ridge of alveolar bone that is the coronal border of the alveolar process?
The Alveolar Crest
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The outer cortical (compact lamellar) plate of bone faces this direction, whereas the inner cortical (compact lamellar) plate of bone faces that direction...
This: cheek and lips (buccal)
That: tongue and palate (lingual)
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Other names for the alveolar bone proper...
Cribiform plate
lamina dura
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Cribiform plate consists of two layers of bone. What are they?
Compact lamellar bone and a layer of bone into which the periodontal fibers insert. Note: fibers that enter this bone are NOT CALCIFIED and are called Sharpey's fibers; refer to fibers present in the bone tissue.
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What is alveolar bone proper that forms sockets around multirooted teeth called? What is made up of?
It's called interradicular alveolar bone; made up of cribiform plates and some spongy (cancelous, trabecular, etc) bone
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What is interdental alveolar bone?
Alveolar bone between teeth consists of the cribiform plates of both teeth and some spongy bone.
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True or false: The cortical plates are the only essential part of the bone socket.
False. The alveolar bone proper (cribiform plate) is the only essential part of the bone socket. The cortical plates are not always present or may be fused and spongiosa may be absent as well.
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What type of bone is alveolar bone: compact or spongy?
Alveolar bone is compact and has osteons.
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True or false: Both cementum and cribiform plate can show arrest lines indicating alterations in the deposition of cementum and bone by cementoblasts and osteoblasts, respectively.
Remember: all alveolar is direct bone formation; no cartilage template, like long bones do.
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Orthodontic movement of the teeth is accompanied by the remodeling of what to permit movement of the tooth: PDL, alveolar bone, alveolar bone proper, or cementum?
Alveolar bone proper. This movement effects the PDL, stretching it on one side (tension) and compacting it on the other (compression). When bone is resorbed, the fibers in the PDL become established to their new parameters and hold the tooth in its new position after all bone remodeling has occurred. PDL likes to be a specific width!
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What is the scalloped-shaped area called in areas of alveolar bone responding to orthodontic treatment?
A Resorption Lacuna
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If you're pulling away from cribiform plate, so pulling on the PDL, do you get bone deposition or bone resorption?
Tooth movement away from cribiform plate stimulates osteoclasts to lay down new bone, thus filling in the space left by the repositioning of the tooth. Bone deposition. New bone is woven bone and extends from arrest line. Periodontal fibers are anchored in this new bundle bone. Also called: woven bone or bundle bone.
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Which cells create the PDL?
The PDL is a product of the cells of the dental sac. These cells (fibroblasts) secrete Type I Collagen that makes up the bulk of the fibers. The PDL has a fast turnover rate, and thus the fibroblasts are constantly engaged in collagen secretion. New fibers are being incorporated into the PDL.
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What are the two groups of fibers called which comprise the PDL?
Gingival fibers & principal fiber bundles
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What kind of tissue can be found in interstitial spaces in the PDL?
Loose CT
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What is found between principal fiber bundles?
Areas of loose CT, blood vessels, and nerves
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Explain how the width of the PDL changes due to age, location on tooth, and load bearing.
Width is greater in young adults than older adults.
Greater near the cervix and apical regions than the middle of the root
Functioning (load bearing) teeth have a wider PDL than non-functioning teeth.
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What are the four types of gingival fibers?
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From/to where do dentogingival fibers extend?
From: cervical cementum
To: free gingiva and gingiva lamina propria, over the alveolar crest
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From/to do dentoperiosal fibers extend?
From: cervical cementum, over alveolar crest
To: cortical plates of the bone
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From/to transseptal fibers extend?
From: cementum
To: adjacent tooth, over the alveolar crest
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From/to circular fibers?
From: extend horizontally around the most cervical part of the root
To: insert into cementum and lamina propria of the gingiva and alveolar crest.