Biology Lecture Ch #1

  1. Inductive Logic
    Taking observations or facts and creating a new proposition that is compatible with those facts and observations.
  2. The 5 steps of the scientific method
    • -Observations
    • -Questions
    • -Hypothesis tentative answers to questions
    • -Predictions based in hypothesis
    • -Testing the predictions by making additional observations or conducting experiments
  3. Deductive Reasoning
    Making predictions based on the hypothesis

    EX-Tyrone Hayes predicted that frog tadpoles exposed to atrazine would show adverse effects of the chemical once they reached adulthood
  4. Controled Experiments
    manipulate one or more factors being tested
  5. Comparative Experiment
    compare unmanipulated data gathered from different sources
  6. Controlled Expirement
    an expirement that starts with groups that are simalar

    hypothesis is based on a variable
  7. Variable
    hypothesis is based on this

    a critical factor in an expirement
  8. Comaprative Expirement
    an expirement that starts with a prediction that there is a difference between groups based on the hypothesis

    -variables are not controlled
  9. Independent variable
    can be manipulated
  10. Dependent variable
    Changes in response to the independant variable
  11. Null Hypothesis
    the premise that no difference exists
  12. Data
    quantified observations
  13. Hypotheses proposed must
    • -be testable
    • -have the potential of being rejected
  14. Reproduceable and quantifiable observations
    causes evidence taht the power of biology depends on
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Biology Lecture Ch #1
Exam on ch 1.3 - ch 6