Basic Chem, and Organic MOlecules

  1. What is pontential energy?
    Energy that is stored.
  2. what is an example of a polysacchride?
    celluose and a insect excoskelltion.
  3. why does the disaccharide surcrose (C12H22O11) does not have a 1:2:1 ratio?
    dehydration synthesis
  4. how is energy released form an ATP monecule and how is ADP converted to ATP?
    • ATP-o-o-o
    • ^ l
    • l l
    • l V ------->energy
    • ADP-o-o
  5. what is the structure of a nucleotide?
    a phosphate, a 5-c sugar, and a nitrogen base.
  6. what is an ion?
    an ion is a particle that is electrically charged.
  7. what are the four elementa that make up 96% of the human body?
    Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen.
  8. what is the charge for each subatomic particle.
    • proton- p+
    • nuertron- n0
    • electron- e-
  9. define the word element.
    a matter composed of a limited number of substances.
  10. what is the monomer for nucleic acids?
  11. What is the monomer for lipids?
  12. What is the monomer for protein?
    Amino Acids
  13. what is the monomer for carbohydrates?
    Monosaccharide (single sugar)
  14. what is ADP?
    it is a DI-phosphate.
  15. what is ATP/
    ATP is TRI-phosphate. (there used to be ATP is TRI-county)
  16. what is a buffer?
    it is a substance that keeps the pH constient.
  17. what is a base?
    Release OH- and is a Proton acceptor
  18. what is an acid?
    Release H+ and is Proton donor
  19. what is a colloid?
    Solute does not dissolve but looks like it does
  20. what is a suspension?
    when the solute particles do not dissolve.
  21. what is a solution?
    a uniformed mixture.
  22. what is a solvent?
    a solvent does the dissolving.
  23. what is a solute?
    a solute gets dissolved.
  24. what is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?
    organic compounds contain carbon, and inorganic coupounds do not.
  25. What is hydrogen bonding?
    a bond where hydrogen atoms form a bridge between eachother.
  26. what is an ionic bond?
    one atom loses an electron, and one atom gains an electron.
  27. What is a covalent bond?
    electrons shared between atoms.
  28. What is the valence shell?
    • Outermost energy level
    • The # of electrons in valence shell determines reactivity
  29. What is a compound?
    two or more different atoms (e.g. h2o)
  30. What is a Molecule?
    two or more atoms of the same substance (e.g. N2)
  31. what are isotopes and how are they used?
    isotopes have a different number of neutrons, and are used for tracers, radiaton, and carbon dating,
  32. What is the Atomic Number, and Atomic Mass?
    # of protons, # of neutrons.
  33. What is kenitic energy?
    energy of movement. (you move to see your KINitic)
  34. What is Chemical Change?
    You get a brand new substance. (e.g. burning steak)
  35. What is a Physical Change
    You still have the same substance (the phase changes) e.g. cutting up steak.
Card Set
Basic Chem, and Organic MOlecules
bio anatomy.