anatomy review

  1. another term for the word anterior is:
  2. the region of the 9-region plan of the abdomen located directly inferior to the hypochondriac region:
    lumbar region
  3. the region of the 9-region plan of the abdomen located directly lateral to the epigastric region:
    hypochondriac region
  4. the region of the 9-region plan of the abdomen located medial to the inguinual region:
    hypogastric region
  5. the region of the 9-region plan of the abdomen located directly superior to the umbilical region
    epigastric region
  6. the study of the structure of the human body
  7. the study of function of the human body
  8. the study of the structure of the human body before birth
  9. study of all living things
  10. an imaginary line drawn on the surface of the body to represent the approximate location of some deeper underlying structure
    linear guide
  11. a description of a body pat in relation to the postion of adjacent structures
    anatomical guides
  12. the points of origin and termination of a body part in relation to adjacent body structures
    anatomical limits
  13. term referring to the organs contained within a body cavity
  14. a vertical plane passing through the body from anterior to posterior and superior to inferior so as to divide the body into right and left portions
    sagital plane
  15. a vertical plane passing through the body from superior to inferior and from side to side so as to divide the body into an anterior and posterior portion
    cornor plane-frontal plane
  16. a vertical plane passing through the body from anterior to posterior and superior to inferior so as to divide the body into symmetrical halves
    median plane-midsagittal plane
  17. a horizontal plane passing through the body from anterior to posterior and side to side so as to divide the body into a superior and inferior portion
    transverse plane-horizontal plane
  18. another term for the word Deep is:
  19. another term for the word Peripheral is
  20. the opposite of medial is
  21. the opposite of Distal is
  22. The opposite of Dorsal is
  23. the opposite of inferior is
  24. term referring to the walls surrounding a body cavity
  25. a group of body tissues arranged for the performance of a particular function in the body
  26. a group of body cells arranged for the performance of a particular function in the body
  27. the system of the body having to do with the skin
    integumentary system
  28. the system of the body having to do with the bones of the body
    skeletal system
  29. the system of the body having to do with the heart, blood and vessels
    circulatory system
  30. the dead human body used for anatomical study is called
  31. in the anatomical position, which of the following does not apply
    anything that isn't faceing you while laying down
  32. the brain and spinal cord are found in this cavity
  33. the heart and lungs are found in this cavity
    ventral cavity
  34. the stomach is found in this cavity
    peritoneal cavity
  35. the tounge is found in this cavity
    oral cavity proper-bucca cavity
  36. the heart is found in this cavity
    pericardial cavity
  37. the extremities include the following
    arm, forearm, hand, leg, thigh, leg and foot
  38. the skull is made up of two parts,
    cranium and Face
  39. the peritoneum is reflects over most of the organs in the
    abdominal cavity
  40. the trunk of the body may also be referred to as the
  41. the portion of the abdominal cavity that houses the urinary bladder and female sex organs is called
    peritonal cavity
  42. the lungs are contained in the
    chest cavity
  43. the neck of the body is also referred to as the
    cervical region
  44. the thigh portion of the lower extrmity is also called the
    femoral region
  45. the hand is said to be distal to the
  46. the wall that divides the two nasal cavities is called the
    nasal septum
  47. the wall that divides the thorax from the abdomen is called
  48. epithelial tissue
    • linings and coverings of the body
    • (produces secreations to lubricate and protect surfaces)
  49. endothelium
    inside lining of the vascular (circulatory system) system
  50. endocardium
    inside layer (or lining) of the heart
  51. tunica intima (internal)
    inside lining of a vessel (artery, vein or lymph vessel)
  52. Mesothelium
    outside covering of the hollow organs of the body or the lining of the hollow body cavities. will always include the Serous Membranes(covers structure that are sealed off from the outside air)
  53. pleura (or pleural membranes)
    lining of the pleural cavities.
  54. parietal pleura
    lines the rib cage
  55. visceral pleura
    covers each lung
  56. pericardium (or pericardial membranes)
    lining of the pericardial cavity.
  57. parietal pericardium
    lines the pericardial sac
  58. epicardium (or visceral pericardium)
    is the outer layer (or covering) of the heart
  59. Peritoneum
    the outside covering of most of the organs in the abdominal cavity
  60. tunica adventitia (externa)
    outside covering of a vessel (atery, vein or lymph vessel)
  61. epithelial tissue proper
    all epithelial tissue that is not endothelium or mesothelium
  62. epidermis
    the outermost covering of the skin (integumentary system)
  63. mucous membranes
    • the epithelial tissues that line those structures that open to the oustdie of the body. Inside the lining of the: respiratory system, digestive system, uninary system and reproduction system.
    • (nose to the lungs)
  64. endometrium
    the inside lining of the uterus
  65. glandular epithelium
    make up the glands of the body
  66. Connective tissue
    • the binders of the body, also serve as the framework of the body
    • bone & teeth
    • tendons
    • fascia
    • hematopoietc tissue(blood and lymph
    • cartilage
    • ligaments
    • adipose (or fat)
  67. muscle (or Muscular) tissue-the muscles of the body
    • skeltal muscle
    • smooth muscle
    • cardiac muscle
  68. nerve (or nervous) tissue- makes up with the nerves of the body
    • brain (or encephalon)
    • spinal chord
    • nerves (cranial nerves or spinal nerves)
    • 12 pairs / 31 pairs
  69. Connective Type membranes
    • Synovial
    • Epithelial Type Membranes
    • mucous membranes
    • endometrium
    • mesothelium
    • serous membranes
    • pleura membranes/parietal and visceral pleura
    • pareicardium membrances/ visceral pericardium
    • peritoneum
    • Connective type membranes
    • synovial membranes
Card Set
anatomy review
anatomy review