Ch 7 Control of Microbial Growth

  1. sterilization
    killing all microbes, spores, and vegetatives
  2. disinfection
    destroy / reduce vegetative forms
  3. anti-sepsis
    • destroys vegetative forms on living tissue
    • sepsis = through
  4. degerming
    mechanical removal of microbes
  5. sanitization
    disinfection based upon standards set by state or local authorities
  6. biocide / germicide
    killing of microbes
  7. bacteriostasis
    • keeping a certain level of microbes
    • inhibiting growth / reproduction
    • stasis = balance
  8. sepsis
    bacterial contamination in an organism
  9. septic shock
    organism goes into shock from invasion
  10. asepsis
    no bacterial contamination
  11. rate of microbial death
    • depends on
    • food availability - natural
    • waste in environment - natural
    • anti-microbial - ariticial
  12. actions of anti-microbials
    • permeability of membranes
    • damage nucleic acids (DNA + RNA)
    • salting causes lysis ( plasmolysis)
    • heating (dessicate)
  13. thermal death point
    temperature at which bacterial dies
  14. thermal death time
    time it takes bacteria to die at a certain temperature
  15. moist heat
    • heating using water
    • autoclaves
    • retorts
  16. dry heat
    heating using flame
  17. pasteurization
    process of lowering + raising temperatures to kill microbes
  18. filtration
    depends on size of pores
  19. low temperatures
    • do not kill most bacteria
    • causes food spoilage in refrigerators
  20. osmotic pressure
    increase or decrease in H2O content to destroy microbe
  21. chemical methods of microbial control
    • alcohols
    • phenols
    • chlorine
    • iodine
    • ammonia
    • sulfur products
    • sodium products
    • antibiotics
    • heavy metals
    • surfactants
    • gaseous oxides
    • peroxide
    • formaldehydes
  22. microbial characteristics
    spores (endospores) are difficult to control
Card Set
Ch 7 Control of Microbial Growth
different types of controls for bacteria growth