1L AP of Chattels Basic

  1. What is North Carolina's SOL for acts of replevin?
    3 years

    (1) Does NOT apply the discovery rule.

    • (a) Strict rule
    • of 3 years is all you get. Doesn’t matter if you use due diligence to seek
    • possessor
  2. Define replevin:
    • a writ obtained from a court authorizing the
    • retaking of personal property wrongfully taken or detained.
  3. What are the 2 types of rules/approaches for AP of Chattels?
    • i) Discovery Rule—NJ Approach:
    • due diligence+ID cause of action+SOL

    ii) Demand and Refusal—NY Approach: R+D+SOL=AP wins chattel
  4. Define the Discovery Rule—NJ Approach:
    • SOL does not begin until the TO, by due diligence,
    • discovers the basis of the cause of action by identifying the possessor of the
    • chattel
  5. SOL does not begin until the TO, by due diligence, discovers the basis of the cause of action by identifying the possessor of the
  6. What type of remedy is the discovery rule/NJ approach?
    • Equitable
    • Remedy that a court will identify, evaluates, and weighs the equitable claims
    • of all parties.
  7. Define due diligence
    • Due
    • diligence—vary w/ the facts of each case, including the nature and value of the
    • property
  8. Who has the burden of proof in when the discovery rule applies?
    • Burden on proof on the TO (b/c the TO must
    • demonstrate due diligence by conduct).

    • Different from straight AP…. Burden on AP to prove SOL and 5 common law
    • elements
  9. Can the discovery rule apply to thieves AND good-faith purchasers?
    Yes, Applies to both good-faith purchasers and thieves
  10. Define the Demand and Refusal/ NY approach to AP of Chattels:
    • SOL will not begin against a good faith purchaser
    • until the TO demands the return of the chattel and the possessor refuses to
    • return it
  11. Does demand and refusal apply to thieves AND good faith purchasers?
    NO... does NOT apply to thieves
  12. Define defense of laches:

    What is this doctrine applied... in what jurisdiction usually?
    • Equitable defense
    • of laches—inaction assents to good-faith purchaser’s right to title of chattel

    • (a) TO must make
    • a prompt demand… unfair to make a demand after 10 years of knowledge chattel
    • was in the possession of another.

    (b) AP must raise this defense himself
  13. What kind of title does a thief have to property that is stolen?

    What is the common law rule for theft and a transfer of title?
    • Common Law
    • Rule: Void title (from thief) cannot provide good title to another

    (1) A theft CANNOT convey good title b/c thief has a void title; Purchaser cannot obtain good title from a thief
  14. When does voidable title occur?

    Can voidable title transfer good title?
    • Voidable
    • title can transfer good title to a good faith purchaser

    • (1) Delivery of goods was in exchange for a check that
    • is later dishonored (bounced
    • check)

    Void --- Good Title NOT possible

    Voidable--- Good Title OK

    • IE: A buys car w/
    • bounced check from Z. A has voidable title. A sells car to Y. Y has good title.
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1L AP of Chattels Basic
AP of Chattels Basic