Chap 1 Vocab

  1. The ability of one person to cause another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions
  2. Power that is used to determine who will hold government office and how government will behave
    Political Power
  3. The right to exercise political power
  4. The widely-shared perception that somehing or someone should be obeyed
  5. Conferring political power on those selected by the voters in competitive elections
    Representative Democracy
  6. Term for the Greek city-state
  7. An identifiable group of people with a disproportionate share of political power
    Elite (Political)
  8. A relatively small political unit within which classical democracy was practiced
  9. A political system in which the choices of the political leaders are closely constrained by the preferences of the people
    Majoritarian Politics
  10. A philosopher who defined democracy as th e"rule of the many"
  11. A theory that government is merely a reflection of underlying economic forces
    Marxist Theory
  12. A sociologist who presented the idea of a mostly nongovernment power elite
  13. Individual who worried the new governmet he helped to create would be too democratic
  14. A political system in which those affected by a government program must be permitted to participate in the program's formulation
    Citizen Participation
  15. A theory that no one interest group consistently hold political power
    Pluralist Theory
  16. Structures of authority organized around expertise and specialization
  17. A theory that appointed civil servants make the key governing decisions
    Bureaucratic Theory
  18. A term used to describe three different political systems in which the peope are said to rule, directly or indirectly
  19. A political system in which all or most citizens participate directly by either holding office or making policy
    Direct or Participatory Democracy
  20. A theory that a few top leaders make the key decisions without reference to popular desires
    Elitist Theory
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Chap 1 Vocab
Key Terms for Ap-Government