Gram Positive Bacilli 7.11

  1. These are irregular, non-sporing gram positive rods that are coryneform or club shaped?
  2. Corynebacterium are non-acid fast organisms that have what catalase result?
  3. This bacteria is also known as Klebs-Loeffler bacillus
    C. diphtheriae
  4. What are the three biotypes of C. diphtheriae?
    • mitis
    • gravis
    • intermedius
  5. What are the five species of Corynebacterium?
    • C. diptheriae
    • C. pseudotuberculosis
    • C. xerosis
    • C. pseudodiphteriticum
    • C. jeikeium
  6. C. diphtheriae is spead by resiratory ___________, contact with _________ lesions or contaminated __________.
    • droplets
    • lesions
    • objects
  7. what type of toxins do C. diphtheriae produce?
  8. Respiratory cytotoxins produced by C. diphtheriae cause what?
  9. Cutaneous cytotoxins produced by C. diphtheriae cause what?
    non-healing ulcers
  10. C. xerosis is a ____________ pathogen that causes endocarditis and septicemia.
  11. C. pseudotuberculosis is also known as what?
    C. ovis
  12. This Corynebacterium causes pneumonia and granulomatous lymphadenitis?
    C. pseudotuberculosis
  13. This Corynebacterium causes Pneumonia, lung abcesses, and is associated with endocarditis.
    C. pseudodiphthericum
  14. These are GPRs that resemble and may be confused with C. diphtheriae, primarily opportunistic pathogens.
  15. C. diphtheria is collected from what two sources?
    • Nasopharyngeal
    • Oropharyngeal
  16. What type of sawbs are used to collect C. diphtheria from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cultures?
    Calcium alginate swab
  17. What three media are used to plate C. diphtheriae?
    • BAP
    • CHOC (1% tween 80)
    • Cystine-tellurite agar
  18. This media is used for primary isolation of C. diphtheriae.
    Cystine-tellurite agar
  19. what is the inhibitor in the Cystine-tellurite agar?
    Potassium tellurite
  20. Growth of C. diphtheriae on the Cystine-tellurite agar will appear as what?
    gray or black colonies
  21. What biotypes of C. diphtheriae will appear as medium, white and opaque colonies on the BAP?
    • Gravis
    • Mitis
  22. What biotype of C. diptheriae will appear as small gray and translucent colonies on the BAP?
  23. This media supports growth for all species of Corynebacterium while inhibiting normal flora.
    Modified Tinsdale medium
  24. This media is a Cystine-sodium thiosulfate tellurite.
    modified tinsdale medium
  25. what will the appearance of Corynebacterium be on a modified tinsdale medium?
    black colonies with brown halo
  26. how is the Modified Tinsdale medium inoculated?
    • Isolation
    • Stab to enhance brown color
  27. In this medium serum and egg stimulates production of metachromatic granules in Corynebacterium.
    Loeffler serum slant
  28. What stain is used for Crynebacterium?
  29. what is the bacteria that has metachromatic granules?
    Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  30. C. diphtheriae displays what type of hemolysis on the BAP?
  31. what causes blackening of the medium on the cystine tellurite agar?
    tellurite reduction
  32. Toxigenicity testing is used for isolated organisms to determine ________ state?
  33. what Toxigenicty testing is used for In vitro organisms?
    Elek immunodiffusion test
  34. Toxigenicity testing is also known as what?
    virulence testing
  35. In this toxigenicity test paper stips with diptheria antitoxin are placed below the surface of agar.
    Elek immunodiffusion test
  36. What is the reult of 45oC percipitation on the Elek immunodiffusion test?
  37. What Toxigenicity test is used for In-vivo testing?
    2 guinea pigs
  38. for in-vivo testing of C. diphtheriae, the first guinea pig is injected with what?
    • 250 units antitoxin
    • 2 hours inject with 4 ml unknown
  39. For in-vivo testing of C. diphtheriae, the second guinea pig is injected with what?
    The unknown
  40. This Toxogenicity test is used to determine toxicity or neutralization of cytopathic effect.
    Tissue culture test
  41. These are Gram positive bacilli that are occasionally gram variable, asporogenous, short, coccobacillary to diphtheroidal and occasionally form chains.
  42. What is the BEM result for Listeria?
  43. what is the distinctive test for listeria?
    Motility +
  44. This is a halotolerant bacteria that grows over a wide range of temperature on ordinary media.
  45. What is the temperature range for Listeria?
  46. Listeria can survive up to ____ NaCl at 4oC for 8 weeks.
  47. What is the glucose fermentation result of listeria?
  48. What is the CAMP and H/H result of Listeria?
  49. True or false
    Listeria are regular, spore forming GPR.
    • False
    • Listeria are regular, nonsporing GPR
  50. What are the species of Listeria?
    L. monocytogenes and others
  51. What is the prime reservoir for Listeriosis?
    livestock and poultry
  52. This is a disease in a wide variety of fish, birds, and mammals, it is associated with abortion and encephalitis in sheep and cattle.
  53. Listeriosis is caused by what bacteria?
    Listeria monocytogenes
  54. This is an uncommon, but very significant human pathogen that causes bacteremia and meningitis in immunosuppresed, but only mild food poisoning in healthy persons.
  55. True or false
    Listeria monocytogenes can be transmitted congenitally.
  56. This bacteria can cause genital infection with habitual abortions.
    L. monocytogenes
  57. This is when L. monocytogenes is transmitted by contact with infected animal tissues, usually in vets and livestock handlers. It is also associated with food borne transmission.
  58. What is the catalase result for L. moncytogenes?
  59. L. monocytogenes has what type of motility in the hanging drop method?
  60. L. monocytogenes grows better at ________ than 35oC.
  61. This organism has a pinpoint or small, translucent, gray narrow zone of beta-hemolysis on the BAP. It also has an umbrelly type growth observed in semisolid motility media.
    L. moncytogenes
  62. Listeria moncytogenes is often confused with what two bacteria? why?
    • Haemophilus (GMS morphology)
    • Streptococci (BEM +, growth at 6.5% NaCl, Camp +, Hippurate +)
  63. This culture technique is used for L. monocytogenes specimens having heavily mixed flor (e.g. tissue)
    Cold enrichment technique
  64. For cold enrichment technique in L. moncytogenes how is the specimen incubated?
    4oC for 1-6 months
  65. what technique of culturing L. moncytogenes requires continuous subculturing?
    Cold Enrichment Technique
  66. True or false
    L. moncytogenes will stop growing when using the Cold Enrichment Technique.
    • false
    • Although temperatue is 4oC L. monocytogenes will continue to grow
  67. This GPR has a tendency to form long unbranched filaments, and may exhibit thickening and granular beading.
  68. What is the TSI result that Erysipelothrix exhibits which is rare for a GPR?
    H2S +
  69. what is the species in Erysipelothrix.
    E. rhusiophathiae
  70. This is a swine pathogen that is seen in buthers, fisherman and vets.
    E. rhusiophathiae
  71. What is the human disease caused by E. rhusiophathiae?
  72. What is the pathogenicity infrequently seen in E. rhusiophathiae?
    Endocarditis or septicemia with relatively high mortality rates
  73. What are the three recommended specimens for processing E. rhusiophathiae?
    • Biopsy
    • Tissue aspirate
    • Blood
  74. This organism appears as pinpoint, circular, convex, transparent or larger rough colonies with matt surface and fimbriated edge that is slightly alpha or gamma hemolytic on the BAP.
    E. rhusiophathiae
  75. Which GPR simulates miniature anthrax-type colonies on the BAP?
    E. rhusiophathiae
  76. what is the motility result for E. rhusiophathiae?
  77. what organism has a test tube brush pattern of growth in motility media?
  78. Lactobacillus has a chain formation that is common and a tendency to form ________.
  79. What is the organism that produces lactic acid from glucose as major metabolic end product?
  80. what type of oxygen user is lactobacillus?
    • microaerophilic
    • facultative anaerobe
  81. What is the GPR that is usually negative for catalase, motility, H2S and BEM?
  82. This organism is prominent flora in the vagina, colon, mouth, and part of mixed flora.
  83. This organism is seen in pleuropulmonary infections and dental caries.
  84. What GPR grows well on BAP and CHOC and has a small and greenish alpha hemolytic zone on the BAP.
  85. This organism is commercially used in the dairy industry.
  86. What is this GPR?
    Catalase: +
    Motility: =
    H2S: =
    Esc: =
    B hem: =
  87. What is this GPR?
    Catalse: +
    Motility: +
    H2S: =
    Esc: +
    B hem: +
  88. what is this GPR?
    Catalse: =
    Motility: =
    H2S: +
    Esc: =
    B hem: =
  89. What is this GPR?
    Catalase: =
    motility: =
    H2S: =
    Esc: =
    B hem: =
  90. this ubiquitous, GPR, is endospore forming and has + motility.
  91. which bacillus exists in air and dust, may be a common contaminant.
    B. subtilis
  92. What are the three forms of B. anthracis?
    • cutaneous (most common)
    • Pulmonary (100% fatal)
    • Gastrointestinal
  93. what is the etiological agent of anthrax?
    B. anthracis
  94. what Bacillus species may be used as a bioweapon because spores persist for long periods in contaminated materials.
    B. anthracis
  95. What are the two types of food posioning caused by B. cereus?
    • Diarrheal
    • Emetic
  96. This Bacillus causes two forms of food poisoning and traumatic eye infections.
    B. cereus
  97. This bacteria is used as sterility control for steam autoclave procedures and food canning.
    B. stearothermophilus
  98. B. stearothermophilus is a thermophilic bacteria that grows at what temp?
  99. true or false
    B. stearothermophilus spores occur in soil in all climactic zones.
  100. These are large to med, flat, irregular, non-hemolytic, light grey GPR, that may have a ground glass appearance on older cultures.
    B. anthracis
  101. when viewed under dissecting microscope B. anthracis has serrated margis with what classical appearance?
    medusa head
  102. B. anthracis colonies show ______ when manipulated on BAP?
  103. this bacillus closely resembles Pseudomonas on the BAP?
    B. subtilis
  104. any isolate of Bacillus morphologically suggestive of B. anthracis should immediately be submitted to who?
  105. This Bacillus appears as long chains resembling a jointed bamboo rod and has extensive sporulation with a gram stain.
    B. anthracis
  106. These are standardized spore suspension culutre mediums with a pH indicator.
    Seal glass ampule (BBL "Killit")
  107. what is the pH indicator on the sealed glass ampule (BBL "killit")?
    bromcresol blue
  108. this is filter paper strips impregnated with spores, dehydrated culture media, and pH indicator.
    sporestrips (BBL "killit" sporestrips)
  109. turbidity indicates what result in BBL "killit"?
    • growth +
    • not sterile
  110. Growth + on BBL "killit" indicates what?
    not sterile
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Gram Positive Bacilli 7.11
Microbiology Unit 7.11 Gram Positive Bacilli