
  1. chronic inflammatory skin disorder of the sebaceous glands that is characterized by comedones and blemishes aka simplex acne vulgaris
  2. disorder where clients purposely scrape off acne lesions, causing scarring and discoloration
    acne excoriee
  3. pink or flesh-colored precancerous lesions that feel sharp or rough/ sun damage
    actinic keratoses
  4. the absence of melanin pigment in the body, including skin, hair and eyes aka congenital leukoderma
  5. a deficiency in perspration, often a result of a fever or skin disease, that requires medical treatment
  6. dry, scaly skin from sebum deficiency, which can be due to aging, body disorders, alkalies of harsh soaps, or cold exposure
  7. dermatitis is genetically related to overractive immune systems and is prevalent in people with nasal allergies and asthma
    atopic dermatitis
  8. pinkeye very contagious
    bacterial conjunction
  9. the most common and the least severe type of skin cancer, which often appears as light, pearly nodules
    basal cell carcinoma
  10. foul-smelling perspiration, usually in the armpits or the feet
  11. a large blister containing water fluid; similar to a vesicle, but larger
    bulla(plura: bullae)
  12. a large circumscribed inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by stephylococci; similar to a furuncle (boil) but larger
  13. increased pigmentation liver spots
  14. a tendency to clog folicles and cause a buildup of dead skin cells, resulting in comedones
  15. an open comedo or blackhead: a mass of hardened sebum and skin cells in a hair follicle. When the follicle is filled with an excess or oil, a blackhead forms. It is dark because it is exposed to ovygen and oxidizes. Closed comedones do not have follicular opening and are called milia or whiteheads
  16. an inflammatory skin condition caused by contact with a substance or chemical. Occupational disorders from ingredients in cosmetics and chemical solutions can cause contact dermatis veneata
    contact dermatitis
  17. dead cells form over a wound or blemish while it is healing, resulting in as accumulation of sebum and pus, sometimes mixed with epidermal material. An example is the scab on a score
  18. closed, adnormally developed sac containing fluid, infection, or other matter above or below the skin
  19. any inflammatory conditition of the skin. Various forms of lesions, such as eczema, vesicles or papules
  20. an inflammatory, painful itching disease of the skin, acute or chronic in nature, with dry or moist lesions. This condition should be referred to a physician. Seborrheic dermatitis, mainly affecting oily areas, is a common from of eczema
  21. swelling caused by a respones to injury or infection
  22. redness caused by inflammation;a red lesion is erythemic
  23. a skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping
  24. a crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis. Chapped lips or hands are fissures
  25. inflammation of the hair follicles
  26. a subcutaneous abscess filled with pus; also called boils, furuncles are caused by bacteria in the glands or hair folicles
  27. this strain of the herpes virus causes fever blisters or cold scores
    herpes simplex virus 1
  28. this strain of the herpes virus infects the genitals
    herpes simples virus 2
  29. endeocrine glands, located just above the kidneys, that produce hormones needed by the nervous system
    adrenal glands
  30. hormone screted by the adrenal glands during an emergency respones, such as stress
  31. male hormone
  32. coild structures attached to hair follicles found in the underarm and genital areas produce a thicker form of sweat and are responsible for producing the substance that when in contact with bacteria producese a body ordor
    apocrine glands
  33. a temporary endocrine structrue that develops for the ovarian folicle during the menstrual cycle/ maintaining pregnancy
    corpus luteum
  34. disease that results when the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin
  35. 1. ductless glands that release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream
    2. specialized glands that effect growith, development, sexual activities, and health of the entire body
    endocrine gland
  36. the inner membrane of the uterus
  37. a steroid made from the hormone estrogen that gives women female characteristics
  38. 3rd estrogen produced by the human body, it is only present in significant amounts during pregnancy and does not change considerably during a person's life
  39. the hormone that gives women female characteristics
  40. an estrogentic hormone secreted by the ovary and the least prevalent of the estrogen hormones
  41. duct glands that produce a substance that travels through small tubelike ducts,such as the sudoriferous (sweat) glands and the sebaceous (oil) gland
    exocrine ( duct) gland
  42. hormone secreted by the pituitary of the gland that caused the development of the egg, or ovum
    follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
  43. itching and tingling feeling of the skin experienced by some women during menopause
  44. excessive growth of an unusual amount of hair on parts of the body normally bearing only downy hair, such as the face, arms, and legs of the women or the backs of men
  45. oral, topical, implanted or injection methods used to administer female hormones to control or prevent symptoms of menopause
    hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  46. secretions produced by one of the endocrine glands by one of the bloodstream or body fluid to another part of the body or a body organ, to stimulate functional activity or secretion; the internal messenger for most of the body's system
  47. a condition in which the thyroid gland secretes too much thyroid hormone
  48. 1. manufactures hormones stimulate the pituitary glands to make other hormones and chemically monitoring the blood.
    2. regulates metabolic functions, hormone release and autonomic functions.
  49. controls movement of some involuntary muscles, such as the muscles of the intestines that help move food through the gastrointestinal system
    hypothalamus glands
  50. a condition in which the thyroid glands secretes too little thyroid hormones.
  51. redness and bumpiness common on the cheeks or upper arms caused by blocked hair follicles. ( rough texture and small pinpoint white gapules that look like very smill milia)
    keratosis pilaris
  52. hormone that cause the actual process of ovulation or the release of the egg from the ovary. It also caused the testes to manufacture tesetosterone
    luteinizing hormone (LH)
  53. the first menstrual period
  54. the time in a woman's life when the ovaries stop producing ova
  55. a thinning of the bones, leaving them fragile and prone to fractures; caused by the reabsorption of calcium into the blood
  56. organs in the female reproductive system located just above the uterus and connected to the uterus by two hollow tube called the fallopian tubes
  57. organ located in the abdomen; secretes pancreatic enzymes that are delivered into the intestine
  58. gland responsible for regulating calcium and phosphates in the bloodstream
    parathyroid gland
  59. the time before and around menopause
  60. gland located in the brain its fuction is not well understood, but it is thought to be related to the sex hormones
    pineal glands
  61. gland found in the center of the head; serves as the 'brain' of the endocrine system
    pituitary gland
  62. a condition in which some women experience uncomfortable physical changes before menstruation
    premenstral syndrome (PMS)
  63. hormone that helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy and is an important hormon in the menstrual cycle
  64. stage of life when physcial changes occure in bothe sexes and when sexual function of the sex glands begins to take place
  65. hormone manufactured by the ovaries that helps enlarge the pelvic opening during childbirth
  66. synthesized or released by various cells or organs
  67. stretch markes commonly occuring during pregnancy
    striae distensae
  68. organs of the male reproductives system; reside in the scrotum and produce sperm
  69. male hormone responsible for development of typical male characteristics
  70. gland located in the neck; regulates both cellular and body metabolism and produces hormones that stimulate growth
    thyroid gland
  71. one of the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland
  72. chemicals that cause glands to make hormones
    trophic hormones
  73. shingles, painful skin condition from te chickenpox virus
    herpes zoster
  74. excessive perspiration caused by heat or body weakness. medical treatment is required
  75. thickening of the skin caused by a mass keratinized cell (keratinocytes)
  76. overproduction of pigment
  77. an adnormal growth;many benign or harmless
  78. lack of pigment
  79. contagious bacerial infection often occuring in children; characgterized by clusters of small blisters
  80. a thick scar resultion from excessive growith of fibrous tissue (collagen)
  81. cells composed of keratin
  82. an acquired, thickened patch of epidermis. A callus caused by pressure or friction is a keratoma
  83. adnormally thick build-up of cells
  84. redness and bumpines in the cheeks op upper arms; caused by blocked follicles.
    keratosis pilaris
  85. freckles small yello-brown colored spot.
  86. structural changes in tissues caused by damage or injury
  87. light
  88. light, abnormal patches caused by a burn or congenital disease that destroys the pigment-producing cells such as vitiligo and albinism
  89. a flat spot or dicoloration on the skin, such as freckle its neither raised nor sunken
  90. the most serious form of skin cancer
    malignant melanoma
  91. term for hyperpigmentation;
  92. also called whitheads, milia are witish, pearl-like masses of sebum and dead cels under the skin
  93. prickly heat; acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands resulting in the eruption of red vesicles and burning, itching skin from excessive heat
    miliaria rubra
  94. a brownish spot ranging in color from tan to bluish black some are flat, resembling freckles others are raised and darker
  95. a birthmark or mole
  96. aka tumors buth these are smaller bumbps caused by conditions such as scar tissue fatty deposits, or infections.
  97. a pimple contain no fluid but may develop pus
  98. an acne-like condintion areound the mouth small cluster of papules that could be caused by toopast
    perioral dermatitis
  99. primary lesions are caraterized by flat, nonpalpadble changes in skin color such as macules or patches, or an elevationformed by fluid in a cavity, such as vesicles, bullae, or pustules
    primary lesions
  100. the medical term for itching
  101. often referred to as ''razer bumps'' resumbles foliliculitis without the pus
  102. a skin disease characterized by red patches covered with white-silver scales caused by overproliferation of skin cells replicate to fast usually found in patches on the scalp, elbows,knees, chest, and lower back
  103. an inflamed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus, a fluid consisting of white blood cells, bacteria and other debris produced from infection
  104. hereditrary factor in which dead skin cells do not shed from the follicles as they do on normal skin
    retention hyperkeratosis
  105. imflammation of the skin; chronich confestionprimarily on the cheeks and nose and redness, dilaton of blood vessels, and in severe cases,
  106. flaky skin cells; any thin plate of opedermal flakes, dry or oil
  107. similar to open comedones, these are manily solidified impactons of oils without the cell matter
    sebaceous filaments
  108. benign lesions frequently seen in oilier areas of the face an overgrowth of the sepaceous gland, they appear similar to open conedones; often doughnuts-shaped, with sebaceous material in the center
    sebaceous hyperplasia
  109. severe oilness of the skin;an adbonrmal secretion form sebaceous glands
  110. a common form of eczema
    seborrhea dermatitis
  111. skin damage developed in the later stages of disease, that changes the structure of tissues or organs
    secondary lesions
  112. small outgrowths or extensions of the skin that look like flaps
    skin tag
  113. mor serious that basal cell carcinoma, scaly red papules or nodules
    squamous cell carcinoma
  114. brown or wine-colored discoloration. occur after certain diseases, or after moles freckles, or liver spots disappear. port wine stain is a birthmark, which is vascular type of nevus
  115. a sebaceous cyst or subcutaneous tumor filled with sebum
  116. increase in pigmentation due to the melanin production that results from exposure to UV rays
  117. describes capillaries that have been damaged and are now larger, or distende blood vessels. commonly know as couperose skin
  118. a fungal infection
  119. a contagious infection that form a ringed, red pattern with elevated edges. ringwarm
    tinea corporis
  120. yeast infection that inhibits melanin production
    tinea versicolor
  121. an abnormal rounded solid lump larger than a papule
  122. a large nodule an abnormal cell mass resultion from excessive cell multiplicaton and varying in size, shape and color
  123. an open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body, accompanied by pus and loss of skin depth. a deep erosion; in the skin normally due to infection or cancer
  124. hives
  125. vascular dilation of blood vessels
  126. a wart
  127. a small blister or sac containg clear fluid.
  128. white spots or areas on the skin from lack of pigment cells sunlight makes it worse
  129. an itchy, swollen lesion caused by a blow, insect bite, skin allergy reaction, or stings. Hives (utricaria) and mosqito bits are
  130. pink, sometimes sealy, adnormal skin lesions that are regarded to be precancerous
    actinic keratosis
  131. acne that develops in the 20s and above; often caused by hormone fluctuations, or external factors,
    adult acne
  132. small, lumpy cysts in the eyelids
  133. inflammation that can be seen with the naked eye or with the aid of a magnifying loop
    clinical inflammation
  134. non-inflammatory follicle impactions that appear as small bumps just under the skin surface
    close comedones
  135. areas of small, red, enlarged capillaries of the face and other areas of the body
  136. a process in which collagen and elastin fibrils in the dermis collapse, casing the support system for the skin to collapse
  137. the dermatological removal of lesions by freezing, usually with liquid nitrogen
  138. molecule secreted by an activated or stimulated cell that causes chemical immune responses in certain ther cells
    cytokine (Gr.Kytos,"hollow vessel"+ Kinen, "to remove")
  139. a skin mite that has been associated with rosacea
    demodex folliculorum
  140. coined term describing damage to the skin caused by long-term sun exposure
  141. a form of male hormone that stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce sebum
  142. adnormal growth; often used to describe cancerous lesions
  143. a subtype of rosacea that is charactrized by diffuse, patchy redness, and a grainy texture
    erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
  144. fluid oozing from a healing wound
  145. an episode in which pimples and redness occur in a person who has rosacea
  146. sudden facial redness caused by blood rushing to the skin
  147. any form of rosacea that includes hard, nodular papules
    granulomatous rosacea
  148. a type of intestinal bacterium that has been associated with rosacea
    helicobacter pylori
  149. refers to balance or wellness within the body
  150. chemicals released by inflamed cells that alert the immune system to the irritation
    inflammatory mediators
  151. redness and bumpiness common on the cheeks or upper arms caused by blocked hair follicles.
    keratosis pilaris
  152. mucous membranes secrete mucous which provides protection and lubricaiton for the internal surface.
  153. a subtype of rosacea that affects the eyes, resulting ineye redness, swollen eyelids, and other eye lesions
    ocular rosacea
  154. non-infammatory acne lesions appearing as large, clogged follicles with solidified sebum and dead cell builup. Often called blackhead
    open comedones
  155. the opening of a follice on the skin surface
  156. subtype of rosacea that often resembles acne vulgaris, with large red pustules and papules
    papulopustular rosacea
  157. an acne-like condition around the mouth, small clusters of papules primarily seen in women of child-bearing age. Treated with internal anitbiotics
    perioral dermatitis
  158. a subtupe of rosacea in which the nose has a thickened appearance and the individual sometimes has rhinophyma, which is a substantial enlargement of the nose
    phymatous rosacea
  159. the hair follicles
  160. a type of yeast sometimes associated with seborrheic dermatitis
    pityrosporum ovale
  161. dark melanin splotches caused by traum to the skin
    post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  162. the phase of wound healing in which there in increased vascularity to supply nutrients and oxygen to the wound
    proliferative phase
  163. the scientific names of the bacteria that cause acne vulargis
    propionibacterium acne
  164. the formation of new epidermis and dermis over the area of injury. The epithelial cells from the wound margin and the philosebaceous units migrate to repair damage
  165. the maturation phase of a wound
  166. enlarging of nose, resultion from a sever form of acne rosacea
  167. a skin disorder characterized by flaky, red, patchy skin primarily in the eyebrows, T-zone, and scalp caused by inflammation of the sebaceous gland and resultion in patches of inflamed flakiness in oily areas of the skin; a common form of eczema
    seborrhic dermatitis
  168. crustylooking, slightly raised lesions in mature, sun damaged skin. often appear in the cheekbone area. they may be black, brown gray or sometimes plesn-toned or sallow
    seborrheic keratoses
  169. biochemical inflammation that cannot be seen with the naked eye or a magnifying loop
    subclinical inflammation
  170. outermost parts of the skin
  171. capillaries that have been damaged and enlarged with distended blood vessels, commonly called couperose skin
  172. a dilated or distended red capillary
  173. redness that comes and goes
    transient erythema
  174. related to blood vessels
  175. biochemical within the skin that triggers the growth of capillaries
    vascular growth factor (VGF)
  176. vascular dilation of blood vessels; resulting in flushing
  177. highest level of decontamination; completely kills every organism on a nonporous
  178. set of guidelines and controls, published by OSHA, that require the employer and the employee to assume that all human blood and specified human body fluids are infections for HIV, hepatitis B virus, and other bloodborne pathogens
    Universal Precautions
  179. capable of destroying viruses
  180. agent that may kill, retard, or prevent the growth of bacteria
  181. process of properly handling sterilized and disinfected equipment and supplies so that they do not become contaminated by microorganisms until they are used on a client
    aseptic procedure
  182. showing no symptom or signs of infection
  183. one-celled microorganisms with both plant and animal characteristics; also known as microbes
  184. capable of destroying bacteria
  185. disease causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the body in the blood or body fluids.
    bloodborne pathogens
  186. when a diseas spreads from one person to another by contact
  187. communicable or transmittable by contact
  188. when an object or product has miroorganisms in or on it
  189. contanination that occurs when you touch an object, such as the skin, and then touch an object or product with the same hand or utensil
  190. removal or pathogens and othersubstances from tools and surfaces
  191. chemical agents used to destroy most bacteria, fungi, and viruses and to disinfect implements and surfaces.
  192. second-highest level of decontamination, nearly as effective as sterilization but does not kill bacterial spores; used on hard, nonporous surfaces
  193. effectiveness
  194. capable of destroying fungi
  195. the invasion of body tissues by disease-causing pathogenic bacteria
  196. material safety data sheet; information compiled by a manufacturer abouth its product, ranging from ingredient content and associated hazards to combustion levels and storage requirements
    Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  197. third level of decontramination; significantly reduces the number of pathogens or disease-producing organisms found on a surface
  198. disinfectants that are considered nontoxic, odorless, and fast acting.
    quaternary ammonium compounds (quats)
  199. capable of destroying Pseudomonas baceria
  200. carbolic acid; a caustin poison; used for peels and to sanitize metalic implements
  201. causing disease; harmful
  202. not harmful; not disease producing
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