What does mature milk consist of?
- Protein and non-protein nitrogens
- Carbs
- Fats
- Vitamins & Minerals
- Live Cells: WBC & T cells to protect immune system
- Not homogenized
What are the overall benefits of Breastfeeding for the infant?
- Best nutrition for appropriate growth and development
- Active protection against infection (bacterial & viral); any illness less frequent & less severe
- Lower risk of oral and dental problems
- Builds trusting relationship with Mom
What diseases does Breastfeeding protect the infant from?
- DM Type 1&2
- Lymphoma/Cancer
- Allergic dx/ skin dx
- Chronic digestive dx (Crohns)
- Childhood/adult obesity
- Chronic high blood pressure
What are benefits to the Mom for Breastfeeding?
- Dec PP bleeding, rapid uterine involution
- Lactational amenorrhea
- Earlier to return to pre-pregnant wt
- Improved bone remineralization PP
- Reduced risk of breast & ovarian cancer (esp premenopausal)
- Emotional linkage to baby
- Lower costs for health care & food for baby
What are the Barriers to Breastfeeding?
- Physician apathy, misinformation
- Insufficient prenatal breastfeeding education
- Disruptive hospital policies, interruption of breastfeeding
- Early hospital discharge: milk hasn't come in
- Lack of timely routine follow-up: within 3-5 days
- Maternal employment: not there
- Lack of broad societal support
- Normalization of not breastfeeding, Commercial promotion of ABM
When and how should you discuss infant feeding?
- At each prenatal visit
- Open-ended questions
What are "Mom's Concerns" with breastfeeding?
- Lack of confidence
- Embarrassment/ harrassment/ sexuality
- Loss of freedom
- Lifestyle restrictions
- Influence of family and friends
List counseling for Mom r/t breastfeeding
- Has the right to research-based info: informed choice, not guilt
- Target interests, expectations, and concerns
- Id risk factors
- Social, economic, practice issues important
List Prenatal preparation for Breastfeeding
- Breast exams: 1st tri- nipple trauma; 3rd tri- glandular growth
- C-sec, multiples, premature
- Breastfeeding classes
- Groups and community support
What is the Milk ridge or milk line?
Additional breast tissue in a line pattern extending from armpit to vagina that can leak with breastmilk
What diseases is it okay to breastfeed with?
- Acute infectious disease
- Venereal warts
- Toxoplasmosis
- Mastitis
What diseases is it okay to breastfeed with after treatment?
- Hepatitis A,B,C
- Tb
- Herpes viruses
- Lyme disease
What diseases should you never breastfeed with?
Discuss metabolic disorders and breastfeeding
- PKU: monitor closely
- Galactosemia: cannot bf, cannot digest
Discuss meds/ prescription drugs and bf
- Drug-by-drug assessment
- The more protein based the better
- Take things baby would nmlly get
- No pseudoephedrine, estrogen: dry up milk
Discuss Lactogenesis 1
- Conception to Stage 3 Labor
- Breast cellular growth
Discuss Lactogenesis 2
- Stage 3 to Day 3-4
- Endocrine driven: does not rely on sucking
- Drop in progesterone releases prolactin, driving milk synthesis, dev of prolactin receptors
Discuss Lactogenesis 3
- Aka Galactopoeisis
- Day 7 until you stop
- Autocrine driven "supply and demand"
- Develops gradually
- Infant sucking, cellular pressure of milk, important in supply
- Continues even as prolactin levels dec
What events during delivery can negatively impact bf?
- Medications
- Overhydration: edema, engorgement, excessive fluid (false wt loss in baby), impacts milk supply
- Cranial trauma can pinch sucking nerves: inside FHR mon, forceps
- C-section: mom cannot sit up to nurse
What can retained placenta and depo do to bf?
- Inhibit development of full milk supply
- Give depo at least 1 week after
At how many weeks gestation is the mom and baby ready to bf?
What happens to the baby is younger?
- 40 weeks
- Less stamina, fewer fat reserves
- Underdeveloped neurologic reflexes
- Underdeveloped critical organs (lungs, GI)
- Inc risk for re-admit r/t feeding
What are the goals of the Steps for Baby-Friendly Hospital?
- Promote good birth
- Maternal baby bonding
- Breastfeeding
What are the hunger signals?
- Early: rooting, sucking on hands, other objects, mewling cry
- Late: crying, breast fullness
How often to bf infants feed?
- q1.5-3h during day
- At least 1x/ night
- Minimum 140 minutes active feeding per 24h
- Stomach grows up to 1.5 to 2 oz by 10 days of age (feed small)
- Finish first breast first for fat
- 15-30 minutes feeding, 10-15 min audible swallowing
What are signs of Adequate Intake for bf infants?
- 1 stool day 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3
- Stool: size of a quarter
- Void: 1-3 tbsp liquid
- Slows as gut matures
- After first week: 3-5 void, 1 stool minimum
- 7-10% wt loss, back to birth wt by 2 weeks
Discuss aggressive measures in 3rd wk for FFT
- Pumping
- Supplementing with hindmilk at breast
- Lactation Counseling
Discuss treatment for Engorgement
- Frequent, effective feeds
- Soften breasts with massage, expression, warmth
- Soft breast easier for latch
- Cold compress after feed to reduce edema
- Wear supportive bra
What causes Sore Nipples?
- Bad position and latch
- Tongue tie
- Yeast- tx mom and dad if systemic
- Other skin infections: eczema, rashes
Discuss Mastitis
- Unresolved engorgement leads to plugged duct leads to mastitis
- Problem of stasis
- Move milk out of breasts and tx with antibiotics
- May have ductal pain after
- Staph, MRSA more common
What are the baby centered factors for slow wt gain?
- Medicated birth
- Oral anatomy, tongue tie
- Oral trauma
- Oral imprint to non-breast
- Physical discomfort
- Slow/weak suck
What are the mom centered factors for slow wt gain?
- Breast anatomy
- Hormones interfering
- Prolonged severe engorgement causing shutdown
- Metabolic issues: DM, hypothyrodism (delay large milk)
- Mother low fat stores or intake
List 4 ways to Resolve Feeding Issues
- Do not delay
- Determine factors limiting milk transfer
- Train baby back to breast: avoid bottles, supplement at breast, early signs
- Stimulate milk production: massage and pump
Discuss the Vagina & Perineum PP
- Vagina is relaxed
- Perineum is edematous, nml in 6-10 wks
- Hematoma may be present
- Episiotomy & tears heal in 2-3 wks
- Hemorrhoids shrink w/in 6 wks
- Sex in 6-8 wks, use lube
Discuss menstruation PP
- Ovulation can occur in 27 days for bottle feeding moms
- 2-3 months for breastfeeding
- Menstration starts in 3 months
Discuss Urinary System PP
- Bladder tone returns to nml 5-7 days
- Inc BUN, 1+ protein, trace ketones present 1-2 days
- Kidney fxn returns to nml w/in 1 mo
What 3 things must occur before C-sec pts can have solid food?
- Passing gas
- Bowel sounds
- Holding down fluids
Discuss Breasts PP
- Soft and fill 24-48 hrs up to 4-5 days
- Engorged 3-4 days
- No soap on bf pts nipples
Discuss Cardiovascular system PP
- Blood volume dec 300-400mL in vag, 1000mL in c-sec
- Inflammatory values elevated up to 12 wk
- No utero-placental circulation
- Temp may be elevated from dehydration, and when milk comes in
Discuss VS PP
- Requires careful monitoring
- Report tachycardia, low & high blood pressure, oral temp 100.4 or greater
Discuss lab values/ blood components PP
- Very low H&H: excessive blood loss
- Elevated clotting factors
- WBC: 20-25 first 10-12 days
- Varicosities & hemorrhoids regress after 6 wks
Discuss Neurological PP
- Diuresis leads to alleviation of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Numbness & tingling of the hands resolves
- H/A: epidural-blood patch, PIH or ecclampsia
Discuss Joints PP
- Relaxation and hypermobility of joints reverse to nml
- Joints stabilized by 6-8 weeks
- Feet joints never go back, always bigger
Discuss D/C teaching & care
- C-sec delay abdominal exercise for 4 wks
- Rubella vaccine if not immune and no prego w/in 3 mo after
- Document referrals: social services, hearing visits
Discuss Lamaze Method
- Focused breathing and relaxation techniques
- Slow abdominal-paced breathing (latent)
- Pattern-paced breathing (transition) avoid hyperventilation
Discuss Bradley Method
- Husband coached
- "Natural" darkness, solitude, quiet
List Alternate Pain Mgt therapies non-skin related
- Water therapy
- Hypnosis
- Biofeedback
- Aromatherapy
- Position change
- Application of heat & cold
List Alternate Pain Mgt therapies r/t skin
- Effleurage: gentle stroking mom's belly
- Counter pressure: pressure applied to sacral area
- Acupressure
- Touch & massage
- Healing touch
Discuss relaxation & breathing techniques
- Based on gate control theory
- Focusing & feedback
- Music
- Breathing patterns
Discuss mothers view on Latent phase and interventions
- Mild contractions
- Alternate periods of excitement & rest
- Encourage upright position and support
- Plant seed for meds
Discuss mothers view & interventions in Active phase
- Senses urge to push
- Tries to find adequate breathing pattern
- Inc irritability
- Frequent positioning
- Minimize stress
- Discourage holding breath
Discuss mothers view & interventions in Transition phase
- Extreme pain & powerlessness
- Burning sensation
- Inc urge to push
- Encourage "blowing away"
- Warm compress to perineum
- Provide mirror
- No pushing!
What causes Pain during Stage 1?
- Uterine muscle hypoxia
- Cervical & lower uterine segment
- Stretching
- Pressure on bony pelvis
Discuss Sedatives in labor
- Does not relieve pain, induces sleep & dec anxiety
- Rarely used due to neonatal CNS effects
Discuss Opioid Agonist-antagonist in labor
- Stadol: used more, q3-4h
- Nubain: used less
- Do not give close to delivery- neonatal narcosis, resp depression
Discuss Potentiatores (pain relief) in labor
- Phenergan- good for nausea
- Vistaril
- Enhances opioid effects
Discuss Opioid antagonists after labor
- Narcan
- Infant: neonatal narcosis, low RR
- Mom: itching, CNS depression
List SE of Epidural
- Hypotension- early
- Prolong labor- give in Active phase
- Inc need for Oxytocin
- Maternal fever
- Inc risk for C-sec
- Inc use of Operative delivery
- Itching reported
- Bladder distension- late, foley
Discuss Epidural vein
- Risk in epidural
- Tachycardia
- Numbness of tongue
- Metallic taste
- Inc BP or tinnitus w/in 2-3 min
- Intervention: lie down, place elsewhere
Discuss Subsarchnoid space
- Risk in epidural
- Immediate upper thoracic sensory loss
- Severe lower extermity motor blockage
Discuss Spinal H/A
- Risk in epidural
- Tx: blood patch, caffeine, supine, rest
List Nsg Considerations r/t tx
- Assess FHR & Uterine activity w/ narcotics- expect some nonreactivity
- Maternal vaginal exam
- Observe for resp depression, give narcan
- Enhance opioid effects with vistaril or phenergan
Discuss Pudendal Block
- Used for Pain relief in Stage 2
- Blocks nerve for relief in lower vagina, vulva, perineum
- Used in complications
What is the inital assessment on Mom
- Leopolds for PMI
- Fetal status
- Contractions: frequency, length, strength
- Membranes
Discuss appearance of Membranes (amniotic fluid)
- Color
- Thin or thick fluids could cause resp problems
- White flecks in fluid is vernix, okay
- Ferning pattern under microscope: indicative of protein
- Pooling in vaginal vault
List continuous assessment of Mom (not r/t progression of labor)
Discuss blood work during labor
- Platelets at least 100,000 before epidural
- WBC elevated during labor, up to 20,000 after delivery
List Special Orders during labor
- Monitoring frequency
- Diet
- IV therapy
- Activity
- VS
- Consults
Discuss contractions for each phase
- Latent: 5-30 min, irregular, mild to moderate
- Active: 3-5 min, regular, moderate to strong (if irregular, inc petocin)
- Latent: 2-3 min, strong to very strong (goal is strong 90-100 mmHg)
What is the purpose of the Vaginal Exam?
- Dilation, effacement
- Presenting part
- Membrane status
- Stool in rectum
- (sterile glove if ruptured, ky jelly if not)
What is the best position for occiput posterior?
- Squatting position
- Inc pelvic diameter & gravity
How can a baby "fall off the curve"?
- Doesn't descend (inc petocin)
- Mom doesn't dilate
- Malpresentation
- Baby too big
- Doesn't deliver after 3-4 hrs in Stage 2
What are potential complications during labor?
- Meconium- no cry
- Arrest of Progress
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Infection: GBS status (antibiotics), maternal temp, FHR
List Emergency complications during labor
- Amniotic fluid embolism/ PE
- Prolapse cord: knee-chest position to get pressure off cord, watch for bradycardia
- Vaginal bleeding: PP hemorrhage
- Nonreassuring FHR: 5 min brady, rep late decel (C-sec)
List potential complications of Episiotomy
- Infection
- Tear extension
- Hematoma
Discuss Nsg care of episiotomy
- During labor: warm compress, perineal massage
- After labor: ice packs
List 4 signs of Placental Separation
- Firmly contracting fundus
- Sudden gush of blood from introitus
- Lengthening of umbilical cord (delivered before placenta)
- Membranes at introitus- gentle push
- -Must be delivered in 30 min
Discuss Nsg Interventions for delivering placenta
- Bolus Oxytocin
- Fundal massage
- S/S hemorrhage
- VS
List interventions if Bleeding doesn't stop
- 1. Oxytocin inc & fundal massage
- 2. Methrogen, hemobait
- 3. Emergent hysterectomy
List Care throughout all stages (psych)
- Intergration of family
- Cultural beliefs
- Support of adolescents
List Infants major tasks at birth
- Breathing
- Adjusting from fetal to nml circulation
- Maintaining body's temperature
- Later: breath, suck, swallow
What is the first breath a result of?
- Changes in pressure (fluid out of lungs)
- Changes in temperature
- Environmental stimuli (noise, lights)
What does indocin do?
- Infants: closes up PDA (ductus arteriosus)
- Mom: stop preterm labor
List 4 ways Infants can loose heat
- Convection: baby to air
- Radiation: baby to distant object
- Evaporation: baby tries to evaporate cold moisture, keep baby dry
- Conduction: baby to object in direct contact
Discuss infant Renal System nmls
- Voiding may be delayed up to 24 hours
- Red brick dust/ uric crystals: nml
- 40-60 mg/kg/day first 2 days
- 100-150 mg/kg/day after