American Anthropology Association
Ethics in Anthropology
Code of Ethics guides anthropoligists research and other professional activites.
Informed Consent
Agreement to take part in the research, after have being informed, should obtained from anyone who provides information or who might be affected by the research
research process in which the anthropologist closely observes, records, and engages in daily life of another culture.
Participant Observation
Taking part in events or observing ,describing, and analyzing
Key Consultants
provides the most complete or useful information about particular aspects in life
Field Notes, and Diary
Ehtnographers record their impressions as a personal diary,which is kept seperate from more formal field notes.
key consultants, particular area in community life.
Life Histories
Intimate and personal cultural portrait that would be possible otherwise
Cultural Consultant
refers to individuals the ethonographer gets to know in the field, the people who teach him or her about their culture, who provide the emic perspective.
approach investigates how locall people think "native viewpoint"
- approach shifts the focus from local observations, categories, explanations, and interpretations to those of the anthropolgists.
- -ehtnographer emphasized what they notice and consider important.
- priority given to ethnographers own observations and conclusions.
interview schedule
the ethnographer talks face to face wih people, asks the questions, and writes down the answers.
good , friendly working relationship based on personal contact, with our hosts.
genealogical method
well established ethnographic technique.To understand current social relations and to reconstruct history.
founder of ethonography. Salvage anthro, in the belief that the ethnographer jobis to study and record cultural diversity threatened by Westernization.
Longitudinal research
- long term study of a community , region, society, culture, or other unit, usually based on repeated visits.
- Longitudinal reserach is often team research
survey research
involves sampling, impersonal data collection, and statistical analysis. Survery research ususally draws a sample.
random sample
all members of the population have an equal statistical chance of being chosen for an inclusion
attributes that vary among members of a sample or population., known to influence political decisions.
complex socieities
large and populous society with social stratification and central governments.
adaptive strategies
descirbe a societies system of economic production.
was the only human adaptive strategy until the advent of food production 10,00 years ago.
cultivation that makes intensive use of none of the factors of production:land, labor, capital, machinery.
requires more labor than horticulture does because it is land intensively and continously.
shifting cultivation
when horticulturists abandon plot because of soil exhaustion or a thick weed cover,they clear another piece of land, and the original plot reverts to forest.The relationship between land and people is not permanent.
herders whose people activities focus on such domesticated animals as cattle, sheep, goats,camels,yak, reindeer
everyone moves with the animals throughout the year.
system of production, distribution, and consumption of resources, economics is the study of such systems.
means of production
include land, labor, technology
operates when goods, services,or their equivalent more from the local center level to a center.
exchange between social equals, who are normally related by kinship, marriage, or another close personal tie.
give away food
aniaml domestication
many agricuturilits use animals as means of production.ex: for transport
small group fewer than a hundred people, all related by kinship or marriage.
contrasts in prestige are minor and are based on age and gender.
talks about adaptive stragtegies