must be measured exactly by directions
can be used under amalgam (as a base)
has limited shelf life
- Polycarboxylate Cement
- (Durelon)
What is the main component that is found in both zinc phosphate & Polycarboxylate?
Zinc Oxide
Do you need a protective insulating base/liner for
Zinc Oxide Eugenol (ZOE)??
- No, because it has a neutral pH
- It's non-acidic & soothing on the pulp
What material loses its shine & becomes stringy or form "cobwebs" if you extend the working time?
What could someone use if their crown came off and they couldn't make it to the dentist?
Baby powder & vaseline
IRM is a Type Two Zoe & can last up to a year.
How is it supplied?
Zinc Phosphate Powder
is available in what color shades?
white, yellow, & gray
What material (cement) is the toughest to clean off crowns?
Polycarboxylate Cement
Dental cements can be used as a thermal base under what?
Zinc oxide is composed of?
- Zinc Oxide
- & a small amount of Magnesium Oxide
How is Zinc Phosphate Cement supplied?
Powder & Liquid
How is ZOE supplied?
Powder & a Liquid
Two-paste system
True or False
Dental cements must be used a lone?
False--They can be used in combination with other dental materials.
What does Eugenol liquid contain?
Oil of cloves
How can you clean the inside of a gold crown?
-Prophy Jet----air abrasion
"dental office smell"
where does that come from?
The use of Eugenol liquid
What does Type One Zinc Oxide Powder
- Zinc Oxide
- Zinc Acetate
- Resin
- & an Accelerator (activator)
Although, ZOE may be mixed on a glass slab, what do we mix it on?
Coated Mixing Pad with a METAL spatula
When Zinc Phosphate is mixed to become doughy, putty-like what are we mixing to use as?
A base
What does "IRM" mean?
Intermediate Restorative Material
What is Type Two ZOE referred as?
Intermediate Restorative
How long can Type Two ZOE last?
6-12 months
Types of ZOE
-Can be used as an insulated base
-Can be used for a temp. cementation
Two specific BRAND names.
How is Tempax supplied?
2 Pase System
-fine grain powder cementation
Type One
Why shouldn't you get ZOE near the gum?
It irritates gum tissue
Name some examples of why a patient may choose to use Type Two ZOE.
Type Two Zoe: used if a tooth cannot be restored immediately.
Examples: -away on vacation -employment (military)
In what ways may Glass Ionomer be used in a dentist office?
- -Cement
- -Base
- -For a filling
Name two popular brands of Glass Ionomer.
Glass Ionomer--
final setting time?
24 hours
Eugenol acts as a _____________
when mixed with powder.
-Oldest cement used in dentistry
-has low solubility which resists breakdown in the mouth
Zinc Phosphate
How would you know if Polycarboxylate Cement
was expired?
- really thick
- sticky
- discolored
Polycarboxylate ONLY goes as a __________
under a __________.
& It is a mechanical bond.
Name two brands of temporary cement.
Used for:
temporary filling or permanent cementation
-putty like & rolled into a ball
Type Two Zoe
Name two benefits of Glass Ionomer.
- Releases fluoride
- Nonirritating
What is the brand name for Zinc Phosphate?
Fleck's by Mizzy
- It is a yellow powder
- w/ a clear liquid
What can you mix Glass Ionomer on?
- paper mixing pad
- cool glass slab
What is the benefit of using a glass slab
for mixing Glass Ionomer?
It will retard (slow) working and/or setting time
How is Polycarboxylate Cement LIQUID
- Squeeze bottle
- Calibrated Syringe
What is the main component used in the liquid of
Zinc Phosphate?
Phosphoric Acid
How is Temp Bond supplied?
Two Tubes of Paste
Explain the liquid used for
Glass Ionomer.
- It's an aqueous solution
- of polyacrylic acid.
Type of ZOE
lacks strength & longevity?
Type One
Glass Ionomer
setting time?
mixing time?
- app 5 minutes
- 30-60 seconds
Another name for a permanent cement?
Glass Ionomer cement is strong enough to
be a _________ ________.
Supportive Base
a NEWER cementation system.
can either be self-curing or light-curing
Glass Ionomer
Type of Glass Ionomer
-finer grain
Used for:
permanent cementation of crowns & bridges
Also, orthodontic bonding
Type One Glass Ionomer
True or false
Glass Ionomer Type One
may be used for pit & fissure sealants.
What is a luting agent?
A cementlike substance used to seal surface.
_____________ refers to the release of heat from a chemical reaction.
What type of ZOE is used for permanent cementation?
Can Glass Ionomer cements be used as a restoration?
Another name for temporary?
___________ __________ is easier to dispense & spatulate.
Glass Ionomer
It's not as viscous.
What cement is similar to Glass Ionomer in strength?
Zinc Phosphate
What can IRM be used as?
- temporary filling
- or
- temporary cement
Type of Glass Ionomer
-Coarser & supplied in a variety of shades to match tooth color
Type Two Glass Ionomer
What is Polycarboxylate Cement also known as?
Zinc Polyacrylate Cement
Type of Glass Ionomer
-used for crown & core buildups
Type Four Glass Ionomer
How can Polycarboxylate Cement be used?
- Permanent Cementation:
- *crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, ortho. bands & brackets, & appliances
- *insulating base
- *temporary restoration
A dental material that is used to temporarily or permanently hold an indirect restoration in place is a
What does retard mean?
To slow down the process of something
How does Glass Ionomer bond to tooth structures?
mechanically & chemically
What "classes" could Glass Ionomer Type Two be used in?
- Class 3 & Class 5
- permanent restorations
What is Glass Ionomer powder made with?
It is a silicate glass powder:
- *calcium
- *aluminum (calcium fluoroaluminosilicate glass)
- *fluoride
Type of Glass Ionomer
Used as a liner & dentin bonding agent
Type 3
True or False
You shouldn't dispense Glass Ionomer liquid until prior use.
Type of ZOE
Used for temporary cementation/ insulating base
Type One ZOE
Why is ZOE mixed on a coated parchment mixing pad?
- To prevent Eugenol from soaking through;
- -save clean-up time
Name examples of how Zinc Phosphate could be used in a dentist office.
- Permanent Cementation
- crowns, inlays, onlays, bridges, & orthodontic bands & brackets
Used to CEMENT metallic restorations or PFM restorations to tooth structure.
Core buildup material & High-Strength Liner
The 1st cement that has the ability to chemically bond to the tooth structure.
Polycarboxylate Cement
What do you mix Polycarboxylate Cement on?
- Either a glass slab or a paper mixing pad
- using a metal spatula
How does Polycarboxylate bond?
-Mechanically---to restorations
-Chemically---to tooth structure
Does Polycarboxylate produce an exothermic reaction?
What is Polycarboxylate's "setting time"?
3-5 minutes
*Temporary Restoration
*Temporary Cementation
*Low-strength base
*Root canal sealer
Zinc Phosphate can be used under amalgam as?
an insulating base
*Permanent Cementation
*Temporary Restoration
*High-Strength Base
Polycarboxylate Cement
As a cement it is most frequently used as a temporary cement, or to cement stainless steel crowns on deciduous teeth.
Zinc Oxide Eugenol is a traditional form of temporary filling used either by itself, or in conjunction with ......
an acrylic powder (IRM)