The Rise Of Sumer

  1. southern Mezopotamia:
    a City state is....
    • countryside areas-farmers
    • urban areas-center of society
  2. city states fought each other to...
    gain farmland, they had strong armies to defend
  3. name two cities:
    • ur
    • uruk
  4. In which year the akkadians attack the sumerians
    2300 BC
  5. Sargon conquered:
    Sumer and northern Mezopotamia
  6. when Sargon died...
    it was a century of ups and downs
  7. Ur rebuilt it's strenghts and conquered Mezopotamia
    • political stability
    • sumerians were the power of civilization
  8. religion:
    • basis for sumerian society, polytheism
    • * Priests had great status and made offerings to gods
  9. Social Herarchy
    • king
    • priests
    • crafts people, merchants and traders
    • worcking class
    • slaves
  10. Enheduanna
    priestess, first female writer
  11. Sumer
    how the sumerians called Mezopotamia
  12. city state
    consisted of a central city and all the country side around it
  13. empire
    land with different territories and people under a single rule
  14. polytheism
    the worship of many gods
  15. priests
    people who performed or led religious ceremonies
  16. social hierarchy
    the division of society by rank or class
Card Set
The Rise Of Sumer
the 2 lesson, the rise of sumer