world history: chapter 5 vocab

  1. a government controlled by the citizens, either directly or through representatives
  2. a philosopher that questioned the nature of the world and of belief, thought, and knowledge
  3. a fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city
  4. a blind man that, according to the Greek tradition, was the best story teller
  5. a Greek city state; the fundementalunit of ancient Greece after 750 BCE
  6. an ancient kingdom north of Greece, whose ruler Phillip II conquered Greece in 338 BCE
  7. a war lasting from 431-404 BCE, in which Athens and its allies were defeated by Sparta and its allies
    peloponnesian war
  8. indo- european people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 BCE
  9. the son of Phillip II that accomplished great things over 13 years
    alexander the great
  10. a government in which power is in the hands of hereditary ruling class or nobility
  11. in ancient greece, a powerful individual who gained control of a city states government by appealing to the poor for support
  12. the athenian orator that tried to warn the Greeks of the threat Phillip II and his army posed
  13. Greek speaking people that, according to the tradition, migrated into mainland Greece after the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization
  14. a series of wars in the 5th century BCE in which Greek city-states battled the persian empire
    persian wars
  15. traditional stories about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society
  16. the art of Greece and Rome, in which harmony, order, and balance were emphasized
    classical art
  17. the persian king that fled in a fight between Persia and Macedonia, which led Macedonias army to take control of Antolla
    Darius III
  18. a military formation of foot soldiers armed with spears and sheilds
  19. a government in which power is in the hands of a single person
  20. the king of Macedonia that dreamed of taking over Greece then Persia and finally avenge the persian empire of Greece
    Phillip II
  21. thinkers who use logic and reason to investigate the nature of the universe, human society, and morality
  22. a war fought around 1200 BCE, in which an army led by the Mycenean kings attacked the independent trading city of troy in Anatolia
    Trojan war
  23. a highly reguarded mathematician who opened a school of geometry in Alexandria
  24. in the society of ancient Sparta, a peasant is bound to the land
  25. long narrative poems celebrating the deeds of legendary or traditional heroes
  26. one of the strongest critics of the Sophists. He believed absolute standards did exsist for truth and justice
  27. a serious form of drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or noble character
  28. a government in which power is in the hands o a few people--- especially in which rule is based upon wealth
  29. relating to the civilization, language art, science, literature of the Greek world from the reign of Alexander the Great to the late second century BCE
  30. a humorous form of drama that often includes slapstick and satire
  31. a student of socrates who wrote down the converstations of socrates. he wrote about his vision of a perfect society, people fell into 3 groups (farmers & artisians, warriors, ruling class)
  32. the african city that became the foremost center of commerce and Hellenistic civilization
  33. an enormous hellenistic statue that formely stood near the harbor of rhodes
    Colossus of Rhodes
  34. Hellenistic scientist of syracuse, studies at Alexandria
  35. a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives
    direct democracy
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world history: chapter 5 vocab
Classical Greece