
  1. Peace of Paris, 1763
    • The French Sued for Peace.
    • Ended the 7 Years War (French and Indian War) and was very beneficial for the English France gave up all land: In what is now Canada, East of the Mississippi and the Spanish were forced to give Florida to the British.
  2. Pontiac's Rebellion
    • Pontiac was the head of an Ottawa tribe and had created a confederation of tribes to attack the British Colonials who were wanting to take the land.
    • More Colonials Died during this one year than had died in the entire 7 years war.
    • Colonials were begging for more troops but Parliament didn't want to spend the money, so they passed the Proclamation Act of 1763
  3. Stamp Act
    • 1765
    • First Direct tax placed on the Colonials.
    • All official papers had to be stamped with a stamp purchased from an official Stamp Agent
    • Affected all levels of society
    • Many Stamp Agents were attacked because of this.
  4. Samuel Adams
    • Was very outspoken on his ideas for the Colonies need to Strike out against England
    • Was a part of the first continental congress
    • Had a Warrant put out for his arrest (along with John Hancock) for their Revolutionary Ideas.
  5. Virtual Representation
    • A term Parliament used to calm the outrage related to the Stamp Act.
    • Colonials were accusing Parliament of withholding their rights as Englishmen.
    • No taxation without representation
  6. Quebec Act
    • Colonials lost all liberties to have elected officials.
    • Parliament had decided that the only governing allowed, was to be done by those that had been selected by Parliament itself.
    • Also gave all land west of the Appalachian Mountains to Quebec
  7. "Common Sense"
    • Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
    • Discussed issues with a Monarchal Government system
    • Made many people see the flaws in the system
    • Sold 100,000 copies in first few months.
    • He then donated all proceeds to the Revolution.
  8. Battle of Saratoga
    • The importance of this battle was that it had convinced the French to formally enter into alliance with America during the Revolution.
    • England was trying to divide the states, but both forces (Burgoyne and Howe) had some problems. Burgoyne was slow moving, and Howe had gotten off track to take over Philadelphia.
    • Continental Army was prepared, and defeated the British.
  9. Battle of Yorktown
    • General Cornwallis had around 7,000 troops with him in Virginia, but in October 1781, he receives an order to go to Yorktown (Which is on a Peninsula)
    • The plan was to remove Cornwallis and his troops by sea and take them up to New York.
    • Washington takes troops to block them in on the land side while the French block off exit by sea.
    • This causes Peace Negotiations to begin and was the last significant Battle that took place before the Treaty of Paris 1783.
  10. Land Ordinance of 1785
    • After the revolutionary war, the states that had claimed land
    • west of the Appalachain Mountains, gave up their claims. They surveyed the land
    • and then offered them for sale to the public. To deal with how land is going to
    • be divided and offered for sale. Land ordinance was priced at about $1 per
    • Acre.
    • States are largest and divided into Townships
    • and then those townships divided into Mile Squares that consisted of 640 acres.
    • Money raised from the sale of this land went to
    • the National Treasury (Was the only steady source of income for the national
    • government for a short time.) It established that congress required that the 16th
    • section of land in every township, would be set aside for Public Education.
  11. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    • Specifically affected the Northwest Territory.
    • (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin)
    • Political Organization- 3 step process. In the
    • very early days of a territory, it is sparsely populated, Congress appointed a
    • territorial Governor and 3 territorial Judges. Their purpose was to establish a
    • form of Administration. Second stage happened when the population reached 5,000
    • adult Males, then the Eligible voters could elect a territorial Legislature.
    • When the population of a Territory reaches
    • 60,000, they can hold a convention in the Territory to create a state constitution.
    • They meet, create the constitution, and then has to be approved by the voters.
    • Then it has to be put before Congress, if congress approves it, then the
    • territory becomes a state.
    • Every new State will enter in with equal rights,
    • they didn’t want to place limits on the new states.
  12. Shays' Rebellion
    • Farmers could not pay their taxes in the North.
    • In Massachusetts Farmers began to protest peacefully but in a years time, the peace had ended and they began to pick up their rifles.
    • In 1787, Daniel Shay gathered other farmers and marched onto Springfield Massachusetts to build up their arsenal.
    • The rebellion was quickly defeated, but placed fear in all of the states.
    • The Articles of Confederation were not working.
  13. Great Compromise
    • The great Compromise was the combination of the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan on how the People should be represented in the Government.
    • Virginia wanted it based on Population while New Jersey wanted it all to be equal.
    • So they came up with the Great Compromise.
    • The Senate would consist of 2 representatives from each state and
    • The House of Representatives would be based on population
  14. Antifederalists
    • Antifederalists were people who opposed the Constitution
    • These were smaller, country folk who were afraid that their individual liberties would be trampled upon.
  15. Federalist Papers
    • Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
    • wrote 85 essays to argue in favor of the constitution. They talked about how
    • the Articles of Confederation were not a proper system. By late July 1788 New
    • York and Virginia finally ratified the Constitution. By 1790 Rhode Island ratified the constitution.
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Short answer Terms for the second exam