nursing skills chpt 4

  1. health as defined by WHO
    a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
  2. values
    ideals that a person feels are important
  3. beliefs
    concepts that a person holds to be true
  4. wellness
    • a full and balanced integration of all aspects of health
    • involves physical,emotional,social, and spiritual health
  5. holism
    the sum of physical, emotional,social, and spiritual health
  6. human needs

    • factors that motivate behavior.
    • in order, they are
    • 1. physiologic
    • 2. safety and security
    • 3. love and belonging
    • 4. esteem and self-esteem
    • 5. self actualization
  7. morbidity
    incidence of a specific disease, disorder, or injury when refering to the rate or numbers of people affected
  8. mortality
    incidence of the number of people who died from a particular disease or condition
  9. primary illness
    one that developes independently of any other disease
  10. secondary illness
    disorder that develops from a preexisting condition
  11. congenital disorder
    disorder present at birth but is the result of faulty embryonic development.
  12. idiopathic illness
    unexplained or unknown cause
  13. primary care
    health services provided by the first health care professional or agency a person contacts
  14. secondary care
    health services to which primary caregivers refer clients for consultation and additional testing
  15. tertiary care
    health services provided at hospitals or medical centers where complex technology and specialists are available
  16. medicare
    • federal program that finances health care for those over 65
    • part A covers acute hospital care
    • part B is purchased independently to cover extended services such as laboratory expenses, outpatient hospital care, etc.
  17. hmo
    corporations that charge preset, fixed, yearly fees in exchange for providing health care for their members
  18. ppo
    agents for health insurance companies that control health care costs on the basis of competition
  19. capitation
    a payment sytem in which a peset fee per member is paid to a health care provider reguardless of whether or not the member requires services
  20. integrated delivery systems
    networks thast provide a full range of health care services in a highly coordinated, cost-effective manner
  21. nursing team
    • personnel who care for clients directly.
    • the goal is to help clients attain, maintain, or regain health
  22. functional nursing
    • a pattern in which each nurse on a client unit is assigned specific tasks
    • task oriented
  23. case method
    pattern in which one nurse manages all the care a client or group of clients needs for a designated period of time
  24. team nursing
    pattern in which nursing personnel divide clients into groups and complete their care together.......usually has a team leader
  25. primary nursing
    pattern in which the admitting nurse assumes responsibilty for planning client care and evaluating the client's progress
  26. nurse-managed care
    a nurse manager plans the nursing care of clients based on their type of case or medical diagnosis
  27. continuity of care
    maintainence of health care from one level of health to another and from one agency to another. the goal is to avoid causing the client to feel isolated, fragmented, or abandoned.
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nursing skills chpt 4