Biology Ch.7 Terms

  1. How does an Electron Microscope work?
    By firing a beam of electrons at the target.
  2. What is a Cell?
    The basic unit of life.
  3. How does a Compound Light Microscope work?
    By using a series of lenses to magnify objects in steps.
  4. What is a TEM mostly for?
    Viewing the structures within a cell.
  5. What is a STM mostly for?
    Using the flow of electrons to create computer images.
  6. What is the Nucleus?
    The "brain" of a cell.
  7. What is the Plasma Membrane?
    The flexible boundary between a cell, and its environment.
  8. What is Selective Permeability?
    Allowing some things to pass, ant not others.
  9. What does a Phospholipid contain?
    • -A glycerol backbone
    • -Tow fatty acid chains
    • -A phosphate group
  10. What is the Phospholipid bilayer?
    Has phospholipids on both sides, and membrane proteins in the middle.
  11. What is the Cell Wall?
    A rigid structure outside of the plasma membrane, found in plant cells.
  12. Whats the difference between a Prokaryote, and a Eukaryote?
    Prokaryotes do not contain any membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotes do.
  13. What is Chromatin?
    Strands of genetic material(DNA)
  14. What is inside the Nucleus, and what does it do?
    The Nucleolus, and it produces Ribosomes.
  15. What are Ribosomes?
    The site where cells reproduce proteins according to the directions of DNA.
  16. What is Cytoplasm?
    The clear, gelatinous fluid inside a cell.
  17. The Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER) is what?
    The site of cellular chemical reactions.
  18. What does the Golgi Apparatus do?
    Modifies proteins.
  19. What is a Vacuole?
    Used for temporary storage of materials.
  20. What do Lysosomes contain?
    Digestive enzymes.
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Biology Ch.7 Terms
Biology Chapter 7-Cells