
  1. What are the four major categories of organic molecules, and their Atoms
    • 1. Carbohydrates, C-H-O
    • 2. Lipids, C-H-O
    • 3. Proteins, C-H-O-N-S
    • 4. Nucleic Acids, C-H-O-N-P
  2. What ratio of carbon:hydrogen:oxygen is typical of carbohydrates
    1:2:1 Ratio
  3. In comparison to carbohydrates, what atom is present in much lower quantities in lipids
  4. Define Monosaccharide
    The basic unit or Monomer of Carbohydrates (a simple sugar)
  5. Define Disaccharide
    Two units or Dimer of Carbohydrates that have been combined through Dehydration Synthesis
  6. Define Polysacaride
    A Polymer unit of Carbohydrate that has been combined through Dehydration Synthesis
  7. List the five major monosaccharides, and for each indicate its molecular formula, where it is primarily found, and its major function. Hint: the name “Dr. Frugal Glue
    • Glucose C6 H12 O6 Blood Eneryg
    • Fructose C6 H12 O6 Plant Energy
    • Galactose C6 H12 O6 Milk Energy
    • Ribose C5 H10 O5 RNA Heredity
    • Deoxyribose C5 H10 O4 DNA Heredity
  8. List the 3 major Disaccharides. For each indicate the 2 Monosaccharides of which it is composed, and where it is found.
    • Sucrose Glucose-Fructose Plants
    • Lactose Glucose-Galactose Milk
    • Maltose Glucose-Glucose Degradation of Starch
  9. List the 4 major Polysaccharides For each indicate where it is Found, its
    function, and whether animal enzymes can digest it.
    • Starch--------Glucose--------Plant------Energy
    • Glycogen--------Glucose------Animal------Energy
    • Cellulose-------Glucose-------Plant------Structure
    • Chitin--------Glucose-------Insect,Crab,Fungi------Structure,Exoskeletion,Shell,Cell Wall
  10. How are cows able to obtain calories from cellulose even though they themselves do not produce the needed enzyme.
    Animals such as cows have anaerobic bacteria in their digestive tracts which digest the cellulose
Card Set
Microbiology Lecture