
  1. Contains the brain and spinal chord
    Central nervous system
  2. Nerve fibers running to and from central nervous syste,
    peripheral nervous system
  3. interval of time between the onset of a stimulus and the persons response
    reaction time
  4. take electrodes put them on the outer layer of the brain and send electric currents through it
    direct stimulation
  5. 3 parts of direct stimulation
    • cortex-outer layer of the brain
    • EST-electric shock therapy
    • ECT-electroconvulsive therapy
  6. destroy part of brain through surgery, accident, or disease
    brain lesion
  7. avg. brain weighs? female?
    48 oz. or 3 lbs. ; 44 oz.
  8. seizure and epilepsy are examples of?
    convulsive disorders
  9. most severe, "great illness" ; lose consciousness
    grand mal
  10. "little illness"; stare into space, lose consciousness
    petit mal
  11. stroke, numbness that will spread, some grand mal symptoms
  12. loses consciousness but appear conscious, continues to function but doesn't remember
  13. magnetic stimulation; 70% success; shake up brain
  14. name six glands
    • -duct
    • -ductless
    • -thyroid
    • -parathyroid
    • -pituitary
    • -adrenal
    • -gonad
  15. duct gland?
    produces saliva (exocrine)
  16. ductless?
    produce hormones (endocrine)
  17. thyroid?
    • hypothyroidism-underactive thyroid gland
    • -cretinism-small individuals (dwarf)
    • hyperthyroidism-overactive thyroid gland
  18. parathyroid?
    • regulates use of calcium; lack could result in twitching
  19. pituitary?
    growth; overactive-giants; underactive-dwarfs
  20. adrenal?
  21. gonads?
    sperm and egg
  22. measuring and looking at skin changes
    GSR-galvanic skin response
  23. complex, organized, unlearned, behavior pattern, all members of the species
  24. another term for instincts
    species specific behavior
  25. sleep; stage 1
    wind your body down, brain wave and breathing change, muscle relax (10 min)
  26. sleep; stage 2
    brain wave pattern (high and low voltage) 30 min.
  27. sleep; stage 3
    REM (rapid eye movement) ; dreaming
  28. sleep; stage 4
    deepest, 1 hr- 1 1/2 hrs.
  29. average amount of time of dreams
    25 minutes
  30. Freud 3 explanations about dreams
    • -emotional release
    • -fantasy-made up
    • -repression-things you don't want to come to the conscious mind
  31. dreams reflect more recent activities; experience of everyday life
  32. brain cell firing
  33. difficulty in sleeping; long time to go to bed, stay asleep, wake up to early
  34. to be independent
  35. spinal chord is an extension of the brain and can produce some behaviors on its own without the brain
    spinal reflex
  36. neurons that carry information to the CNS
    sensory neurons
  37. nuerons that carry information away from the CNS to muscles, glands, and internal organs.
    motor nuerons
  38. skeletal nervous system
    somatic nervous system
  39. self-governing; subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates the internal organs and glands
    • autonomic nervous system
  40. People can control their autonomic responses through a process called
  41. subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that acts as a brake, operates during relaxed states, and conserves energy
    parasympathetic nervous system
  42. mobilizes the body for action
    sympathetic nervous system
  43. largest part of the brain
  44. The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by the?
    corpus callosum
  45. The phenomenon in which the 2 hemispheres control somewhat different functions
  46. the lobes that contains the visual cortex and are located at the back of the head
  47. the lobes that contain the somatosensory cortex, which receives the input that allows us to interpret the body sensations
  48. lobes that are at the sides of the head, just above the ears; contain the auditory cortex which allows us to process sounds
  49. lobes located at the front of the brain contain the motor cortex, whish initiates muscle movements
  50. handles speech production
    Broca's area
  51. the areas in the cortex that appear to be responsible for higher mental processes
    association cortex
  52. a method for analyzing biochemical activity in the brain, using injections of a glucoselike substance containing a radioactive element.
    PET scan
  53. A method for studing body and brain tissue, using magnetic fields and special radio receivers
    MRI- magnetic resonance imaging
  54. a recording or neural activity detected by electrodes
    electroencephalogram (EEG)
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