Complex Sentences

  1. Although the Foster Grandparent Program is more than 30 years old, many people do not know about it.
    Although the Foster Grandparent Program is more than 30 years old, many people do not know about it. adverb
  2. This program was established so that hospitalized and institutionalized children could get special attention.
    This program was established so that hospitalized and institutionalized children could get special attention. adverb
  3. Anyone can volunteer who is at least 60 years old and meets other requirment.
    Anyone can volunteer who is at least 60 years old and meets other requirment. noun
  4. After a volunteer is trained, he or she is assigned two children.
    After a volunteer is trained, he or she is assigned two children. adverb
  5. Because foster grandparents need to get to know their "grandchildren," they visit the children each day.
    Because foster grandparents need to get to know their "grandchildren," they visit the children each day. adverb
  6. These daily visits last for two hours so that the children can get careful attention from their foster grandparents.
    These daily visits last for two hours so that the children can get careful attention from their foster grandparents.
  7. Although foster grandparents are volunteers, they are paid.
    • Although foster grandparents are volunteers, they are paid.
    • adverb
  8. They also receive travel expenses while they serve.
    • They also receive travel expenses while they serve.
    • adverb
  9. Since this government program was founded in 1965, there have been foster grandparent projects in all 50 states.
    Since this government program was founded in 1965, there have been foster grandparent projects in all 50 states. adverb
  10. Because more than 16,000 volunteers have been involved, more than 30,000 children have benefited.
    Because more than 16,000 volunteers have been involved, more than 30,000 children have benefited. adverb
Card Set
Complex Sentences
Read the sentences and identify the clauses.