Chinese Lesson 13

  1. 分别
    • fēnbié
    • (adv/v.) separately; respectively; to part from each other
  2. 出发
    • chūfā
    • (v.) to set out; to depart
  3. 美丽
    • měilì
    • (adj.) beautiful
  4. 留(下)
    • liú (xia)
    • (v.) to leave behind; to stay behind
    • shēn
    • (adj.) profound; deep;
    • dark (in color); intimate (of relations or feelings
  5. 分享
    • fēnxiǎng
    • (v.) to share (joy, happiness, benefit, etc.)
    • zhī
    • (p.) (literary counterpart of 的)
  6. 报名
    • bàomíng
    • (vo) to sign up; to register
  7. 参加
    • cānjiā
    • (v.) to participate; to take aprt; to attend
    • tuán
    • (n.) group; organization
  8. 包括
    • bāokuò
    • (v.) to include; to consist of
  9. 交通
    • jiāotōng
    • (n.) transportation; traffic
  10. 门票
    • ménpiào
    • (n.) admission ticket; admission fee
  11. 旅客
    • lǚkè
    • (n.) passenger; voyager; traveler
    • yìng
    • (adj.) hard
  12. 卧铺
    • wòpù
    • (n.) sleeping berth or bunk on a train
  13. 车厢
    • chēxiāng
    • (n.) railway carriage
  14. 枕头
    • zhěntou
    • (n.) pillow
    • ruǎn
    • (adj.) soft
    • guān
    • (v.) to close; to turn off
  15. 打呼噜
    • dǎ hūlu
    • (vo.) to snore
    • dùn
    • (m) (measure word for meals)
  16. 盒饭
    • héfàn
    • (n.) box lunch
    • miàn
    • (n.) noodles
  17. 拥抱
    • yōngbào
    • (v.) to embrace; to hug
  18. 幽默
    • yōumò
    • (adj.) humorous
    • dòu
    • (v/adj) to tease; to play with; amusing
  19. 省会
    • shěnghuì
    • (n) provincial capital
    • měi
    • (adj.) beautiful; good
  20. 亲眼
    • qīnyǎn
    • (adv.) (to see) with one's own eyes
  21. 饮食
    • yǐnshí
    • (n) diet; food and drink
  22. 风俗
    • fēngsú
    • (n) custom
  23. 习惯
    • xíguàn
    • (n/v) habit; to be accustomed to
  24. 游览
    • yóulǎn
    • (v/n) to go sightseeing; to tour; excursion
  25. 石头
    • shítou
    • (n) stone; rock; pebble
  26. 树林
    • shùlín
    • (n) woods; forest
    • jiǎng
    • (v) to speak; to tell
  27. 故事
    • gùshi
    • (n) story; tale
    • (n) tower; pagoda-shaped structure
  28. 古老
    • gǔlǎo
    • (adj) ancient; old
  29. 纪念品
    • jìniànpǐn
    • (n) souvenir; keepsake; memento
  30. 千万
    • qiānwàn
    • (adv.) by all means; absolutely must
    • (n) river
  31. 茶馆
    • cháguǎn
    • (n) teahouse
  32. 灯笼
    • dēnglong
    • (n) lantern
  33. 来往
    • láiwǎng
    • (v.) to come and go; to have dealings with
  34. 房东
    • fángdōng
    • (n) landlord or landlady
  35. 昆明
    • Kūnmíng
    • Kunming (capital of Yunnan Province)
  36. 石林
    • Shílín
    • The Stone Forest
  37. 大理
    • Dàlǐ
    • Dali
  38. 丽江
    • Lìjiāng
    • Lijiang
Card Set
Chinese Lesson 13
chinese vocab