NAT160 Seneca Nutrition Course


  • Body mass index is weight (kg)2 divided by height (m).


  • Weight-loss products and services are usually tested for safety before they reach the market.


  • Calories are not a component of food like vitamins or minerals.


  • Physical activity is the heat producing energy required to process foods chemically.


  • Dietary thermogenesis is the energy needed for muscular work.


  • Losing weight gradually at a rate of two pounds per month is realistic if the goal is to keep the weight off.


  • Basal metabolism is the energy needed to maintain bodily functions at rest that sustain life.


  • High-fat foods provide more calories gram per gram than foods that contain primarily carbohydrate or protein.

  • True

  • Calories are generally fattening and lead to weight increases.


  • Taste and appearance of a food can help you determine the calories in that food.


  • Most of the initial weight lost on a high-protein diet is due to water excretion.


  • Most foods contain a mixture of the energy nutrients.


  • It is important to count calories when attempting to lose weight.


  • The mark of a successful weight loss program is maintenance of weight loss in the long term.


  • All of the following are true about high-protein diets EXCEPT:

    they lead to permanent weight loss

  • Cecilia weighs 120 pounds. Approximately, how many calories does she need daily for basal metabolic processes?


  • Weight-for-height tables:

    have been replaced by standards employing the body mass index

  • All of the following statements about body fat are true EXCEPT:

    Body fat at 1% of a woman's total weight is necessary for survival

  • Fred had his body mass index (BMI) calculated as 32 by a dietitian. According to this assessment, Fred is:


  • Tom plans to lower his calorie intake by 500 calories a day. How much weight can he expect to lose in 1 week?

    1 pound

  • A waist circumference of less than _____ cm in men or below _____ cm in women is related to decreased risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

    102; 88

  • Which of the following is correct about what to expect for weight loss?

    All of the above are to be expected.

  • Which of the following makes up most of people's need for calories?

    basal metabolism

  • Which of the following foods contain calories?

    all of the above contain calories.

  • Anne had her body mass index (BMI) calculated as 17 by a dietitian. According to this assessment, Anne is:


  • Apple-shaped people are at increased risk for which condition(s)?

    all of the above.

  • A calorie is used to measure:


  • Positive energy balance exists during:

    a, b

  • Which of the following areas where the body may store fat is associated with increased health risks?


  • Most of the weight lost initially on a high-protein is:


  • Obesity is defined as a BMI of:

    30 kg/m2 or higher

  • Which of the following are small changes in diet that may result in gradual weight loss?

    all of the above.

  • Martin had his body mass index (BMI) calculated as 28 by a dietitian. According to this assessment, Martin is:

    overweight but not obese

  • Which of the following is/are related to the increasing incidence of obesity?

    all of the above.

  • Which type of fat is the easiest to lose?

    fat concentrated in the waist

  • Calculate the calories in a mystery food that has 3 grams of fat, 2 grams of protein and 17 grams of carbohydrate.


  • When calories in (eaten) equals calories out (burned), the result is a stable weight. This is called:

    energy balance

  • What are some ways the body loses water daily?

    all of the above

  • Which of the following is a benefit of drinking water?

    none of the above

  • The best source of fluoride is:

    most public water.

  • For a water to be labeled "spring water" it must be taken from:

    fresh water that forms pools or streams on the surface of the earth.

  • What mineral is mainly provided by our drinking water?


  • Which of the following foods provides the least amount of water?

    well-done meat

  • What are some factors that increase water losses from the body?

    all of the above

  • Water serves to function in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

    speeds up weight loss.

  • All of the following are advantages of drinking bottled water EXCEPT:

    it is purer than tap water.

  • All of the following are signs of adequate hydration status EXCEPT:

    dark yellow urine.

  • Adults are approximately what percent water weight?


  • All of the following are symptoms of dehydration EXCEPT:


  • What benefits can consumption of over 10 cups of fluid provide?

    all of the above

  • Water safety is considered a top public health priority.


  • Water is the largest, single component of our diet and body.


  • A slight water deficiency of only 1 litre will slow your blood circulation and reduce your ability to concentrate.


  • Most adults require about 4 cups of fluids each day.


  • A deficiency of water can lead to dehydration.


  • Water is an essential nutrient.


  • Mineral water is naturally carbonated.


  • It is impossible to consume too much water.


  • Bottled water you purchase is "purer" or better for you than tap water.


  • Drinking alcohol increases water losses.


  • A high fibre diet can increase water losses.


  • Folic-acid-fortified cereals and breads help to decrease the risk of neural tube defects.


  • Echinacea may prevent motion sickness.


  • All dietary supplements will have to be tested for safety and effectiveness prior to marketing according to Health Canada's Natural Health Products Regulations.


  • Osteoporosis is an inevitable part of the aging process.


  • Little has been known about the safety or effectiveness of the majority of dietary supplements.


  • Green tea may decrease the risk of certain types of cancer.


  • Most researchers agree that a daily supplement providing 100% of the Daily Value or less for vitamins and minerals does no harm.


  • Iron-deficiency anemia in children is related to lasting retardation in mental development.


  • Cranberry may relieve urinary tract infections.


  • Most of the calcium in the American diet comes from fruits and vegetables.


  • A vitamin supplement can cure a deficiency of that vitamin.


  • There is some evidence that certain vitamin supplements may be important in both the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.


  • An easy way to tell if a food is high in sodium is whether it tastes salty.


  • Garlic may reduce elevated blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.


  • As long as you take a supplement, it doesn't really matter what you eat.


  • The preferred treatment for hypertension (high blood pressure) is drug therapy.


  • The availability of minerals can vary according to what else is consumed with them.


  • Herbal remedies can be safely used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

  • False

  • A high-sodium diet can cause a rise in blood pressure in some people.


  • Herbal remedies always have a positive effect on body processes.


  • All of the following are considered risk factors for osteoporosis EXCEPT:

    being a male.

  • Vegans who don't consume fortified soy milk may benefit from which two supplements?

    calcium and zinc

  • What substance in plants is tightly bound to iron and limits its absorption into the body?

    c and d

  • Which of the following is a valid reason for consuming vitamin and mineral supplements?

    none of the above

  • Anyone experiencing significant blood losses would benefit from which supplement?


  • Calcium is involved in the following functions:

    all of the above

  • The least calcium is absorbed into the body from which food?

    dried beans

  • What would you tell someone who is eating a cheeseburger, french fries, and a milkshake for lunch, but insists that their diet is healthy enough because they take vitamins daily?

    Their risk of heart disease from such a high-fat diet is not lowered by taking vitamins.

  • Which of the following factors may influence whether negative side effects from an herbal supplement occur?

    all of the above

  • Which food(s) would be the best to avoid if you want to limit sodium in your diet?

    c and d

  • Salt-sensitive people often develop _____ when their diets are high in salt.

    high blood pressure

  • Women tend to consume too little calcium because of which of following reasons?

    all of the above

  • Which of the following is/are the best ways to treat mild hypertension?

    a and b

  • Most of the body's iron supply is found in:


  • Which of the following is an inherited tendency to absorb too much iron?


  • All of the following are risk factors for hypertension EXCEPT:


  • Which nutrient when taken before and in early pregnancy prevents a majority of cases of spinal cord malformation in newborns?


  • Which foods are the richest sources of iron?

    liver, beef, prune juice

  • What would you recommend to someone who wants to lose weight?

    Lower your intake of food and increase your activity level.

  • Even though it is possible and recommended to obtain needed vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat, who do you think may benefit from a multivitamin and mineral supplement?

    all of the above

  • Even though it is possible and recommended to obtain needed vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat, who do you think may benefit from a multivitamin and mineral supplement?

    all of the above

  • Symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia include all the following EXCEPT:

    increased energy.

  • The "goodness" of a diet depends on its:

    all the above and more

  • What are some conditions that lead to iron deficiencies?

    all of the above

  • Which vitamin will increase the absorption of iron when included in the same meal?

    vitamin C

  • All of the following are true concerning prebiotics and probiotics EXCEPT:

    Prebiotics are alive.

  • All of the following are correct about the DASH diet EXCEPT:

    It focuses on salt restriction.
    1. If a food is fortified with vitamins and minerals, information about these nutrients is required on the Nutrition Facts panel.
    2. Ingredients on a food label are listed in descending order according to the number of calories each ingredient contributes.

    3. The food label is an important means of communicating product information to consumers.
    4. Food labels always emphasize only the positive aspects of a product.
    5. A food sold by a small neighbourhood bakery does not need a nutrition label.
    6. There are many ways to identify a food allergen such as "soy" on the ingredients list.
    7. The most common food additives are sugar and salt.
    8. % Daily Value is the percentages of the standard daily intakes obtained from one serving of the food product.
    9. Food additives are listed on the label only if they become part of the food, but not if they affect the characteristics of the food.
    10. The "Serving Size" on the Nutrition Facts panel for bread will always be the same, even though the brand may differ.
    11. Plant foods, but not animal foods, can qualify as organic.
    12. Which of the following is not an approved nutrition claim for disease prevention?
      calcium and hypertension
    13. Since 1998, which of the following substances has been added to refined grain products to reduce the risk of neural tube defects?
      folic acid
    14. There might be a chance that a food item contains egg if the following ingredient is listed on the label:
    15. You might think that a food item contains soy if which one of the following ingredient was listed on the label?
      all of the above
    16. Which of the following foods could be labeled "enriched"?
    17. Which of the following products would not require a nutrition label?
      a b and c
    18. You can use the information on a food label to do which of these?
      all of the above
    19. fortification is defined as
      the addition of one or more vitamins and/or minerals to a food product
    20. The Nutrition Facts panel of the new food label must routinely provide information about all of the items listed below EXCEPT:
    21. Enrichment is defined as:
      the replacement of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron lost when grains are refined
    22. Which of the following foods could be labeled "fortified"?
      all of the above
    23. If a banana is certified as "organic":
      it has been grown on land free from synthetic fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides for at least three years.
    24. The food label:
      all of the above
    25. Of the following foods, which must carry a nutrition label?
      a box of fortified cereal
    26. There could be peanuts in a food product if it contains which ingredient on the food label?
      hydrolyzed plant protein
    27. people experiencing anaphylactic shock can be aided with an injection of:

    28. Anaphylactic shock is

      reduced oxygen supply to the heart due to the body's reaction to an allergen

    29. Which food additive that can cause anaphylactic shock is added to beer, wine and some processed foods?


    30. Which of the following methods for identifying food allergies are considered generally reliable?

      none of the above

    31. Which of the following foods is generally well tolerated by people with lactose maldigestion?

      hard cheese

    32. Common allergic reactions include:

      all of the above

    33. Which of the following widely held beliefs has been scientifically proven?

      none of the above

    34. Which of the following cause(s) a majority of food allergies?

      all of the above

    35. A substance in food that is identified as harmful by the body is:

      a food allergen

    36. Which of the following should be excluded from an infant's first year of life in order to prevent allergic reactions?


    37. Proteins the body makes to combat allergens are:


    38. The most common allergic reaction is skin eruptions, such as a rash or hives.


    39. An allergic reaction can occur within minutes or up to 24 hours after ingestion.


    40. The incidence of peanut allergies is increasing.


    41. Lactose is a disaccharide that is broken down into 2 monosaccharide units (galactose + glucose) in the process of digestion.


    42. Anaphylactic shock is a mild allergic reaction.


    43. People can experience an allergic reaction the first time they are exposed to the allergen.


    44. Infants and young children experience food allergies more often than adults.


    45. Food allergies are the same as food intolerances.


    46. A food intolerance may produce symptoms similar to food allergies.


    47. A food intolerance involves the body's immune system.


    48. The Health Protection Branch of Health Canada is continually reviewing food additives.


    49. Some food additives could be eliminated if we were willing to grow our own food or accepted the risks of food spoilage.


    50. The most common food additives are sugar and salt.


    51. The chemical identity of an additive is the same whether it is from a natural source or produced synthetically.


    52. The chemical identity of a food additive depends on whether it is extracted from a natural food or produced synthetically.


    53. The health benefits of eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruit do not outweigh the risk of residues.


    54. The wax coating on produce keeps it looking fresh and appealing but can also seal-in pesticides and other contaminants.


    55. There are no regulations for the use of waxes on fruit and vegetables in Canada.


    56. A food additive is any substance added to food that becomes part of the food or affects its characteristics.


    57. Fortification is the addition of one or more vitamins and/or minerals to a food product.


    58. Unintentional food additives must be listed on ingredient labels.


    59. Additives perform a variety of useful functions in foods that are often taken for granted.


    60. Enrichment is the replacement of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and iron lost when grains are refined.


    61. In reality, cancer risk from food additives is minimal.


    62. Which of the following has not contributed to the increased use of preservatives?

      people are purchasing fresh foods on a daily basis

    63. Intentional food additives are put in food products for all the following reasons EXCEPT:

      to neutralize toxins.

    64. Our ancestors:

      all of the above

    65. Some food additives could be eliminated if:

      all of the above

    66. Which food additive that can cause anaphylactic shock is added to beer, wine and some processed foods?


    67. The two major intentional food additives are:

      sugar and salt

    68. Which of the following foods may contain sulfites?

      all of the above

    69. All of the following are correct about MSG EXCEPT:

      it is a common ingredient in Italian food.

    70. It is best to keep perishable hot foods hot at over _____o C and cold foods cold under _____o C.

      60?C; 04?C

    71. How much time do pathogenic bacteria need in the Danger Zone to reach dangerous numbers that can cause food borne illness?

      2 hours

    72. Most pathogenic bacteria prefer conditions that are:


    73. Why do you think it is a good idea to put large quantities of a hot food in smaller containers prior to refrigeration?

      So that the food will cool down quicker to prevent bacterial growth in the center.

    74. When packing raw hamburger patties for a barbecue in the park you should:

      all of the above

    75. The 4 steps to food safety are:

      Separate, cook, clean, chill

    76. Cases of food poisoning can often be traced to:

      all of the above

    77. All of the following are good ideas when sanitizing your hands EXCEPT:

      a and c

    78. A chicken salad sandwich left in the Danger Zone would make a good place for bacteria to grow because:

      all of the above

    79. When purchasing meat it is best to:

      all of the above

    80. Which food is a potential source of food poisoning due to mercury contamination?


    81. Potentially hazardous foods are:

      b and c

    82. You pack a lunch to bring to school, but decide to have the cafeteria pizza instead. Later on you want to eat your lunch as a snack. When you come to the chicken salad sandwich, you:

      skip it because it's been in the Danger Zone for more than 2 hours.

    83. Which of the following individuals should not eat fish such as tuna, shark and swordfish due to the likelihood of high levels of mercury in them?

      pregnant women

    84. Effects of food poisoning are generally the most severe in all of the following people EXCEPT:

      healthy adults.

    85. Your mom bought steak at the grocery store, but while unpacking the groceries she received a telephone call. Forty-five minutes later you notice that the meat, wrapped in plastic, is still sitting out. You should:

      put the meat in the refrigerator to keep the bacteria from multiplying.

    86. Bacteria generally grow well in foods that are:

      warm, moist, protein-rich and low in acid

    87. You had buffalo wings delivered. In the morning you discovered you had left the uneaten wings out all night. You should:

      throw them away.

    88. The following statement about bacteria is false:

      Bacteria can be seen with the naked eye.

    89. Each of the letters in "FAT TOM" represent a condition necessary for microorganisms to grow. What do "O" and "M" stand for?

      oxygen and moisture

    90. The Danger Zone is the place where:

      conditions are most favourable for bacterial growth

    91. Which of the following are examples of cross-contamination?

      all of the above

    92. Which of the following practices will help prevent cases of food poisoning?

      All of the above are recommended.

    93. Bacteria wouldn't multiply very quickly on corn flakes because:

      cereal is low in moisture

    94. The most common biological contaminants are:

      viruses and bacteria

    95. Heat from cooking destroys bacteria and toxins.


    96. An orange is an acidic food. It is safe to eat if it is left at room temperature more than 2 hours.


    97. Most cases of food poisoning illnesses are linked to meats, eggs, shellfish and unpasteurized milk.


    98. Bacteria can be transferred from food to people, people to food, and food to food.


    99. Food poisoning is caused by bacteria and viruses only.


    100. Freezing is a good way to kill bacteria present on food.


    101. Foods may become contaminated with microorganisms during shipping.


    102. The contents of canned foods are sterile and will not spoil if left on the shelf for years.


    103. Food is in the Danger Zone if it is held at room temperature longer than 2 hours.


    104. Food borne illness can be transmitted to humans through food.


    105. Most cases of foodborne illness could be prevented if food is handled properly.


    106. Failure to adequately control food temperature is a common cause of food borne illness.


    107. Food borne illness causes flu-like symptoms.


    108. The first signs of illness due to the consumption of contaminated food may appear as soon as several minutes after the food is consumed.


    109. Keeping weight off after losing it is unsuccessful in 90 95% of all cases.


    110. Central body fat stores (giving the apple shape) are easier to lose than lower body fat stores (giving the pear shape).


    111. Satiety, an internal cue to stop eating, can be overridden by appetite, the desire for a specific food.


    112. Cultural definitions of "correct weight" change over time.


    113. Unless an obese person achieves their ideal weight, the risks associated with being obese will not decline.


    114. It does not appear that high-fat diets are more fattening than other types of diets.

    Card Set
    NAT160 Seneca Nutrition Course
    nutrition course online answers