grade 6/7 science vocab "NEW"

  1. prediction
    a prediction states what is likely to happen based on what is already known
  2. variables
    variables are things that will change the out come of the experiment if changed.
  3. classifying
    classifying is sorting objects into groups based on the OBSERVATIONS you made on that object.
  4. hypothosising
    coming up with an educated guess. never say maybe or probably in an hypothesis. always be certain and positive. like: "if an truck runs over a kid we will be fine." instead of. "A kid probably wont die if he is run over"
  5. creating mosels
    once you finish your experiment you can create tables and models to explain even more.
  6. what are the three types of variables
    independent dependent and controlled.

    there is 1 independent variable and is the only one you change in the experiment.

    the 1 dependent variable is the variable changed by the independent variable.

    the controlled variables are all the variables never changed.
  7. what are the 2 types of observations
    qualitative and quantitive

    quantitive are observations of stuff like measurements, time, volume and suff that can be measured.

    qualitative are observations of colour, smell, texture and things that can't be measured
  8. infering
    an inference is an explanation of what may have happened
  9. communicating
    is comunicating
  10. interpreting data
    interpreting data is making sense of data. once you do this you should CLASSIFY the data.
  11. observing
    when you observe something you are using your senses to learn about the world around you.
  12. mesuring
    is mesuring
  13. questioning
    to write a good question you must first know what you want to know
  14. writing an experiment
    1. question

    2. hypothesis

    3. materials

    4. procedure

    5. record data and observations

    6. analysis

    7. conclusion

    8. application

    9. create a model
Card Set
grade 6/7 science vocab "NEW"
cards for the test on thurs