Mycoplasmataceae and Chlamydiaceae 7.10

  1. What are the two genus under the Family Chlamydiaceae?
    • Chlamydia
    • Chlamydophila
  2. These are obligate intracellular bacteria with a unique development cycle.
  3. These are gram negative, non motile organisms that replicate within cytoplasm of host cells.
  4. how are chlaymdia organisms different than a virus?
    • has DNA, RNA
    • makes own protein
    • sensitve to anitbiotics
  5. Chlaymidia are considered energy parasites that use host cell-produced _____ for own requirements?
  6. what are the three Chlamydiaceae organsims?
    • Chlamydia trachomatis
    • Chlamidophila psittaci
    • Chlamidophila pneumoniae
  7. Chlamydia trachomatis have what tow natural hosts?
    • human eyes
    • genitals
  8. how many subtypes of Chlamydia trachomatis are there?
  9. what are the four subtypes of C. trachomatis that cuases trachoma and TRIC (inclusion conjunctivitis)?
    • A
    • B
    • Ba
    • C
  10. This is the infectious Dx of cornea and conjuctiva that is a common preventable form of blindness?
    Chlamydia trachomatis
  11. What are the subtypes of Chlamydia trachomatis that causes nongonococcal urethritis (NUG)?
  12. Chlamydia trachomatis subtypes D-K are associated with _____ of urethritis, cervicitis, PID, and epididymitis?
  13. what are the three subgroups of Chlamydia trachomatis that causes Lymphogranuloma venereum?
    L1, L2, L3 LGV
  14. this is an infectious venereal disease characterized by primay ulcer and lymphadenopathy, may become chronic with genital hyperplasia, rectal strictures, fistulas and sinuses?
    Lymphogranuloma venereum
  15. This organism cuases infections of the lungs and is transmitted by birds.
    Chlamydophila psittaci
  16. This organism is also known as TWAR.
    Chlamydophil pneumoniae
  17. This organism causes pneumonia, sinusitis, and flu-like symptoms that may be severe for immunocompromised patients.
    Chlamydophila pneumoniae
  18. how is C. pneumoniae diagnosed?
  19. ture or fale
    All three Chlamydia/Chlamydophilas are not related at all.
  20. this is the infectious stage of the Chlamydia growth cycle where bacteria are adapted for extracellular survival?
    Elementary body
  21. In what growth cycle stage do Chlamydia have rigid walls and are non-metabolic?
    elementary body
  22. what are the size of Chlamydia in the elementary body stage?
    0.25-.035 um
  23. this stage of the growth cycle is also called the reticulate body, chlamydia organisms are adapted for intracellular environment.
    Initial body
  24. this stage of the growth cycle has metabolic activity and a flexible wall.
    initial body
  25. in what stage of the growth cycle do chlamydia organisms replicate?
    initial body
  26. what is the size or chlamyida organisms in the initial body?
  27. How do elementary bodies enter a cell?
  28. EB prevent what cellular function?
    phagolysosomal fusion
  29. EB re-organizes and enlarge and form what within the cell?
    initial body
  30. how long does it take for binary fission to occur?
    >8 hours
  31. how long after infection does the IB fill the cytoplasm and host cell to dispace the nucleus?
    18-24 hours
  32. true or false
    Some IB's can revert back to EB's?
  33. after this happens there is a release of elementary bodies to initiate another cycle of infection.
    host cell rupture
  34. chlamydia organisms are collected from what involved cells?
    epithelial cells
  35. For collection of what organism should you NOT use purulent discharge?
  36. for NGU, use _________ swab, insert _________ cm into urethra, apply adequate pressure.
    • calcium alginate
    • 1-4 um
  37. For cervical and ocular specimens the mucosa should be scraped using what type of collection media?
    • dacron
    • Rayon
  38. Cotton should not be used for collection of what media becuase it is toxic?
  39. collection of LGV samles should be collecting from what?
    bubo aspirates of fluctuant nodes
  40. Swabs, scrapings, and small tissues of chlamydia should be collected in what two special transport mediums?
    • 2SP
    • SPG
  41. Chlamydia specimens should be refrigerated at 4oC if processed w/in ____ hours.
  42. Chlamydia specimens should be frozen at what temperature if not processed within 24 hours.
  43. clinical Chlamydia specimens should be shaken with _________ prior to inoculation.
    glass beads
  44. Methods of tissue culture for what organsims are beyond capabilities of most clinical micro labs and should be forwarded to reference laboratory.
  45. What are the three tissue cells appropriate for Chlamydia culture?
    • Mccoy (mouse)
    • Hella229 (human)
    • Monkey kidney cells
  46. what is the most sensitve direct method to detect and ID Chlamydia in symtomatic patients?
  47. This is an old method for Chlamydia ID where scrapings are air-dried and inclusions appear as reddish-brown masses recognizable under low magnification.
    Iodine staining technique
  48. This new technology is more sensitive and specific, it amplifies target DNA and allows use of urine.
    PCR amplification
  49. This technique uses poly/monoclonal Ab to detect outer membrane proteins of organisms. It has questionable specificity (False +).
  50. Mycoplasmataceae are aslo known as what?
    Pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLO)
  51. These fastidious organisms are highly pleomorphic and has no true cell wall which makes them very susceptible to drying.
  52. Mycoplasmatacaea has a triple layered _________ membrane.
  53. Most Mycoplasmatacaea organisms require what for nutrition?
  54. What family of organisms cannot be gram stained but are technically gram negative.
  55. Mycoplasmatacaea re best visualized using what type of microscopy?
    • darkfield
    • Phase contrast
  56. what is a clue to identification of mycoplasmatacae?
    anatomic site of infection
  57. What are the two genuses of Mycoplasmataceae?
    • Mycoplasma
    • Ureaplasma
  58. What are the three species of Mycoplasma?
    • M. pneumoniae
    • M. hominis
    • M. genitalium
  59. What is the species of Ureaplasma?
    U. urealyticum
  60. What is the natural host of M. pneumoniae?
  61. This organism is not considered normal flora, and causes 50% of community acqured pneumonia?
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae
  62. This is the etiological agent of cold-hemagglutinin associated with primary atypical pneumonia (PAP).
    M. pneumoniae
  63. Mycoplasma pnumoniae is the etiological agent of what disease that is a rarely fatal subclinical infection related to respiratory epithelium?
    Walking pneumonia
  64. ture or false
    some patients of walking pneumonia are asymptomatic.
  65. these two organisms are a natural host of the GU tract of humans known as genital mycoplasmas.
    • Mycoplasma hominis
    • Ureaplasma urealyticum
  66. Distribution and habitat of this organism is unknown but it is frequently seen in cervicitis and endometriosis.
    M. genitalium
  67. what percent of NGU is caused by M. geitalium?
  68. This organism is collected from fluid samples with no anticoagulant, dacron or Ca alginate swabs should be used.
  69. What genus requires beef or soybean protein and serum for cultivation?
  70. what is the media used for M. pneumoniae?
    biphasic SP-4
  71. after incubation at 37oC for 4 weeks, this organism will appear as spherical grainy, yellowis fors embedded in agar?
    M. pneumoniae
  72. What media is used for genital mycoplasmas?
    A7 to A8 agar
  73. Genital mycoplasmas should be incuabted at 37oC for 7 days if using what form of media?
  74. Genital mycoplasmas should be incubated at 37oC, with 5% CO2 or anaerobic for 2-5 days when using what form of media?
  75. This organism will appear as dark, brownish clumps on the A7 to A8 agar.
    U. urealyticum
  76. This organism will appear as fried eggs on the A7 to A8 agar.
    M. hominis
  77. Cold agglutinin test is used to detect what organism becuased 50% of patients produce this antibody.
    M. pneumoniae
  78. what is the most widely used serological test for ID of M. pneumoniae?
  79. true or false
    sero studes for seginal mycoplasma is rarely used.
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Mycoplasmataceae and Chlamydiaceae 7.10
Microbiology Unit 7.10 Mycoplasmataceae and Chlamydiaceae